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Everything posted by Duck_dodgers007

  1. Obviously Obama really is to blamed here. Four Americans are dead and Presidents should never let that many Ameicans die on their watch, name me one president that had that many Americans die overseas on their watch...you cant!
  2. That's total bs. Sure, let's do an experiment in destroying a persons dignity and take notes on it You are a total a-hole Are you serious??? People love this stuff, beatings, whippings, hangings....lynchings! Were very popular spectator events and the minute that human torture, humiliation etc becomes something "respectable" people sanction we have taken a long step backwards, not forward. No thanks
  3. No, probably just enjoys seeing people humiliated, brutalized, etc. Society is a better place with less violence, cruelty and institutionalized and government sanctioned collective punishment for entertainment of the lower sorts of society.
  4. But you are an idiot, so no, beating, humiliating, denying people of their human dignity will only make things worse. What type of sadistic animal are you?
  5. You agree that the country still has self made capitalists even after the new deal, the great society and the era of big government, right?
  6. Rich kids could buy substitutes, poor kids were allowed to be bought. Fair?
  7. Oh shut up, nothing more pathetic than a whining moron like you. 1 had to crush the South and save the Union, Fort Sumter was a lot closer than Pearl 2 the Germans were sinking our ships 3 missed the Vanderbilt sons death, my bad Edison and Franklin are just super star humans. Franklin would probably be a liberal today, he was so into institution building and making society better, Edison put his energies into other very important areas. Love them both.
  8. Like ww1 and two??? Boy, this is such a nice thread and the Conservatives have to use it to bash the good people, can't you angry guys leave politics out of anything?
  9. And Vanderbilts even more wealthy son? And poor excuse for Rockefeller, who bought a substitute who went off to war in his place. Ya, I'll give you Carnegie
  10. Marconi actually had to move to Nova Scotia or Newfoundland because the big telegraph companies in the UK wouldn't allow it there. Ya!!! Did the project go well??
  11. Why didn't any of these guys fight in the Civil War? Answer...poor people went for them! I admire Carnegie and Vanderbilt and Edison, great men, but they can't be used as a measure for ordinary people to be measured by, few people are that great. And no, they did not do it themselves. Vanderbilt didn't build a steam engine, Carnegie didn't invent the Bessemer Steel process and well, edison was so great no argument there, he deserved whatever the world could give him.
  12. Looks like we are actually going to see immigration reform soon and there will be a path a more Democratic votes, oops, I mean new citizens. I heard on NPR that Texas might actually turn blue after not too long because of this if Hispanics continue to support the Democrats in these same numbers So I want to say welcome to our new Americans!
  13. Oops, I think you are right, alternating so they can switch it to high and low current to send it a long distance and then make it go lower voltage when it goes into your house. I didn't know about the Morgan angle, I haven't seen that episode yet, but the series looks great. I watched the one on Carnegie and the steel strike
  14. Yes, that is a very good story! Killing animals to scare people. The commission at Niagara Falls settled the issue and decided on DC, and after that what could Edison do? Biggest electrical project in the country goes DC and Edison began switching over and working with Westinghouse. You can see the electrocution of the elephant from Cony Island on YouTube which was done by Edison and filmed by Edison.
  15. Easier to raise your taxes, plus we get the bonus of seeing you cry about it, ha!
  16. What would have happened to the University--let me guess, you totally hate universities *.* --if they could not pay off the banks?
  17. They won't raise taxes in Dumbfokistan....ever! " in part because of illegal manipulation by the same banks that sold the swaps" Well done
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