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Everything posted by Duck_dodgers007

  1. I figured you be writing, "Darn, that's actually a good idea, I really hate that sewer tax! Totally pointless tax, well, all taxes are pointless, Dumbfokistan here I come!"
  2. Let's just cutout an area in Mississippi or Alabama and create the new nation of Dumbfokistan and have all the malcontents in the country that want to secede move on in. They can have their anti-government nation and we can be done with them. The news reports out of Dumbfokistan would be great entertainment. "the debate over taxes for sewer lies grows heated as president Sarah Palin proposes a law to make it illegal for the government to steal people's feces"
  3. http://www.cnbc.com/id/49770594 "President Obama said Friday that he would insist that tax increases on affluent Americans be part of any agreement to avoid a year-end fiscal crisis, setting up a possible confrontation with Congressional Republicans who say they will oppose a rise in tax rates for the rich." Should the Republicans call his bluff and let the situation go and blow up? Obama sure looks confident now, an experienced chief executive with an electoral mandate at his back.
  4. Complaining about living in best country in the world, sorry, what the he'll don't you understand?
  5. Sorry, missed them, tell again these better countries than our country....
  6. Glad and surprised you sort of understand my question, wow. So the question is, he's doing great, making lots of money, living large, but he doesn't want to pay taxes to the country that makes that possible. You understand that? We are lucky to live here and should be happy to contribute to the nation that has given us such a great life
  7. GG you have always been an idiot and always will be. But since you challenged me, do tell us, which low tax country is a paradise? You can't see beyond your own ideology. Never have any specifics, just spew right wing garbage and get praised by other idiots for it. Face it, you are a right wing blow hard who is basically an ignoramus. Instead of insulting me answer with some even basic economic thought that is above a second grade level, really, what is it you want economically in this country, be specific turd breath
  8. It costs money to live in the best country in the world. That in itself is a free market fact of life. Why should you get a free ride?
  9. Ok, and what economic specifics do you propose to "save" the country? What, cut taxes for everyone-- but especially for the wealthy who pay the most, and slash government services? That's it, right?
  10. Slavery was constitutional...so I guess everything has always been constitutional
  11. Sarah Palin says we need to just follow the Constitution and it will tell us what to do and everything will work out for the best
  12. I remember 2004 that pan handle got counted last so if that's true again Romney will win that state
  13. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin go Obama, wow Florida is a barn burner!
  14. Pretty funny actually. She started complaining that the GOP message needed to be changed. Changed how? More Benghazi, more on Obama care more on how everything they were already doing. Just idiotic!
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