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harv shitz

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Posts posted by harv shitz

  1. He has made the game secondary to revenue, how much money do the owners and the league need?


    6 games in London, taking games and revenue away from home stadiums and fans.


    Officiating confidence at an all time low under his watch.


    Constantly looking to go to 18 games. Do I need to go on as to how he's killing the game?


    Get someone in there who knows and has played the game, not an arrogant prick that has nothing but dollar signs in his sights.


    Football should be about the GAME first, and all the other intangibles should be secondary.

  2. Why does a millionaire kid in Florida think anyone cares that he's bored. Boohoo, get on a plane and go somewhere interesting if it's so tough.

    Totally agree. With his money, he should find something to do easily. On the other hand, if he was in Buffalo and stated he's bored, why is that a bad thing? Who on here hasn't been bored a time or two?

  3. I just don't see that.


    Bill Polian changing his mind and declining Terry Pegula's offer to join the Buffalo Bills is all the evidence anyone needs to realize that the Buffalo Bills are a disaster right now.

    I don't totally agree with this. I think Polians age has a lot to do with his decision not to take the job. Most guys at 72 don't want to do anything, and his TV gig keeps him active, relevant, and tied to the game. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows!

  4. oh my god, the schopp hatred has really spiraled out of control. For one, he's not a broadcaster and secondly, have you listened to all the drive time sports guys in America before arriving at this conclusion? In Denver alone I can think of three prominent local guys who I am certain people would like less than schopp.

    The "Schopp Hatred" continues, because he is hated! He can't talk to people like they are dirt under his almighty feet, and not expect to be hated.


    He is the most arrogant douchebag I've ever had the displeasure of listening to, and haven't listened to his show in 3 years, and won't listen to that time slot again until they can his pompous ass!

  5. Pegula has a vision to turn this franchise around. If it means costing us a mediocre quitter in Marrone and a guy, by some accounts has had the game pass him by, so be it.


    This also means that Polian's idiot son comes nowhere near this franchise too.

    I have to agree. The only reason Marrone got this job, is because Brandon and Nix couldn't get anyone better.


    As for Polian, as much respect as I have for him, I'd rather see someone younger, with fresh ideas, get the job. How long would a 72 year old guy stay with the job, anyway?

  6. This. Schoop says "Let me know what you think". Then the first caller had the temerity to look at the bright side and say this is a team that has dominated us and it was nice to get a win against them. He said that it might even be a catalyst game like the 1980 home opener against Miami. Schoop went ABSOLUTELY NUTS on the guy. For stating his opinion. I turned off the post-game show after that.


    I remember Schoop in the Empire days, and he never did that. He was going up against a guy on WGR that used to do that regularly (what was his name again, the Coach or something?) Schoop even said in those days that he would never act like the Coach and shout down callers. Clearly he lied, and forgot where he came from. Schopp has become a hack, so shame on him. It would be nice if he would go back to being a reasonable host, like when he started on Empire.


    No, it would be nice if someone at WGR would fire his ass, like today! I was so happy to see this thread, as I miss listening to post game shows, but have not, and will not listen to this arrogant ass ever again!


    Been 3 years, and I haven't wavered yet. As stated, I do miss a post game show, but will take the silence over these two dickbags!

  7. I have the same hopes as everyone on here, therefore no dissrespect is meant to anyone. Just making points of where we came up short.


    I personally think Nix was subpar at best, and am not sure on Whaley yet. I still believe there is a good chance Watkins would still have been on the board without the trade, and if he wasn't, Odell Beckham was.


    And I strongly believe Kujo and Henderson are terrible. Sorry for being realistic.

  8. Where am I wrong? If Watkins woulda been gone, you still had a shot at several other wideouts that were put up similiar numbers to Watkins.


    It's FACT that NONE of the gentleman I mentioned did anything to fix our qb problems, how can I be wrong there?


    And if you think Kujo or Henderson will ever be dependable starters and help this O-line, I'd like to see what you see?

  9. While I love Sammy Watkins, who's to say he wouldn't have been on the board at 9 anyway? And I've questioned the logic of getting a speedy wideout, when you don't have anyone to get him the ball anyway?


    Levy, Nix, Brandon, and Whaley have ALL refused to make QB priority one, and we still pay for it!


    And as TimTebow15 points out above, Henderson and Kujo are two of the worst missed picks in recent memory.


    I have followed this team loyally for 40 years, and if I'm forced to watch another season of Nate Hackett and bull **** quarterback play, I may have to reevaluate what I do on Sunday's next fall.

  10. F#$k Buddy Nix! How many first round picks did he blow, while his arrogant attitude, and insistance that "Ryan's our guy" missed on how many quarterbacks?


    The whole T.J. Graham deal pisses me off enough to fight the fat bastard every time I think of it!


    The only thing he did well was get the hell out of Orchard Park!


    Sorry for the rant, but I hated the appointment of Nix when they did it, and hold Russ Brandon equally accountable for us still not having a quarterback that can accurately throw an accurate pass longer than 5 yards!

  11. Not sure how any of this matters, as we will still be looking for a quarterback. I checked out the Free Agent QB's for 2015, and there isn't much to be excited over.


    Ryan Mallett and Mike Glennon are it. I am intrigued by Glennon, actually wanted the Bills to take him in the 2nd round, but they took EJ. Actually coulda taken both, considering the quandary the position was (still) is in.

  12. I don't have an answer right now as far as HC and OC, but want NOTHING to do with Sanchez! He's the exact same QB we've had for the past decade: Turnover prone, poor decision making, inaccurate passer.


    No thanks. I'm not that sold on Rex (or his fatass brother) either. They both command a ton of attention because of their last name, and the way they run their mouths.


    I'm not big on the "look at me" persona, sorry.

  13. I don't think it matters, after what I saw last week, they are gonna get ran off the field, much like most recent games in Foxboro.


    As far as EJ goes, to think he "improved" while watching Orton, I wouldn't expect a major change in his game. EJ is what he is, and will be, poor decision making, injury prone, and inaccurate.


    Sorry to be so negative, but I think I'm right.

  14. I might have bought into Harbaugh a couple years ago, but he comes off like a raging maniac, and I think his players hate him. That mentality doesn't work well anymore.


    Not sure on canning Marrone, but I want nothing to do with Hackett coming back.

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