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Rocky Landing

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Everything posted by Rocky Landing

  1. He's gotten worse every season. I remember a time when I appreciated him, but now it's like he's having conversations with imaginary friends.
  2. Yes. I used to refer to this as the "RRPP Offense."
  3. N'Keal "Straight-Line" Harry cannot get separation. He's a poor man's Zay Jones.
  4. I would actually tend to agree with this, but with one significant caveat: "Bill Belichick will be out of New England when HE decides he’s ready to walk away," and while Robert Kraft is still alive.
  5. I disagree. It's not going to save him. And between going behind his HC's back, his dirty play on the field, and his sideline tantrums, his reputation around the league must be utter crap. His skill's to date put him somewhere in the "decent backup" category, IMO. But being a backup in the league requires certain intangibles that are the polar opposite of the inclination to undermines one's HC.
  6. I honestly think that '19 Thanksgiving game in Dallas still resonates with them.
  7. I wish there were video of this. Certainly looks like an obvious hold that would be called, but with only a still frame, it's hard to know if it would be something he might have gotten away with. Also that he was able to get to the inside of Davis makes me wonder if it wasn't PI.
  8. It's hard not to lose a bit of respect for Payton over these statements. Regardless of how valid his opinions may be, he's taking a real swipe at Hackett's livelihood here. I get 'trash talking,' and all of that (they are week five opponents, after all), but publicly trashing a previous regime really seems to cross the line of professionalism. I'm not sure I've ever seen a HC act in such a way.
  9. My assumption would be that they'll develop Torrence the same way they developed Brown-- start him on ST extra point, and field goal units, while he learns the playbook. Put him in late in garbage time, when available, and he'll hopefully start by midseason. If memory serves me correctly, that's what they did with Brown.
  10. You didn't notice the veiled undertone of animosity between DK and DK? The deep-seated resentment masked by the saccharine big-brother helpfulness from Knox, hiding his apprehension? And the feigned, down-home modesty that Kincaid holds over his senior teammate like a cudgel, all too aware of his first-round pedigree? Or am I reading into this?
  11. A '23 Lamborghini Urus. Interstate 94, just after 3am on a Thursday, he decides to open her up, and see what she'll do. He, and that cop were probably the only people on the road at that time. He didn't try to flee, he wasn't drunk, and he wasn't armed. I'm not going to judge this too harshly.
  12. I'd like to know who taught Macnchz to alligator roll an ankle, or kick the DB in the nuts when sliding.
  13. Is this whining, or bragging? Maybe a bit of both? Edelman played for one team his entire career. What does he really know about how other teams practice? And not for nothing, all of the playoff games he played in represent a lot more practice sessions than most other teams during that time.
  14. There are quite a few now-former Browns fans who agree with you.
  15. Up until a few years ago, my family and I would spend two days a year in St George on the way to, and from Park City for skiing. It's a wonderful little town-- emphasis on "little," and surrounded by stunningly beautiful desert. There's a handful of terrific restaurants, considering the size of the town, and also a thriving local arts scene. It always struck me as a friendly mix of conservative, and liberal with people being pretty accepting of each other. Plenty of hippies, but also plenty of cowboys open-carrying their side arms. But very friendly. I don't know if it's been resolved, or not, but there have been serious issues with their water supply, as the town has been very rapidly growing without enough water to meet their needs. Good luck, and congratulations on your new life, in a beautiful town!
  16. Did I just read all of that right? Did the OP not only say that we should trade Allen, but that if we did, we wouldn't get a #1 pick for him???
  17. A "why doesn't Tyrod get more respect" thread probably wouldn't have generated ten pages when he was actually playing on the team.
  18. https://www.theonion.com/nfl-players-suspended-for-violating-draftkings-terms-of-1850592792
  19. Love the spelling of Mac & Cheese. I’m stealing that. 👍
  20. I mean, c'mon now... "Terry Pegula extended McDermott's, and Beane's contracts to send a message to the uppity blacks on the team" is maybe the most bizarre, steaming hot take I've ever read on this site.
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