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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. What is that exactly? Fried eggs, pasta, and pickle juice?
  2. BTW, for those who subscribe to HD Access, thanks to the recent DISH promotion of free HD for life, DirecTV has responded with their own promotion (although not publicized). If you subscribe to the Choice package or above, and have auto pay, just call in and get free HD Access set up on your account for 24 months (hopefully it will have gone away by the time that expires). That's 24 x $10, which is free money if you call in to get it. Just passing along some info. EDIT: This is on top of any other pricing discounts you may have been able to obtain as part of haggling for Sunday Ticket.
  3. DirecTV DVR's have dual live buffers of 90 minutes each, which if used wisely can serve the start over function, and a whole lot more. And it works on ALL channels, and without locking the system up.
  4. I thought the big strength of Maybin's game was his supposedly unbelievable first step off the snap. Not sure how that's gonna help him now that he's playing 5 yards off the line of scrimmage. I'm hoping for the best, but wouldn't be surprised either at someone else taking this job.
  5. Absolutely. I love the red zone channel. And the price is right - it's all included in the Sunday Ticket (except the web viewing part - another $50). Not sure why crankypants is complaining about innovation, when it's part of the package. Also forgot to add the game mix channel - 8 games all on one screen, and all in HD. Must suck to be a slave to a provider you hate, and for 348 days out of the year they don't even have the product you're there for in the first place. Now who's the dumb one in that scenario?
  6. Ha! You must like down-rezzed, compressed HD-Lite! The PQ doesn't come close to DirecTV HD, and that's a fact.
  7. Oh, I didn't forget - it was my sarcastic remark about the comcrap DVR's that people can choose if they're so inclined. DirecTV DVR's have come a long way in the last few years, and after switching from their HD Tivo DVR I'm not sure I'd even go back to Tivo when they offer it. To those complaining about DirecTV, I say go ahead and switch - I dare you!
  8. That's what makes this place cool, informed and passionate fans bringing breaking news to us in one consolidated forum. I think Torbor provides nice depth, and with OLB so unsettled he could help there.
  9. Sunday Ticket is far from the only competitive advantage they have. If you like compressed, down-rezzed HD-Lite, then by all means go to dish. I hear the comcrap DVR's are a lot of fun. Try to find as much full time national HD channels (part time RSN's and on demand titles don't count). If you like hockey, can't get NHL Center Ice with Uverse. DirecTV also gives dual feeds of most hockey games, both in HD (sorry again Dish, and cable, and Uverse). I could go on. Sunday Ticket just really solidifies their leadership. Maybe those things aren't important to you. By all means, leave. Or just pay and shut up.
  10. It won't be the death knell of DirecTV like some of the haters are hoping. Of course they make money having it (not so much off the package, but the extra subscribers it brings), but they will carry on if they don't. Honestly, people who get so worked up over their TV provider should just leave if it makes them so unhappy. A lot find the grass on the other side isn't always greener.
  11. DirecTV has over 18 million customers. Do you know how many subscribe to the Sunday Ticket package? Let's just say they won't go out of business if they ever lose the ticket.
  12. For what it's worth, this info might help people. The auto-renewal price is $299 this year, and that includes HD. No more superfan this year. Last year it was like $270 plus another $99 for HD.
  13. I like that idea, although I'm not sure a 5th would be necessary. Any scenario where we could turn Lynch into a starting LT for us is a good move.
  14. Booze 'n Post is a time honored tradition around here. Rarely is a follow up apology made. Kudos to OP, and CBiscuit, well, you're coming off worse than the original booze 'n poster.
  15. Riiiiiiiiiight.......went from 360 to 315. We want our NT svelte
  16. Guess you haven't heard of a little thing called leverage. And Marshawn has none, whereas JP had plenty. We've already got 2 players on the roster who can step in and fill the void, and ML has 3 years left on his contract. He ain't going nowhere. Funny thing is, if he wants to be moved, his best bet would be to show up and help the team. But, no one ever accused ML of being smart.
  17. Sorry Marshawn, but you have ZERO leverage and you're not going to Jason Peters your way out of here. You wanna wither away on the bench for the next 3 years, your choice. We have ample replacements for you already on the roster. You wanna wise up and start helping this team, just maybe then you'll have enough value to get your wish outta town.
  18. I'll give you props for providing some good links with some good information. I was going off Nawrocki's rankings, which had him as the #22 tackle, consistent with most of the reports you linked (Calloway was ranked #12). All I'm saying is I wouldn't expect him to come in and start, at any point, during his rookie season, as some others have projected him. As for Gaither being a 5th rounder, you have to remember that was with the supplemental draft. That's actually how I see the longer term interior lineup playing out.
  19. Whoa, hold on there. Where was Wang rated that highly? If anything, he was rated lower, and the Bills had to reach to ensure they at least got a tackle at that point. For example, Kyle Calloway who was drafted in the 7th was rated much, much higher than Wang as a tackle. Ed Wang is a project. Anyone expecting any more from him his 1st year is likely to be very disappointed.
  20. Wow, now our rookie pro bowler and runner up DROY must go. Cool, maybe we can start drafting DB's again next year.
  21. The short sightedness and need for immediate gratification of some never ceases to amaze me. It was also reported that a trade for Gaither probably wouldn't take place until much closer to the season. We're in May.
  22. YES, the squeal sent me over the top! It's not a comedy, but I never laughed so hard during a 24 epiode.
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