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Cheddar's Dad

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Everything posted by Cheddar's Dad

  1. Why do you want to see Easley, Meeks, or Searcy on the roster? Those players are conspicuous for doing nothing and you haven't heard their names mentioned at all so far this year. Rogers has been in and out of the lineup enought to make me think he's just an ordinary talent that might be able to be replaced by a player like Duke Williams. Additionally, you just cannot say that Tuel will never play unless you can see into the future. The roster should consist of the best 53 players and if one of them is Tuel I think that's great. Looks to me like Buddy's last draft may turn out to be his best and that makes me excited. Buffalo came close to beating the Patriots last year and, with the addition of perhaps eight young talented rooks, they just might be able to do it this year.
  2. You know this because? Is this team so loaded with talent that they cannot afford a roster spot for a young talented signal caller? Speculation has it that Belichick will retain Tebow as his third QB. Speculation has it that the Patriots roster has more telented players than does Buffalo's. But Buffalo will not keep a third QB on it's roster?
  3. I'm sure money had something to do with it. But think about it; Buffalo will likely kep three QBs. If Tuel did not seem capable, I'm certain they would have retained Jackson. I know you're an E.J. fan. I am too. But I'm intrigued by the possibility of having two young talented QBs on this roster. I would not be supset if, at the end of this season, Buffalo's QB debth chart lists E.J., Tuel, and Kolb in that order.
  4. All that we have thus far is Murph's comment. We don't know what the coaches are thinking of Tuel. I'll be watching training camp reps very closely.
  5. Most fans and reporters have speculated that Tavaris Jackson was released last week in order to give E.J. the opportunity for more reps. That is probably the case. John Murphy spoke with Simon on GR55 this morning of his impressions of minni-camp and at the end of Murphy's summary, he noted the arm talent of Jeff Tuel. I watched you tube highlites of Tuel and thought he threw the ball well and moved well in and out of the pocket. Now Murph has taken notice of him which makes me think that the departure of Jackson was for Tuel's benefit as well as E.J.'s. Training camp will be a lot of fun to watch this year. I also love the glowing remarks about Kiko Alonzo, i.e., "it will take a stick of dynomite to get him out of the starting lineup". I'm excited.
  6. I enjoy reading about players doing well and I think a fan can learn a lot. Marrone, today, made special mention of how pleased he was with the progress and play of Kiko Alonzo. I think that says a lot about his chances with this team. Buffalo has drafted players in past years that received no coach's comment during training and those players often have turned out to be nothing worth talking about.
  7. WAS is the operative word here. Many players become good players in their third and forth years. Jerry Hughes may be one of them. Looks like Williams will be another and a return to corner might happen for him.
  8. Y-gads! You just ruined my day. (But I did, at least, have one day of relative calm.) Did you catch this San Jose Bills Fan? So much for your shrewd signing comment.
  9. Everything you wrote until the second last sentence makes little sense and adds nothing to this discussion. It's June. We're between Voluntary OTAs and Mandatory OTA. Nothing much is happening this week except, goodness, an O-line signing. So can't you let a few guys have a little fun talking football? You're welcome to join in and you can start by enumerating the undeniable data points that suggest the O-line is not a concern. I ask this knowing we're not likely to hear from you again on this subject due to you being too busy finding those undeniable data points. Might I suggest re-reading the comments above on data points that have been substantially debunked?
  10. But they were defining "don't invest to heavily" as a mid to late draft selection or free agent. (Funny how Cooper and Warmack were first round selections. Also funny that Tennessee, coached by an all pro O-lineman, acquired Levitre at a significant price, then selected Warmack in the first.) Since Buffalo did not select any guard in the draft, a shrewed signing almost certainly meant someone not nearly as good as Levitre. And that fact made your arguments using last year's statistics not relevant when talking about the possibilities for this year's line.
  11. Many folks expressed opinions that just about anyone can play guard going back to pre-draft discussions about selecting a guard in the first round. It was the "Pick a QB first. A guard can be found in mid to late rounds" crowd. I have no problem with last years O-line stats considering C.J's great talent and Fitz's short throwing game as factors that may have made the O-line appear better than it was. I also argue that you cannot use last year's stats to characterize how this year's O-line might perform simply because it's not the same O-line. I also remain concerned about Glenn's OTA performances. But I like the addition of Legursky even though he seems to be nothing more than an average NFL guard with starting potential. In other words, I don't think much of what Buffalo has as backups and I think something had to be done at that position.
  12. The team just went through 10 days of OTAs, had a weekend to digest what they saw, and signed Legurski. Buffalo Rumblings is speculating that he will be the prime candidate to start at LG. Apparently the Bills staff had some concerns about the O-line. So, those of you who argued that last years stats show that this year's line will be good, without Levitre because just about anyone can play guard, have been squished by yesterday's event IMO.
  13. What is too ridiculous to be true? Welch's claim of the kissing incident? Brown has a history of aggressive behavior toward women. Some of that behavior was criminal in nature. The aggresiveness tends to support Welch's story. Tell me; what do you have to disprove the story? I'll bet nothing. Yet you degrade her calling her a overpampered, untalented, hack actress. Did you experience the details of what you wrote here about Brown or get it from a book. There is anger in your accounting for Brown's history and I'd like to know why. You think I should do research? I don't think I need to. Many people that have commented here have already done that for me. Tell me, where are the lies? I'm willing to listen and then do some research to see if your list of alleged lies is a valid one. If it is, I'll give you credit.
  14. Funny I don't recall that but some say my ever increasing passion for Bills' football may be an early sign of dimentia.
  15. Buffalo has the ingredients for a solid if not stellar D-line; Williams, Darius, Carrington, Branch, 100 mil $ Williams, and possibly Troup. It's the O-line that has me concerned. Regarding Carrington, is that 2010 Buddy Nix draft looking pretty good or what? BTW, where in Tennessee do you live? I'm 30 minutes south of Knoxville.
  16. Sorry San Jose, I don't recall that at all. What I do recall is that Woods and Levitre were drafted in the same year and in that year Levitre started at LG and Woods at Center. I only brought up the move of Woods to LG because he had good movement skills before those surgeries and a move to LG might change his luck regarding injuries.
  17. I'm feeling a little better now. At least we have a possible Levitre replacement that has 17 starts to his credit. I'm betting he starts. He says he thinks he's a better Center than Guard. I wonder if this staff might consider moving Woods to LG and starting Legursky at Center. I still think there may be a little fall off in performance for the O-line but Legursky, an average player or he wouldn't have been released by Pittsburg, is still better that Brown, Young, Scott and company.
  18. The point is this; Levitre and Reinhart are gone and no replacements have been brought in. Add to that the difficulties that Glenn seems to be having with his pass blocking this year and you may, with an open mind, begin to understand why I started this discussion. As to your comment about Reinhart being given only a one year deal; how many free agents have gained more than one year this year? One year contracts seem to be the norm and should, in no way, indicate the value or worth of a player. There are free agent O-linemen still sitting out there waiting for the phone to ring. Reinhart signed a contract before the others. So, was he "sought after"? I'd say yes.
  19. This is outstanding. You've expressed my concerns about the O-line better than I ever could. I know it's early in upcoming season preparations but if the OTA performances of T.J. Graham, Kiko Alonzo, and others give you reason for optimism, the touch sacks given up by the O-line should give you reason for concern. The team has not replaced Levitre. Those named by Marrone to replace him were reserve lineman in past years. I know Marrone was an NFL lineman but if you don't have the players you can't manufacture them from career reservists even with the best coaching.
  20. He does seem bitter. Maybe you're right about him regretting retiring too soon. Maybe he thought he could take Hollywood by storm, since he was a handsome man, but failed to do so. I've seen a lot of Jim Brown interviews over the years and have never seen him laugh or crack a joke. He gives the impression that he hasn't enjoyed his life. Sad.
  21. I'm pretty sure I formed this opinion before stating it. BTW, I was born in 1942 and, I'm quite sure, I've witnessed more of the 20th century than you have.
  22. Whoa; you really are optimistic. I'm trying to be. Just spent a little time researching Luke Kuechly's bio thinking Kiko might be another Kuechly. It's june. Time for a little day dreaming. Still; all of those touch sacks during OTAs linger in the back of my mind..
  23. I don't know if this is the right forum for this topic. If it isn't, I'm certain that someone will remove it or criticize me for posting it but here goes. I'm old enough to remember the great Jim Brown; the power, the speed, and the disappointment upon hearing of his somewhat premature retirement. He really was an amazing athlete. Jim Brown always impressed me as an angry black man; angry about the treatment of minorities in 1950/1960 America and for good reason. But it was his always seemingly angry atitude that I noticed. He always had a chip on his shoulders. Brown had a problem, a few years ago, with Mike Holmgren and his Cleveland Brown's staff. He apparently did not feel he received the respect he feels he deserves. He recently appeared on the NFL Network and was introduced as "the great Jim Brown". Later one of the regulars on the program stated, "Jim Brown's greatness will always be respected". I wish I knew the inside story of what went on with Brown and Holmgren but I can't help but wonder if Brown, himself, isn't part of the problem. Does he expect homage a bit too much? I recall when he and the beautiful Raquel Welch made 100 Rifles years ago. There was a kissing scene between the two and Welch wrote in a book years later that she was angred when Brown thrust his tongue into her mouth during that scene. Does Jim Brown seem to expect a little too much homage beyond what he earned as a football player. I'd welcome the opinion of others that read this forum. Does he come across to you as a little too entitled?
  24. Yes; it does. I have concerns that Fitz's fast release and quick throws have masked an inferior pass blocking O-line. Regarding posting links, sorry to have to admit this but I don't know how to do that. I grew up in the pre-computer age.
  25. Joe Buscaglia of WGR55 wrote about the OTAs and about Cordy Glenn's struggles with pass rushers in camp. I know there have been discussions here about the O-line and specifically about losing Levitre but this report about Glenn has me concerned. Many experts have said Glenn is not a LT. He looked pretty good last year. Was that atypical for him? If his performance falls off, who is his replacement? Buffalo appears to have improved it's talent level at WR and on D. Do we now have to be concerned about the O-line? Seems there is always something to worry about with this team.
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