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Bud Adams

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Everything posted by Bud Adams

  1. Ralph is ch... Sorry, had to. Old habits die hard, even though he's proven otherwise. BA
  2. "a" "He plays like a Bruce Smith, or even a young Jevon Kearse..." Apparently, there's more than one Bruce Smith and one Jevon Kearse. BA
  3. I went on record immediately after the draft, saying he will be a franchise quarterback within three years. I stand by that. This kid can flat out PLAY. I went nuts when we passed him over for Graham. Hopefully Graham proves me wrong. BA
  4. I see what you did there, Code. I think the results would be less one-sided without your "editorial" at the end of Option 2. I'd love to know how many posters on this board think that real refs suck "as much as" the replacement refs. If the real refs aren't calling games by Week 3, watch what happens on these boards. It won't be pretty. BA
  5. Exactly. But I'm gonna need a BIGGER freezer! BA
  6. Apples and oranges. Blackouts do not affect game play. Incompetent refs do. We'll have to agree to disagree on this. I don't see how the NFL will take "NO" hit as a result of replacement refs. I don't think anyone is going to blame the refs -- They'll blame the NFL. Regular officials make mistakes on a regular basis, and are held accountable. How will replacement reps be held accountable? They won't. If this strike goes into the season, the games will be unwatchable. I'm betting the refs win this battle, and win BIG. Ah, you don't know me. I can't watch "unwatchable football." I still haven't warmed to MLB since the strike and replacement players. In fact, it's questionable as to whether MLB has recovered from it, but that's a debate for another forum.
  7. Not sure I'm with you on this one. If these refs keep screwing up every other call (and fans' teams lose as a result), there could be a huge backlash, including reduced ticket sales, reduced sales of merchandise, lower ratings, Sunday Ticket non-renewals, etc. This could turn into a PR nightmare for the NFL. If the wannabe refs make two horrific calls that cost the Bills two games, I can say with certainty that I'm not going to watch another NFL game until the real refs are back. I don't think I'm alone in this. BA
  8. I'm thinking it would be the Pats. Or Dolphins. BA
  9. IMO, it's way too early to make that statement with a full season of college football to go. A lot can change in a season. Who's to say one of the "big names" from next year's draft won't have a monster year? Plus, there has been a trend of "reaching" for QBs in the first round the past few years. If we draft in the 20s, two or three likely will be gone. BA
  10. Not only that, they got STOMPED 35-10 by the Browns yesterday! THE BROWNS! They've been exposed for what they really are -- HORRIBLE! Thank goodness for preseason games! BA
  11. I found it interesting that Young didn't scramble once. I'm wondering if Chan told him, "We want to see you throw -- Do not even think about running." We already know that he has the running advantage over Thigpen. I think Chan wanted to see him throw versus Thigpen, so he could compare apples to apples. Buh-bye, Tyler. BA
  12. We're going to need those picks to trade up for a QB. Just my two cents. BA
  13. It's nothing personal. If the player goes to a division rival, he (whoever "he" may be) is the enemy. I felt the same way about Thurman when he signed with the Fins. I despised him for that entire season. BA
  14. Chan: "Isn't it obvious to you by now that the only reason you were a "good" head coach was because of Elway?"
  15. Psst! That's entitled "Mayhem Interview." I'm supposed to know what that is? Didn't even come up in a search for "Maybin." BA
  16. Haven't seen this posted yet, but I'm sure it'll be pointed out if it was. Today's New York Post's article on Maybin is amusing. I'm looking past the first first ten paragraphs of Buffalo-related stuff. I'll quote from there, bolding the parts that made me shake my head: This offseason, Maybin has packed on the pounds. He reached 254 pounds before dropping down to 240 before camp. It is a challenge for Maybin to keep weight on. He said he’s needed IVs during camp because he has lost as much as 10 pounds during a practice. At lunch, he puts on a show. He said his usual lunch consists of 4-8 chicken breast, a steak or fish, a salad, a vegetable, and a “really big” bowl of fruit. Maybin said the Jets plan on using his metabolism to their advantage this season. If they face a run-heavy team, he will add weight. A pass heavy team? He will lose it. “I can gain or lose 20 pounds in a 3-day period,” Maybin said. “It’s ridiculous.” I'm no doctor, but I'd like to hear from one or two on this board. How can this possibly be healthy? Has a player ever been used in this manner? To me, this is an injury waiting to happen on Opening Day, and continues to prove that Rex is a complete moron. But I'd love the pros' take. BA
  17. I was blasted when I went ballistic over the Graham pick right after he was taken. I wrote then that Wilson would be a franchise QB within a few years, and I'm standing by it. Has nothing to do with one preseason game. I generally like this draft, but still hate the Graham pick over Wilson. Sorry. BA
  18. Not really. If he would have just followed Travis Henry's lead, this would never have happened. P.S. Wasn't the fact that he'd not had run-ins with the law his only saving grace?
  19. I think Vinny gave you a little more than just asspirin. BA
  20. Cool. I really meant that: "No offense to the OP... I have just seen these names over and over and over again and was bound to throw in my two cents (for what they're worth) eventually. This just happened to be that random post. Oh, believe me -- I have no love for either team, and am disgusted with what they did. I'm not cozying up to them in the slightest, and I see the irony as well. Cheating: Patriots YES, Saints NO. Unsportsmanlike: Both YES Dirty: Both YES Asterisks: PATRIOTS yes, Saints NO. I agree with the penalties, though I didn't think the NFL hit New England nearly as hard as it should have. New Orleans got what it deserved, imo. I'm with you. I've been following this board for many years, but just recently signed up. And I am not that active, either. And nobody said YOU were juvenile. I'm not offended; I'm not sure where that came from. And this is not a "chatroom" -- "Shout" is more of a chatroom, and you won't catch me there. I've been on forums like this since the mid-1990s when Usenet was popular. And, just like a chatroom, the content was not moderated. I guess I've just seen so much of this that I've grown tired of it. Again, this is one man's opinion about a single point, which was referring to teams by names that I've grown tired of. Wasn't calling you out. In fact, I'm not likely to even to respond to posts that have that tier of name-calling as the focal point. Circling back, I meant what I wrote in my first line: "With all due respect to the OP..." Hope I made it clear that this wasn't a personal attack. P.S. CarolinaBill stated my views brilliantly in his last post. BA
  21. With all due respect, you're the one who brought up politics. I gave my opinion on the newspaper as a whole. I never stated my reasons (nor am I obliged to). Had I chosen to get political, I would know exactly in which forum this comment belongs. Your comment is nothing more than an assumption. BA
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