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harv shitz

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Posts posted by harv shitz

  1. to go further with #7, one of the reasons I hate Hackett is his refusal to play power football when its needed. 3rd and one, go fullback lead, give the ball to Fred or Dixon, and slam the sonofabitch in there behind the fullback. Only get half of it? do it again on 4th! Has to work better than the stupid pass plays the idiot calls routinely!

  2. Why do people talk of Jay Cutler like he's something special? Watch him play, he's just marginally better than Fitz was/is.


    Thanks, but no thanks on Cutler. 3 years after he would sign here, we would be on here debating the same things that this thread is about right now.


    And what should be a major indictment on the current coaching staff and management, is is unfathomable to think that they wouldn't even consider signing or drafting another quarterback in the off season.


    It was plain to anyone that knows this game that drives us all crazy on here that NONE of the three QB's on the roster were remotely good enough to advance this team.


    Then in an act of desparation, they sign Orton. There were a few good quarterbacks in the draft this year (Jimmy Garappalo) for example that could have been had in the 2-5th rounds, yet again we elect to "go with what we got," like that has worked at all for us over the last decade or longer!

  3. I agree, Bills Vet, but they never should have brought Fitz here thinking he was anything other than a backup. He proved it before he came, and is still proving it. Sure, he has a nice game or two every once in awhile, but then reverts back to what he is.


    It's painful, and pisses me off to think of the talented QB's we passed on because "We have Ryannn, and he's our guy." F-in killed this team!

  4. Nix NEVER should have been given the position he was handed. His drafts were for the most part horrible, but it goes even beyond him.

    Levy was a terrible choice as GM, and his name should be removed from the wall for his choice of his Ole Boy homey Dick Jauron.


    I stated the day they hired him we would remain stagnant, and we did, even regressed.


    Face the facts, since Butler left, we have had nobody even remotely competent in the most vital positions, coach, president, or GM.


    Facts are facts, and I just stated them.

  5. Uh because our team is mediocre AGAIN. Cause we aren't beating Denver and N England on the road and our chances of making the playoffs are slim and none (even if we win the tiebreakers are all bad). Cause we have watched this team and this organization fail miserably for 15 years now. Cause this offense is nearly unwatchable and we have an OC who is is wayyyy over his head. Cause our head coach talks about coaching up the O line and it is the worst unit on the team. Cause we are wasting what might be a once in a 25 year caliber d line. Cause we have no #1 draft choice and desperately need a #1 QB. Cause we have wasted the talent of CJ Spiller for 4 years and this dopey coaching staff was still clueless as to how to use him. Cause too many fans drink the Kool aid that this organization sells and it creates hopes that over and over and over (count to 15) are unfullfilled.


    I could keep going but why bother.


    That good enough for ya?


    Exactly, couldn't be summed up any better. Me, personally, am beyond the mediocre QB play AGAIN this season. Orton played a tad above average the first couple games, and we were looking good and winning. He slipped back to what we're used to seeing, and we can't buy a touchdown.


    I honestly don't see us winning another game this year, I really don't.

  6. I have been a Bills fan for 40 years, and he is one of my least favorite players, ever! Dumb decisions, fumbles, gets beat consistantly, yet runs his mouth like he's the second coming of Derelle Revis!


    Start taking note of how many times he gets lit up and made to look silly, and you will see my point. He makes crucial mistakes at critical times, and comes off like a complete moron when interviewed.


    Corey Graham is way better at corner than this clown will ever be!

  7. Why is he still on the team? Guy continues to be the most inconsistent player and when he's off, which is often, he's a liability. "He's prone to mental lapses" is an understatement! And his "guarantee" for Thursday is about right for this joker.

    Bingo! I've been saying ALL of this for years, and it falls on deaf ears! And no, he ISN"T the best we have, Corey Graham is! And if he was "the best we have," that simply isn't good enough.
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