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Everything posted by Duck_dodgers007

  1. Duh! And did a see Obama wiTh a lead in Florida???
  2. Romney's a liberal, I don't trust him. He just wants to destroy the GOP like the Liberal media does! Sour grapes?
  3. Obama is declared winner shortly after the polls close in Florida and Ohio at 7:30??? Could happen!
  4. Future president Michelle Obama is speaking!
  5. HEy Conner, you seem to be even more hated here than me on this web site, congrats!!!
  6. They can't do it and get away with it. The Supreme Court won't stop a recount this year without serious repercussions, if that happened it would justify a re-reading of the first part of the Declaration of Independence
  7. Ya, unlike Mississippi and South Carolina voters, wow
  8. Well, since reality has a Liberal bias, Conservatives whine more about everything...
  9. Quote of the Day "If I hear anybody say it was because Romney wasn't conservative enough I'm going to go nuts. We're not losing 95% of African-Americans and two-thirds of Hispanics and voters under 30 because we're not being hard-ass enough." -- Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), quoted by Politico, saying that demographics would be the only reason for a hypothetical Mitt Romney loss Tuesday. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83305_Page2.html Already fighting over why Romney lost???
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/puerto-ricans-key-florida-presidential-vote-095301711--election.html Obama's team is working hard to get Puerto Ricans to the polls. Along with the Spanish-language ads on TV and radio, the campaign is organizing raucous caravans with decorated car windows and loud speakers on trucks, a tradition in Puerto Rico elections. "The issue is, can we motivate the base for a huge turnout," said Bill Richardson, a Latino and former New Mexico governor, as he helped organize a caravan Friday in a heavily Hispanic Orlando neighborhood. Early reports are good, he said, "but we have to drag them out, like we're doing here in this caravan, to motivate early voters."
  11. If Mitt wins we have yet another expensive war on our hands AND more tax cuts to "pay" for it!
  12. New York Times stats guru Nate Silver has elevated the likelihood of President Obama’s re-election to better than 85 percent in his latest update. In an early morning update Sunday, Obama improved to an 85.1 percent favorite of winning a second term. That’s the highest Obama has scored in Silver’s influential polling model — which balances a wide variety of state and national polls and weighs them according to past performance and likely accuracy — since he topped 87 percent just before the first presidential debate in Denver. http://www.salon.com/2012/11/04/sunday_update_nate_silver_makes_obama_85_percent_favorite/
  13. One of the causes of the French Revolution was the fact the wealthy refused to pay their fair share of taxes
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