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Everything posted by blzrul

  1. There already is a gay divorce case in the court system - two women. I don't recall all the particulars in terms of which state, etc. but there was a 20-minute piece about it on NPR around the time the San Francisco gay marriage hubbub was taking place. If you're interested you can probably find it in their archives.
  2. Did you see Opus in yesterday's comics? Your question is answered there.
  3. It's a tough decision. My cousin was part of the ill-fated attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran in the 70's. He told his superiors at least one of the aircraft was not going to make it (and why), recommended against a delay or scratching the craft(s) in question, was ignored, they went anyway and the rest is history. But he said it never occured to him or anyone else to refuse orders.
  4. Must be that endorsement by Putin (the same weenie who wouldn't join us in Iraq) that done it. I certainly will change my vote based on what Pooty-Poot (Bush's nickname for him) says. I am certain that the Russians only want the best for America.
  5. That the best you can do? Well since you can't muster enough brain power to actually have a discourse or discussion of my thoughts, how about this: Bite me. THAT you probably understand. So who beat you up as a kid?
  6. Tucker Carlson is a dweeb. Like most of those neocon pundits and in common with Karl Rove, he was probably bullied as a child, never got over it, and it shows. Make no mistake, Carlson is not a great lover of Bush. He will probably be relieved when more moderate and rational Republicans are back in charge of the party. As will many of us. It's interesting that a decade ago there were Dems and Republicans and we could all disagree, and cross party lines to vote if we'd a mind to (I did). Suddenly now we have an idealogically-driven GOP, run by a few hardcore rightwingnuts, whose SOLE mission in life is to ram their agenda down the throats of everyone not just in America, but in the world. "If you're not with us, you're against us!" is their mantra. Everything is a war, from "armies of compassion" to their beloved war on terror. Dispassionate minds and historians will see little difference between that mantra and every other extremist movement. And yes, they may succeed for awhile, but they'll self-destruct and crumble as all those other movements have. The concern is how many innocent people they'll take with them. I wonder when people will learn that strongarm tactics only go so far? One of the most influential, far reaching and successful movements was the Renaissance - accomplished without invasions. And by the way, Republicans, if you add all the votes in 2000 there were far more votes against Bush than for him. The electoral votes may be what counted, but saying that Bush's far-right extremist, exclusionary policy represents the majority of Americans' way of thinking is a flat out lie. And that's what gives me hope.
  7. Melissa that is great! Good job. With the pre-approval in hand you will be in the best position to move when that perfect place comes up. The next thing to look at is why you're missing out. I wonder if you need to hound your agent more? Or perhaps get a different agent who's going to be more aggressive on your behalf? Good luck!
  8. According to the reports, these guys are reservists. I wonder if they think about it as a career they care to lose.
  9. CHENEY HIMSELF brought his daughter into it last summer! If you bother to read this story, it's in there. He says "Lynne and I have a gay daughter, so it's an issue that our family is very familiar with. . . . With respect to the question of relationships, my general view is that freedom means freedom for everyone. People . . . ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to." How about that. I'm right, you're wrong. I'm not angry, CJ's just uninformed. And so on. Once Cheney made it part of his platform, it was fair game. And that's the way it goes. He politicized it himself.
  10. Didn't say that. Just wondering where you've been is all.
  11. Disgusted is more like it, that people can't find anything better to do than to make an issue over appearance. They can't make a compelling case for their cause so they attack someone for being fat, or short, or tall...and on it goes. That you don't see anything wrong with judging and condemning people based on their appearance surprises me not at all.
  12. It happened quite extensively in 2000. So, are you more disturbed over it now, or didn't you realize it's nothing new?
  13. Maybe not but implying someone else is lying about it when you can't recall would make you look either stupid, or like a liar, when the truth was revealed (like 10 seconds after the debate ended the tapes were being played....). Saying "gee I don't recall saying that, it certainly doesn't sound like something I'd say because I really want to get this guy and have devoted a lot of resources to it ..." might have been better (although probably not believable). Of course he could have launched into "no child left behind!", that faithful old standby. One-legged stool. Oh and by the way on this board I personally have been attacked numerous times for things I didn't recall saying. People spend hours going thru the archives looking to trip me up (that is SO flattering). If I, a mere citizen, am so accountable then surely the Emporer must be held to as high, if not higher, a standard.
  14. I put on a few pounds myself after my son died. I would imagine that if you scratch the men on this board who are overweight, underweight, balding or just plain plug-ugly there would only be 2-3 left. Nevertheless it doesn't keep most of them from standing in judgement on someone based on appearances.
  15. I'm not parroting anything - I heard Cheney make the comment. HE brought it into the political arena, not Kerry. And it was also discussed during the VP debates.
  16. You call that smacking? You pathetic little misfits. You've got to do better than that.
  17. Someone followed up with the woman who asked Bush the last question about "three mistakes". It's in the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram. Since it's an op-ed piece you'd have to set aside the writer's opinion but there are quotes from the woman about why she wrote the question and what she was hoping for. Including the fact that she's still undecided because she thinks both candidates aren't quite open and honest with the public. link. You may need to create a login to read it. Now that you have her name, Richiepoo, why don't you be a man and call Ms. Grabel and tell her how stupid she is for wanting to understand and make an intelligent decision (perhaps a notion that's foreign to you).
  18. Oh I don't think so. They just have very important things to discuss ranging from Kerry's skintone to how much Edwards' wife weighs. These are very important matters that take up all of their time.
  19. Not if Edwards himself had already brought up his wife's weight during a town hall meeting, as Dick Cheney did in discussing his daughter's sexual orientation when he himself stated that he was breaking with Bush on the gay marriage thing. It was notable in that it was the first time he publicly made the admission in a campaign context, although of course it's well known (and who really cares). Don't open Pandora's box, the lid is hard to get back on.
  20. They have a lot of money. All it takes is one vote!
  21. As you seem to be the master of many stupid statements I defer to your far superior stupidity. I know you like deference.
  22. If read my post you'll see that I cited the factory issue. You can't blame the Swine Flu for everything. It's tempting to simplify and BLAME. And for all your claims of "nonpartisanship" your true colors show when you start to sound just like a guy who's got a one-legged stool. You will note that I do not hold Bush accountable for this, as I responded to the initial post, and am not sure why he was asked the question. Here's a little more about the situation story.. I see I drew blood from a previous post in which I implied that you were a legend in your own mind. The nature of your post proves it. Thanks!
  23. The border is just as secure as The Green Zone. oops....
  24. Actually the larger part of the issue is that flu vaccine has a limited shelf life so last year's batch is no good. You have to make it during a certain period of time in order for its potency to be apprpriate. Add to that the problem with the factory and there you have it. There is NO, repeat NO evidence that the shortage caused by lawsuits. Personally I don't think it was a valid question to ask Bush, I don't see where the shortage has anything to do with him. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the rest of the world is NOT experiencing a shortage but because he's pissed them all off they won't share. But I have no evidence of the former even though it's pretty clear that the US is no longer the bright and shining beacon of virtue we once were.
  25. Well at least they were trying their best to make a living as opposed to collecting SSN for their disability. A little patience goes a long way.
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