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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. The point being they at least acknowledged the guy was cut and either correctly or incorrectly reaffirmed their initial evaluation. They most certainly do not "ignore" other teams cut lists.
  2. The statement that was made was that teams may "ignore" that first cutdown to 75. I don't think so. Uh, yes? The guy is really taking that leap in his 2nd year and will be part of the core WR group.
  3. It baffles me to think that people believe pro sports teams ignore these transactions. You do realize teams employ full time staff to fully research and keep tabs on all players, right? They have their own scouting files from preparing for these guys coming out of college, they are fully aware of every name that gets cut and what the personnel people think of them.
  4. Actually, it's probably pick one. And I don't see how Rogers deserves to be that one. More importantly, the coaches relegating Rogers to 4th string play in games probably means he's not their first or second choice either.
  5. Either they're smart for "hiding" him according to you, or he is actually "performing" in games, again according to you. Which is it? BTW, if this is your definition of performing, feel free to raise the bar just a tad - I know the coaches are. On another side, when guys like Kaufman and Sampson are stealing your game reps, outlook not so good for your boy. Oh, the horror of "exposing" him to waivers!
  6. Wow, let us know what we can get in a trade for him after "showcasing" that type of "performance"!
  7. Wow, showcasing for potential trades?! Someone out there is gonna give us something for Hogan or Kaufman?! Hahaha! Smart not to expose Rogers?! The guy is an undrafted player with character issues and hasn't performed in games. He's getting cut, deal with it. Wow, people have talked about the myth and legend of Easley over the years, but this Da'Rick guys fanboys takes the cake!
  8. Interesting. I had no problems with Airplay last preseason. I will likewise settle for streaming from my Mac to my Apple TV - just tested it out and it works Just wish for other than Bills games I could use airplay. Interesting sidenote, while playing around with this issue, I discovered that I did not know the Bills app will airplay their daily video updates - very nice!
  9. No, not in this app, but elsewhere, yes. So I know it's working. Tried that suggestion, but it didn't work. Also then uninstalled and reinstalled the app, but that didn't work either. Oh well. BTW, I have an iPad1 running ios 5.1.1, which I am not sure if that is contributing to the problem.
  10. OK, AirPlay won't work with my iPad. Works everywhere else, but not on the Preseason Live app. Updated to latest versions of both the app and ios. Any suggestions?
  11. Is AirPlay working with NFL preseason live this year?
  12. What did Hank say that Walter says "that's not gonna happen?" My tv cut out and couldn't make it out.
  13. I believe he did that for a lot of the "local" teams on the tour.
  14. Gotta love the internet, where one guy can claim to defame an otherwise very highly thought of individual. Maybe the people the poster claims met Phil "personally" were d-bags? Just sayin'
  15. Game sucks this year - it's so predictable. You can list who is going out the door next, practically in order, almost regardless of who wins HoH. They had 2 chances in a row to get Amanda out and chose not to - they will look back and rue the day! With a double eviction tonight and probably elimination of MVP, it only enhances her position going forward.
  16. Not sure how to add a spoiler tag, so spoiler alert below: Helen won a BBQ and invited Aaryn/Elissa/Jessie. Judd won $5,000 Spencer won a trip to the Bahamas. Gina Marie has to wear a "cone of shame" for 24 hours. Candice has to wear a " Clownie-tard" for the week and will be evicted in it. Amanda has to get spray tanned every hour 24/7 for a few days.
  17. Just bought Sirens of the Ditch and the 400 Unit MP3's on Amazon as part of their 100 albums for $5 promotion, then got the Southeastern CD plus free instant download. I'm a newcomer but after a 1st listen to them on spotify I'm liking the referral - Thanks!
  18. Candice, Jessie nominated by Gina Marie this week, and Amanda was America's MVP nominee for the block. Jessie wins veto and removes herself, Spencer going up in his place. Candice is the plan for eviction this week. Interesting how Amanda said some very racial and derogatory remarks directly to Candice during veto comp, but isn't getting slack like Aaryn did.
  19. Yep, confirmed the 1st AND 3rd games are being aired live on NFLN. Given that I am only interested in Bills preseason games and could care less about that last game against Detroit every year, I am skipping the NFL Preseason live package this year and will just scour for a free live feed for that 2nd game. Worst case scenario is I watch the replay on NFLN. http://nflcommunications.com/2013/07/22/nfl-network-gets-back-to-football-with-inside-training-camp-live-13-live-preseason-games/
  20. I agree Helen and Amanda are running the house at this point, which is why it would be stupid for Helen to protect Amanda. She'd probably run away with it, assuming Howard goes next.
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