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Cheddar's Dad

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Everything posted by Cheddar's Dad

  1. The thing is I like this guy. I like how he attempted to play last year in extreme pain and I'm rooting for him. If you saw him in preseason play his second year, you would have seen a player developing and showing promise. Then he had his back injury and now, no one thinks he has a chance except me and a few others, mostly on the Bill's staff, who love his passion and know we can use competition at the nose position.
  2. Buffalo wanted an inside LB for it's 34 D, someone that was good at both run and pass defense. Brown is a 6'1/2", 233 lb college inside backer that Kiper projects as a OLB in the pros because he is size limited.He is also likely position limited to a 43 OLB. Kiper is comparing apples to oranges and this logic is way beneath him.
  3. What you're proposing here is to waste high picks as many times as is necessary to get that franchise QB. I don't think you build a team that way. Buddy keeps saying that he's intrigued by this class of QB; that there are QBs that are "good enough to win with". That expression makes me torque my jaws. That is the Fitzpatrick standard. We do not need another Fitzpatrick. Buddy should be looking for a QB he thinks is good enough to QB a Super Bowl winning team. That is the standard he should be using when evaluating QBs. So ask yourself this; there are players available in this draft at the 8th spot that seem good enough from day one to start and look like future all pros. Is there one of those at the QB position this year. If not, Buddy should not take one at 8. How about another standard? Is there a QB available that causes you to say, whow, look at that throw and Is that throw consistantly there with that QB? If not, should you take him just because we need a QB. If you're answer is yes and we applied that standard to every position of need, Buffalo would be selecting the the first pick in the draft year after year.
  4. TJ, as a rookie, caught 30 some passes. It's very very early into 2013 but from what's come out of the first mini camp, TJ was the best WR in camp. I don't think this was a wasted 3rd rounder, not as great as the Wilsom pick for sure, but certainly not wasted. Buddy's 2012 draft may turn out to really great.
  5. So; what position along the O-line do you think he'll fit best?
  6. Now I'm really curious about him. Why don't you ID him so we all can watch his progression to the Presidency with utter amazement.
  7. If you can't protect that QB, all of the sacks and inaccuate throws he makes creates the impression he is a bad QB. So you draft one again next years and all of the sacks and inaccurate throws he makes causes you to think he's a bad QB. So, you draft one again the following year and all the the sacks...... ??????
  8. Big Ben had a dominant O-line and the Bus. This suggests to me Buffalo should draft a Guard.
  9. You make good points. I too do not trust this class. If Buffalo picks one and he is not ready to start, how many years will Buffalo invest in getting him start ready, years when Buffalo passes on better QBs in subsequest drafts because the one they picked this years does some things good and looks like he can be develped, but then, never does?
  10. Exactly. We old fogies need to stand our ground against unbridled hipsterism.
  11. Old fogies? Maybe. Experienced senior citizen is the term I prefer. You may be right about texting english vs written or spoken english. I hope his writing and speaking are at another level.
  12. Me a geek? Not really. There is life after football where success requires skills that this fellow does not appear to have. I have great sympathy for single parent kids. But you should not use that as a excuse. It won't be an accepable excuse in the business world. This kid is now in college, apparently due mainly to his athletic skills. I hope he spends some time in the classroom acquiring english speaking skills and is able to put his urban slang behind him.
  13. My guess is that you don't focus on line play. I've noticed an increased level of intensity in line play during playoff over the regular season and that having a tough coordinated line is the most important element to having successful QB, WR and RB play. The Ravens beat NE in the playoffs because it's o-line was able to play smash mouth with Wilfork and his crew and win. The line play was vicious. In fact, ask yourself, when talking about "smash mouth" football, what do you talk about? Is it the WR vs CBs, The QB play?. Or is that term exclusive to trench warfare. O-line play is under-appreciated by a lot of fans who only ocassionally observe that a successful run or pass succeeded only because some lineman made a great play. You should get the book TAKE YOUR EYE OFF THE BALL, written by Pat Kirwin.
  14. This is nothing to laugh about. Someone who has graduated from high school should be able to speak english. How did this kid get into college? Yes. He's probably on an athletic scholarship.
  15. Sorry. Before all of you jump on me for this; I meant to say, five of the first fifteen picks are likely to be O-linemen. Nothing about the changing nature of NFL offenses has reduced the need for quality lineman.
  16. Buddy is the GM, Whaley the Assistant GM, Marrone the Head Coach. The Asst. GM and Head Coach will likely influence Buddy's decision, but Buddy will make the call. Additionally, I think Buddy has been very good with the draft and expect him to remain as GM for several more years. No where it been written that this is his last draft. Is that why the first 15 picks are likely to be O-linemen? Marrone's offense requires a sound running game. Sound running games require high quality O-Linemen Buddy, I believe, was still in San Diego during the Peters fiasco. Bell was not worth keeping. Many believe the offer to Levitre was insane. Buddy refused to match an insane offer. Good for him.
  17. Look. This is an avenue where people express opinions. There is no need to be insulting. You give the impression I'm communicating with a 12 year old.
  18. I agree that there will likely be several QBs selected in the first two rounds. That's because there are several teams desparate for a QB. That doesn't mean those QBs are worthy of being selected that high. It only means that desparation won out over clear headed thinking. Who are they that say there are no 1st. rd. quality QBs in this draft? Charlie Caserly, Ron Jaws (don't ask me to spell his name), Mike Mayock, Mel Kiper, Jeremy whatshisname from the NFL Network's "Path to the Draft" to name a few. Caserly says he doesn't know if any of this year's QBs will be in the league in five years. But all agree that several QBs will be selected in the first two rounds this year. Why is that? Simply because the need and desire for that QB is such with some teams are willing to select a QB rated as the 50th best player on their board with the 2nd, or 6th or 12th overall selection. I don't want Buffalo to be one of those teams. Most experts rate Geno Smith as the best QB in this year's draft but when you look at their writeups, one of his weaknesses is said to be lack of pocket awareness. If you saw the Pinstripe Bowl last December, you saw him get sacked in the endzone twice for safeties which, to me, supports their analysis. He could not feel the pocket collapsing around him. Additionally, he does not anticipate well and too often locks onto his primary receiver. Yet some think he could be taken at #2 by Jacksonville. Incredible. Then there's Ryan Nassib. Many have him going to Buffalo with Buffalo selecting someone else at 8 but moving back into the last part of Rd 1 to get him. He is said to have a strong arm but all of his throws are bullets. He doesn't know how to put touch on his short to intermediate throws and lacks accuracy on his long throws. But there are people who think he'll be selected in the first round. Incredible. E.J. Manuel? Great athlete. Mayock has him as the 2nd best QB this year. Just watch him. Below average QB. In spite of his team having a winning record, he as a QB had no consistent performances. I watched many of his games hoping and praying there would be some good QBs available this year. Just didn't see it. Barkley? Jaws said yeaterday that he's the 6th best QB in this draft. Average arm, inaccurate long throws. I could continue with the other bozos in this draft but you get the idea. This is what Buffalo needs to do. We need to ignore our biggest need and get the best talent in our other positions of need cause it ain't there at the QB position this year. Next year is substantially better for QBs. Buffalo needs to be patient and get that QB next year. Who knows, Build a solid O-line around Kolb and maybe that desperate need for a QB will slowly go away.
  19. Absolutely; I would love it. But I don't live in a fantasy world and I believe what everyone says about there being no first round quality QBs in this draft. I also have a concern that if the available QBs are not first round quality, picking one there is like reaching for an apple into a bushel of rotten apples. Once you see the apple, you're most likely to throw it away. So why not get a player at another position that is rated an early first rounder? Wouldn't that be the intellectually logical thing to do?
  20. You're obviously suffering from that WE MUST GET A QB AT 8 fever. Take a Tylenol and enough booze to help you sleep through April 25. You'll be OK.
  21. Nope! I have no powers whatsoever or special logic. I just read the post and got it. Sad that you think that an ordinary person's ability to read and understand is special.
  22. What a great idea. Lets protect our QG and open holes for our RBs with a three man O-line; one center and two tackles. That way we can have two more WRs or two more RBs on the field. DefenseWins, I think you're on to nothing here.
  23. Just a guess but you sound like one of those pick a QB at 8 guys???
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