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harv shitz

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Posts posted by harv shitz

  1. I can count just fine. The point is Fitz sucked, and Nix, Gailey, and Jauron basically forced all of us to believe that "he's our guy."


    Had they opened their eyes and not been so damned stubborn, they would have drafted a guy that is making plays for a team now.


    If you think or wish Fitzpatrick was still here, than you don't know much about good quarterback play.


    Plug in the opening day game against the Jets his last year, you will see all you need to see.


    Like I said, there's a reason he has been with at least 5 teams now, and if had been any good when Nix signed him, he wouldn't have been available then!

  2. Do you guys not remember how rotten Sanchez was with the Jets? The butt fumble, the countless picks, the horrible decisions with the football?


    I would give the ball to Jeff Tuel before Sanchez.


    I realize the option list is very limited, but I see zero upside to bringing him in. I have been watching NFL football for 40 years, and the only USC quarterback I can remember being even decent is Carson Palmer.

  3. I read the article on nfl.com regarding the clown 3 year deal.

    It stated that he was arguably THE TOP QB IN FREE AGENCY!!!!!!???



    They praise the fact that the browns stole him from Buffalo using old school tactics.


    We didnt just dodge a bullet, by not signing that clown. We dodged an A-bomb riding a tricycle with one leg. We got lucky gents. We got lucky gents. Nfl.com is so wrong on this one.

    Couldn't agree more. McCown couldn't start for the local high school team! Did anyone watch him play last year? I'm estatic they Bills DIDN'T sign him, as he brings nothing here but more bad quarterback play!

  4. Draft a guy, and let EJM hand the ball off 80% of the plays.

    Super. Then you have a guy on the outside that you spent two #1 picks on acting as a decoy.


    Make a trade to the Eagles for Nick Foles, and bring a QB that can actually play. I'm sick of guys like Fitz, Orton, Kelly Holcomb, and the likes. Theres a reason why they can't stay with a team more than a year or two. If previous management wouldn't have been so dillusional over Fitzpatrick, they might have drafted one of several quality QB's they passed on.

  5. Just change the PI rule..Should not be a spot foul. Its by far the biggest game changer in sports. Also basically every defensive foul is a 1st down, change that. 5 yard illegal contact should not be an automatic 1st down.

    I have had a problem with this being an automatic first down for a long time. It's 3rd and 22, and a 5 yard penalty give them a 1st? This really needs addressed.

  6. I don't think pre empting the show today and tomorrow for the Combine is a smart decision. How much can you talk about guys doing drills?


    I enjoy listening to Rome, he does keep you in touch with all of the sports world, and if a topic he has doesn't interest me, I change the channel for a bit and then go back.


    Kinda like I do at 3 p.m. when Schopp comes on, I change the channel!

  7. He may not be the 2nd coming of Joe Montana, but I have to believe he's better than anyone we've had since Jimbo.


    Arguably, he's better than any of the FA options available. He's certainly more talented than McCown, Ron Mexico, or Marc Sanchez.


    I hope they take a serious look at him.


    I would wing a 3rd round pick for him right now.

  8. I quit listening to The afternoon Idiots 3 years ago. I missed listening for awhile, but not to them.


    As for Hockey Hotline, there simply isn't enough good content to have that show on 5 days a week.


    There seems to be enough negativity on this thread to make the powers at WGR to take a long look at a change, but I don't think it will happen, unfortunately.


    If another station in town would come up with a good sports format, WGR would be in real trouble.

  9. Wondering what other Bills fans opinions are on Ray Rice? With the talk that we need another back, he has a ton of talent to bring to an offense that needs some help.


    I feel he has paid the price for his mistake, and would like to see the Bills take a look at him.

  10. In my case there is. If Schoop's on, I'm off. Worst radio host encountered in my entire life. I'm 68.

    I agree 1000%. I won't even listen to that douchebag doing a commercial. There is nothing entertaining or compelling about his voice, delivery, content, etc.


    I have no idea why he has remained on air for so long, when it's so apparent he is so disliked by the captive audience.

  11. Again, am I wrong on the problems I've stated? Absolutely not! When the league grew and flourished, it was under the direction of Pete Rozelle, and Paul Tagliabue.


    Did you hear people wanting to run them out of office? No. Did you hear the boos reign down last night when Goodell presented the trophy? Damn right you did!


    Hey, if you are a Goodell fan, god bless you. I hate the arrogant ass, as do many fans.


    If things don't change soon, and some new direction brought in, it won't be long and I will be telling you, "Sorry, but I told you so."

  12. Mr. Weo, I don't think you're totally correct, here. Goodell has stated many times how he wants games in London, how he thought an 18 game schedule was a great idea, etc.


    Sure, the owners like some of his ideas that make them more money, but as I previously stated, the game is unraveling right in front of us, the people that love it, and the buck stops on his desk!


    Take a poll and see what the fans (and players, for that matter) think of this guy. I'm certain you will find that the vast majority echo my sentiments regarding him.

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