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harv shitz

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Posts posted by harv shitz

  1. FC strikes again! What is it that fitz can pass on to a qb ? How to throw ints w game on line? How to grow a beard and wear nerdy t shirts? Maybe he can show him how to lose to sea and SF by 100 points again. Watch nyg/buff game to see ole rag arm throw away a game if ya need proof.


    A final farewell to the cannon. What a lucky sob to get a contract for throwing a football without an arm, Ivy League taught him well.

    That is utterly hysterical! How soon some people forget how rotten he really was. Two years ago in the opening game against the Jets, I new the season was doomed by halftime, mostly by his horrific play.

    One of the best days in franchise was when he was released, by to quote Buddy, "Ryynns our guuyyy!"

  2. I seriously expect a Bills win here, and here is why: I expect Manuel and the offense to be very explosive, and the speed and tempo to wear down the Pat's defense.


    I think the defense will be very aggressive, causing some turnovers and frustating Brady.


    New England isn't the team it's been for the last decade. The loss of Welker is going to be huge.


    Let's all hope I'm right with this one!

  3. For the love of the memory of Bob Chandler, let's all hope that this win today doesn't skew the powers that be from doing what needs done, and that is a total housecleaning!


    Gailey, Nix, Fitz, and Wanndstedt have all proven they are all incapable of being anything other than what they have been for 3 years, and that is a 6-10 losing team.


    Let's all pray for what needs to happen.

  4. I hope Chan gets broomed, but I want Nix to go with him! His rhetoric is old, he either lies like a rug whenever there is a microphone in his face or he is as dilusional as Ralph appears to be.


    Maybe Brandon can make the call. I would give my left one to see Jim Kelly have some say in what goes on at One Bills Drive. He would make some things happen, and I believe he would bring some credibility back to the team.

  5. Why can't the management of this team see that Fitzpatrick is marginal at the very best? He sucks! period! 1-10 in his last 11 starts. Sick of Nix and Gailey defending this piss poor excuse for a quarterback.


    I would take J.P. Losman back in a heartbeat over this overpaid loser.


    Hell, I would trade him even steven to the Jets for Tebow yewterday

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