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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. I worked for a company that did outsourcing and it was a very profitable business. And generally when we displaced someone, we hired a few elsewhere. But there were still people who lost their jobs. We couldn't hire them if they didn't have the skills we needed. And we were in there because we could do a function better than the company could. Outsourcing can make sound business sense. Kerry has stated flat out that outsourcing cannot be stopped, nor should it. There are just some things that are better outsourced, whether it's lawn service or converting code. When it can be done cheaper elsewhere and DONE AS WELL then it will be outsourced. In business that's a good thing because it frees companies up to focus on new technology or core competencies. Kerry is, however, not in favor of rewarding companies who outsource just to save money. Often, as we all know, those jobs are NOT done as well offshore. So why should a company get breaks for sending jobs overseas, and bringing back shoddy products? Call a customer support number lately? Then you know what I mean. More than one company has actually shut down a call center and re-opened it here in the US after complaints that people couldn't communicate with the call center staff. When outsourcing was done in the 1990's it wasn't a big issue because the economy was strong and there were plenty of jobs. Unfortunately in this weak economy displaced workers have few alternatives which is why this is now such an issue.
  2. StoryGood old Drudge. If you read this story or any other from a real press source, you will see that the material was guarded UNTIL we invaded. And then, yup, those guarding bailed the hell out, which is was Rummy and the gang advised people to do. The US apparently had to plan to secure the site. Nice try though. To this day apparently it is STILL not guarded and reports are that it's still being looted, although I can't imagine what it still left there. Really, really nice try.
  3. Sure he'll apologize the same time Bush admits he made a mistake - any mistake -ever. You see Kerry knows, as does everyone who can read (something other than Drudge) that those materials were under guard UNTIL THE US INVADED. At that time, remember, the Administration warned people who could to get the hell out of the country. So, the guardians did, assuming - quite wrongly - that the geniuses in Washington, who knew about this stuff, would immediately move to secure it. Oops. Someone forgot. There is an apology due alright but not from Kerry, at least not for this.
  4. If you don't know I'm not telling you. Try - and I know it's difficult, but try - not to be such an ass. You know what I'm talking about and I'm not getting into a pissing contest with you. If you really can't figure it out go talk to a cop, like my cousin (NYPD). He'll be glad to set you straight.
  5. The articles I've read and heard also stated that some of the missing explosives may have already been used in some of those wonderful bombs that have killed US soldiers. But remember folks, it's "no big deal". The material is also fairly easy to hide and transport and it's not sensitive. So it could be anywhere. And used for any purpose. "No big deal." Here's hoping these materials aren't used one day to blow up RIO or any of his friends or family, but if it does I guess we'll all just have to say "no big deal".
  6. I don't care if people own guns. However I'd prefer that they be licensed and people take reasonable care to keep them locked away from kids and criminals alike. I grew up with guns in my house although I don't own one now. I personally see no need for an individual to own assault weapons however. The only thing those are good for is shooting people and as the relative of a former police officer I would prefer they not be at such a disadvantage.
  7. In the first place, traffic in DFW is acknowledged to be among the worst in the country. I lived there for almost ten years and concur, and I've sat in my share of jams from LA to NYC to Atlanta and many places in between. Getting to the Ballpark and 6 Flags (they're literally right across from each other) can be a whole lotta fun because no matter HOW you go, you're traveling in the mid-cities area. Of course the Cowboy games take place mostly on Sundays, but the traffic is always there. So adding another stadium into the mix should be interesting. Second, in TX whenver I voted there were political signs posted all over the grassy areas outside the polling place. One year, Army Dickhead's son Junior had his fat butt in the parking lot soliciting votes (for himself when he was running for Daddy's seat) and in another case the incumbent mayor of our town was right outside whilst her opponent (Terry Bradshaw's brother Craig) was opposite her in the parking lot. So I am pretty sure that you can do whatever you want at least in Denton County, TX, except when you go inside. No matter what, we're still laughing. Those poor slobs in Arlington do nothing but gripe about all the money they've lost on the Ballpark and $50 says that they go for the football stadium too. The City of Dallas, which really need the revenue, told Jerry Jones to take a hike. So that will tell you how bad Arlington is about to prostitute itself for a football team that has about as much hopes of a championship as....well, Buffalo! Lastly - Jerry Jones turned TX Stadium into the football version of a trailer park. If he invested some money like they did at the Ralph (stadium is only a year older) and cleaned up the RKFast out of the parking lot, it would be acceptable.
  8. But we DO know they were unarmed and that they were slain execution-style. Are you saying that the first had nothing to do with the second? It may not have predicated it but it sure was a big enabler. Maybe someone forgot but there's a war going on over there. Citizens take their lives in their hands going to the market in certain places. A busload of unarmed soldiers must have seemed like a direct gift from God to the "insurgents".
  9. It's no big deal because they don't have an answer for it. "Incompetence" as a main reason comes to mind ... not of our soldiers but of the people giving the orders, or not, based on intelligence they have...or don't. After all if we really invaded Iraq to look for WMDs, we should have been prepared to do something when we found them. Since we were obviously unprepared to secure them that makes me wonder if they ever REALLY believed they were there in the first place? Hmmmmm
  10. I did read it. So why was no-one armed? The "insurgents" have long targeted Iraqi police recruits and soldiers. Didn't anyone think these guys MIGHT be in some danger? We just put a target on their backs and let them go, and that's it? I guess there's more where that came from. If you can't answer the question, say so. But it seems to me a stupid way to run a war. You think the pictures of all those dead guys make a good recruiting poster?
  11. In 2000 Jesse Ventura stated in an interview that he'd like to see the presidential election come out a tie. In 2004 he's endorsed Kerry. Just a little trivia to start your week.
  12. Ignoring all the inconsequential RFast in most of the above which are non-replies, I am still wondering how we can ever turn a country over to enjoy their freedom if we won't arm them? How can we ask them to stand with us if we don't stand with them?
  13. You could put Tom Brady behind that so-called O-line and he's suck. He'd probably do better than Blew Dreadslow, but not good enough. Those guys looked like sleepwalkers today. Mularkey needs to kick some ass in that locker room. Scrap the stupid penalties and play up their ability - may still not be a playoff team but they are WAY better than 1-5 and it is NOT all on Bledsoe.
  14. story So if they'd just graduated and were headed off for duty, why weren't they armed? Monsters.
  15. I'm not trying to twist anything. In several ways the Administration's policies stray very far from conservative, which a true conservative recognizes.
  16. So what's wrong with a little bread and circuses? Give the people what they want. I say if the majority of Americans WANT that kind of stuff then they should have it. It worked great for the Romans.
  17. A little hope for the future - I am guessing these are young people, maybe on toth sides (at least I hope so). How nice that they all found common ground. A good lesson for us all. Can be found in today's Seattle Times: =================================== Our better nature We are writing to take responsibility for initially defacing the Bush/Cheney campaign sign on the corner of Mukilteo Speedway and Harbour Pointe Road. Intolerant of a political opinion different from our own, we took spray paint in hand one night to commit that crime. We are very sorry. We later realized that being righteous has never made and will never make a difference in this world. We're committed to being like Voltaire, who said, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Please accept our apology. We called the Republican Party of Snohomish County to "come clean" with them. They rejected our offer to pay for a new sign, requesting instead that we repair Republican campaign signs with Cecil Chapman for a day, which we did. Cecil is a kind, full-time volunteer who spends his own money installing and maintaining his party's campaign signs. We will never look at those signs in the same way again. — Alan Cooney and Vanda Mikoloski, Mukilteo
  18. Well the BIGGEST thing on the ballot this year there is the new stadium, not the presidency. They have their priorities after all (which I learned living there almost 10 years and being married to a native). The people of Arlington may be proof positive that morons outnumber normal people. They bought the Texas Rangers' owner bill of goods when they agreed to pay for the new Ballpark at Arlington (now Ameriquest Field) and they're still paying for it. Their property taxes were NOT held down, quite the opposite, and they're still paying for THAT stadium. Now they're about to bend over again. I guess they don't pay enough taxes and their roads aren't congsted enough. But I guess to claim that they're the home of the Cowboys makes it all worthwhile....to them.
  19. Nowhere in my post did I indicate which party stole which party's signs. I purposely did that so that we wouldn't end up in one of those pissing contests that so irritate the moderator, but some of you just cannot seem to have a conversation without immediately looking for adversity. So let me clear it up for you: As a matter of fact the people captured on video stole Bush signs and the guy who hurt himself stole Kerry signs. All are being charged with crimes. Now quick, before the Mod sees, this start a big discussion over which one was more stupid....don't disappoint me now.
  20. Maybe some kids were having a scavenger hunt. I didn't take them. Here they're catching people on video tape and arresting them. I saw somewhere else where a guy was stealing signs, ran away and fell on one, injuring himself. He later admitted he was stupid and deserved it and apologized to the campaign.
  21. But they know the West cares greatly and is, rightly or not, is probably much more horrified at the thought of a woman or child being beheaded than a man.
  22. Bush: everything is black or white, simplistic view of the world, intolerant, unimaginative, ill-informed, too easily influenced by others, stubborn and arrogant. Takes nothing very seriously. Comes across as mentally deficient. Kerry: too thoughtful, tries too much to see all sides and compromise, tends to overanalyze. May think he can solve world hunger. Takes too many things seriously. Comes across as condescending.
  23. And Bush's lock on his own party isn't 100% either. He's not even locked his family in, there's group of Bush relatives who have come out for Kerry. All that proves is that people aren't all lemmings like some folks claim. I'm a Democrat but I've crossed party lines many times and will do so again no doubt based on how my beliefs map to a candidate's. That doesn't mean anything except I try to vote my conscience instead of the party line. Zell Miller is a Republican in all but name. After he retires from the Senate I expect he'll make the switch official.
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