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Posts posted by Thirdborn

  1. I think you're drawing too much of a link to politics in trying to equate gun ownership with right wing politics. I don't recall many of these shooters exposing political beliefs and they don't appear to target gov't officials or high profile targets. Rather, most of them lash out within their immediate surroundings (Binghamton, VT Tech, Columbine shooters all attacked people they saw regularly). As Hannibal Lecter said, we covet what we see everyday. They aren't blaming liberals or conservatives; they are blaming their neighbor because he has a nicer car or a prettier girlfriend.


    Our society places an enormous premium on success; be it money, attractiveness, fame, accumulation of material goods, etc., and our American Idiot culture only feeds the insecurities of those people who can't handle being just another ordinary JSP. The ones who snap are usually lonely, unaccomplished outcasts or anonymous nobodies whose hopes and dreams have been dashed along the way.


    I don't dispute your second paragraph, however I believe that there have been examples of what would appear to be politically motivated killings


    Richard Poplawski kills three police officers in Pittsburgh, convinced that Jews controlled the media and

    President Obama was scheming to take away his arsenal 4/09


    Jim Adkisson opened a guitar case at a Tennessee church pulling out a gun, killing two, and wounding four more.

    He targeted the congregation out of hatred, saying, “liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country.” 7/08


    Timothy Johnson shot and killed the democratic party chairman of Arkansas, Bill Gwatney, 8/08

  2. Someone said once that all the mass shootings in the last few years have been in gun free zones, where you can't even carry with a conceal permit. I haven't double checked that, but it seems true from my memory.


    Maybe if there were less restrictions on guns people would not be able to do that kind of sh-- because they'd get shot by a good citizen before they were able to do any damage.


    Anyways, ya with unemployment on it's way up, the crazies are going to do even crazier things if they lose their jobs.



    I don't think anyone can prevent someone from indiscriminately shooting up a random group of people. If someone who was armed intervened, and they were skilled enough, I concede that they could reduce the ammount of deaths, but it wouldn't disuade the shooter from committing the act.

  3. Ok, I've been thinking. So far we're off to a good start.


    It is not my intention to Demonize or Lionize the gun owners, but to examine the liklihood that there is a small but significant portion of the community that share the following experiences: own guns, have a distrust of authority, consider it not so much as their right to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property,as it is their duty to do so.


    Now, from that group of gun owners , there is a liklihood that there are those with a disdain for the government... Democrats, Liberals, socialists, Obama, the U.N., .......... I think these people would still fit in the "mainstream". of social mores, and are entitled to their views. These people are not a threat.


    But finally, I believe this is where the people who shoot themselves after they destroy as many others as possible, have made the leap to Hell. Anyone who has ever discharged a firearm has met at one point, or another, that dude that was a little too into it.



    How difficult would it be to believe that there were a significant number of US gun possessing individuals that are without a job, depressed, angry, and prone to a survivalist mentality.


    I think I am seeing these same people being fired up and manipulated by fear based rhetoric. Chuck Norris wants to cecede to Texas Obama wants to take your guns away, A Senator delcares that she is behind enemy lines when she refers to the WhiteHouse, Cheney howling that we are defensless and are begging to be attacked. The president is an empty suit at best, possibly an Islamic terrorist, not even born in this country. And we are in a depression.


    I believe this is the backwater that spawns the mass shooters.


    I expect to see at least 15 more mass shootings in the U.S. alone this year.


    Am I making an unreasonable assumption?


    (Go easy on me .... I didn't vomit forth one link)

  4. Not the angel part, but I remember the first season including cylons obsession of the gods and love. It wasn't as forward as it was to become, but when my wife explained the show to others after only seeing the first season she felt religion was a strong part of the show. I didn't agree with her then, but now I know she was right.


    Also....does Chief go to Ireland? A highland island off the north continent?


    Gaelan = gaelic

  5. Nice theory Dank, that's one ending that I wouldn't be disappointed in.


    I hate to be a buzzkill ...... But, the show culminates with an epsiode that has the entire cast flying low over the moon and seeing "earth" for the very first time. upon arrival, they realize that the inhabitatants don't have a spoken language, or any real culture for that matter, and we are told that our cast decides to give up all technology in order to begin anew..... to break the cycle ....... sorry.

  6. Adult Swim is airing TGTM episodes nightly. The more I watch them, the more I think the show is bizarrely brilliant and one of the most original comedies I've seen. Your take?





    Every time I watch tim and eric / tom goes to the mayor, I find that I find it easier to remember to take my meds. Squidbillies is by far williams stret's greatest achievement .....no disrespect to Master Shake. also listen closely and you will find that they are the same few folks that do most of the voices for all the shows.... eg: Master shake is the squidbillies Grandmother, and the coach in Home Movies was Morpeus' master in The Venture twins. I watch too much Adult Swim.

  7. For me it's Red Rider with Lunatic Fringe. Not necessarily a one hit wonder in Canada but they never hit it big in the U.S. Miami Vice (the TV show) helped them out by using this song in one of their episodes. BTW - caught a rerun of MV ... the sets looked so cheap ... good thing the girls were hot as were the cars.



    Mah mah mah mah mah mah mah .. . my Sharona

  8. This time thing is just one big circle. For Daniel...he's involved with the Lost-aways now, but he was also involved way back when, and likely was in some way throughout the years. So where did his involvement begin? He obviously knew what was going to happen to Charlotte when we encountered her when she was a child. He was an adult then, as he is now. When and how did Daniel enter this continual time loop?




    AND....... Why doesn't Walt have to come back??

  9. This girl is REAL and she is looking for ME... Me, I tell you. Now, leave us alone!



    How very Bizzare. Having said that, it is obvious that you are delusional, Dean. She wants ME. It is clear. AND...... It is unsettling that you feel an affinity for my sweetheart.

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