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Everything posted by TwistofFate

  1. It's more than a role. This dude has a vendetta against this team and Josh after getting Pinto Ronned last season.
  2. I want this win more than anything, especially to see the look on Nick Wrights stupid face when it's over.
  3. Get the W! Im not sure that can happen this week without Josh being on point. We need him at his best on prime time. This is a huge game early on.
  4. Herbert was amazing last year. It was evident with him breaking every rookie record that he was going to be great. It's cherry picking because he didn't care to look at any other phrase. My post was a recommendation to search for other things than just Allen. If someone's going to claim to do research to get to the bottom of something don't you think you look for every possible key Ward that would get you to the true answer? I don't always call Josh Allen Allen sometimes I call him simply Josh. Even though all of my responses that should have come up under Allen that showed I gave him praise we're not posting that is where the dishonesty comes from. Cherry Picked responses then included the key word Allen we're only posts to try to attempt to paint me in a negative light. While I've been critical of Allen and his first two years I've given Josh plenty of Praise through last year and into this year including a post it specifically says I love Josh Allen. The moral of the story is if you're going to say that somebody said they had said positive things and Praises you should be looking for proof of positive things and Praises not simply looking for negative comments that are close to two years old.
  5. Nah, I was praising Herbert last year when he was owning every rookie record. Of course you can't talk about it here because it's taboo to talk about anyone that may be better than Allen. I thought he looked much advanced last year and it's continuing on this year. Bottom line is Allen is our guy, and looks light years ahead of his first two years. I'm happy with him. Yea, I'm wrong for recommending someone search more than one keyword while doing research....ok!
  6. I don't know how to use all these funky search functions, I simply went through my post history. Apparently the search feature does not work that well.
  7. yeah, your dishonesty comes from your "research." Which really wasn't research at all. You simply took a lot of hot takes from 2 years ago. As I've already stated, i've given Allen praise and will continue to.
  8. I can keep going if you like. You, my friend, are the dishonest one.
  9. There is no question his physical traits his size his arm strength all of these intangibles were there. The bottom line is he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn and he had a very lengthy history of having this problem. I really don't care to rehash Josh Allen conversations from 2 years ago that's not where he is now what's done is done and he's made a drastic improvement as unlikely as it was he did it and I'm perfectly happy with what we have at quarterback. But to be jumped all over because I believe that there are other QBs that are better is ridiculous. I've been a fan of this team for over 30 years endured the drought and I've watched a plethora of quarterbacks that were claimed to be the next big thing which never manifested. Now I'm on to the Chiefs. Wtf are you talking about? Every single person in the media saw the same thing I did he looked bad really bad for two years. That isn't having a bias or having skewed hopes of him being bad he was bad.
  10. I'm the whiner? You consistently whine about everyone that even remotely questions Allen. Then you stalk people and reply the same old tired replies of how you're an OG hater from way back. I look at the team objectively on a year to year week to week basis. I'm sure I can sit and pull up tons of old posts from people on this board that are questionable in hindsight, but I have a life and don't feel the need to waste it on that. My posts and feelings are based on the present, not 3 years ago. Get over it, move on, or perhaps seek counseling if you can't. Good day.
  11. Try searching harder. Like using the word....Josh. I've been critical of him, but I had every right to. He was terrible his first two years and it's not even arguable. He lit it up last year and I shot him the praises, accepted his growth and even ponied up money to a board member because he exceeded all expectations and I lost a bet. This year Josh was weak in his first two games and steadily increased play to resemble his former year. I'm happy and excited for this team and glad Josh is performing the way he should as a first rounder with a big contract, however...I do believe Herbert is better and will end up better overall in terms of performance. I've made the Marino / Kelly comparison, would I rather have the better Qb or the Super Bowls...Super Bowls obviously. If you want to cherry pick, at least be honest.
  12. By all means, feel free to compare them this year. I'll also state again as I already have....im completely happy with Allen thus far, I just think Herbert is better.
  13. And it's not boasting at all. I stated what I stated. If you can't comprehend it that's on you.
  14. NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year (2020) PFWA All-Rookie Team (2020) William V. Campbell Trophy (2019) 2020 Senior Bowl MVP 2020 Rose Bowl Offensive MVP 3x Academic All-American (2017–2019)[1] NFL records Most total TDs by a rookie quarterback: 36 Most passing TDs by a rookie quarterback: 31 Most completions by a rookie quarterback: 396 Most 300-yard games by a rookie quarterback: 8 Yea, he is.
  15. Lol, you people are hilarious. God forbid you acknowledge the quality Qb play from the team in the thread specifically designed to talk about it. You must hate Allen if you think another Qb is better...lmao.
  16. After tonight a second year guy who's not even being talked about as an MVP, will be better than or equal to Allen in nearly every single passing Stat. Ive given plenty of praise to Allen, you can search my post history. The bottom line is Herbert in year two looks phenomenal.
  17. I'm an OG of calling out bad play when I see it. When Allen is hot he's on fire, when cold...he's sub zero. There isn't much middle ground. PS, I'm perfectly happy with his performance last season and this season minus the first two weeks.
  18. Football is not subjective. You either produce or you don't. Different levels of production place you in different classifications. Are you elite? Are you above average? Are you a game manager? Are you average? Etc.
  19. I've watched a ton of him and I concur. He looked like this as a rookie last year, just much more consistent and more comfortable this year in this offense. Herbert is legit, all kid on the side, he is better than Allen...and that's OK. Marino was better than Kelly, but we were the ones going to all the super bowls.
  20. Herbert is 100% legit and may be the next really big thing. He makes all the throws, he's composed under pressure and continues to improve at an exponential rate. I think he has the most upside and will have the most longevity of any young gun out there right now.
  21. If Bradys receivers actually catch the ball, this game would have been over already. Tons of dropped passes tonight.
  22. Someone needs to test Belichick's kid for drugs....Jesus.
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