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Posts posted by Thirdborn

  1. Oh, look. Another critic who hates helping people. Shut the hell up. :doh:


    I'm glad to hear that the bill will help Thirdborn's son. To suggest that this irresponsible, damaging bill was the only vehicle to help him, and that being critical of the whole bill amounts to nothing more than being a moron with no compassion, is beyond embarrassing and frustrates people like me to no end....which is likely what these tards want because they know they can't argue the bill on its merits. They somehow, amazingly think it makes sense to say "This bill is horrible, but some good will come of it, so everyone should shut their trap."


    I want to have a drink with you. <_<

  2. Two things (along with lengthening the periods children can be covered) that could have been passed 1000 times in the past 30 years if the electorate cared about real issues instead of buzzword crap like abortion and terrorism.


    Agreed. It "could have been done". It never was.




    No, they really shouldn't. This bill is a disaster and it's going to do an amazing amount of damage to our country. The CBO estimates are ridiculous (as they usually are) and the lack of understanding on what the non-specific costs (like the country's credit rating, long term treasuries, etc) are going to screw the middle class big time.


    no arguement here.

  3. I do.


    I also understand your stake in "Health Care" and why you think it should pass. I agree that "Health Care" in this country is broken for many of the same reasons you do but what is currently being shoved at us isn't going to fix most (or any) of those things.


    I guess the hope is that it'll break even more stuff and force the country to face what it's done for the last 60 years.


    You sir, are very intuitive. agreed. I recognize the flaws...... I do.

  4. I honestly find it increasingly amazing that people with the ability to read and add could find this bill worth supporting as if THIS is the only way to help the helpless, which is really the only justification. Any time you argue against this, a liberal says "Well, we're doing it for Natoma! We're doing it for those who don't have coverage," and I realize that it is terribly sad that the world is about to learn the ill-gotten plans of a liberal party will create more long-lasting problems than they could ever think they're solving in the short term.


    I truely believe that your avatar is sexy sexy sexy.

  5. Considering that this country at one point of its history was the bullwark against the tyranny of socialism, your post speaks volumes. You know, there's a reason that the roots of this country is made up of those who couldn't wait to get the hell out of Europe.



    Is it REALLY that bad?

  6. ****ty quote from a ****ty song from a ****ty band for a ****ty post. If your so behind this bill and its cause why don't you sign over all your paycheck to the feds to help out? Just don't make me pay for it. I already pay for my own.


    Dude, with much compassion, and hubris ..... this board is reknown for it's Knee-jerk, passion driven spooge. When someone responds to an outrageous claim with their own, I applaud.

    So yeah, Cuba Rocks!!

  7. Jesus is smiling. I'm sorry that soo many of you feel that you've been sold out, and that our once mighty nation is DOOOOOMED. The sun will rise tomorrow, the Bills will still be sub- :lol: par and you'll still find something to complain about. It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

  8. Unfortunately I can't back this up with stats, but Both had better supporting cast.


    1.The RBs,QBs, and O-lines (sorry guys TE, JP, and Fitz are better than the likes of VP, Collins you want me to keep going)

    He did have Bledsoe.

    2.Having him on the team made Price look like a pro bowler

    3.I know Reed's stats are monsterous but so are Kelly's, TT, Lofton need I go on.

    The only line that was better then BUFs was Dallas.

    I could go on and on but I will answer it as you bring it.

    Go ahead butcher away.


    Aare you serious? Moulds would have been a star elsewhere, but...... he never went across the middle like Andre did. No comparrison. Moulds aand Evans would be an awesome combo.

  9. Do you understand how exhausting being President of the United States has to be? I am sure he thought he could keep up the schedule doing that, but wanting to be able to do something and being able to are two separate things.


    You are, in fact, correct. I am exhausted. I thought, that by employing a figurehead, I could divert some of the pressure. Not so. I am so very, very tired.

  10. don'y care which party you're affiliated with


    The Borowitz Report) - One week after their first national convention, the self-styled Teabaggers are facing an identity crisis after one of their members finally Googled the slang term "teabag."


    "I was wondering why every time I told people I was a Teabagger they kind of started giggling in an embarrassed way," said Tracy Klugian, a Teabagger from Elyria, Ohio. "I was like, what the heck? Maybe I should use the Google and see what this is all about."


    After Mr. Klugian Googled the word "teabag," he was shocked by what he discovered and shared his information with the Teabaggers' leadership, who are now actively looking for a new name for the group.


    "We want a name that suggests we're out to give the Democrats a good fight," he said. "So far what we've come up with is the Donkey Punchers."

  11. Imagine a bunch of men, most of whom have never read any of the greats of philosophy, especially political philosophy, begin to understand what is the best way for man to live or the best way for the society to be built discuss issues. It's akin to a group of men discussing the best way to make a bridge based on physics without any background in math.


    So when the use of the words "right", "good", "just" is used by some who blatantly deny God's and nature's law even when it is apparent in nature I mock you. The consistent slamming of Christians but never of Jews or Buddhists only prove that Jesus Christ is the King of society and while you mock me you will not mock Him forever, the nature inherent in all of us, or the society which will be ending before your eyes in the coming years with the destruction of the dollar.


    And if any of you idiots think you understand Christianity and think this is non-Christian is as much of a lie as your own life. I would be a liar like you if I said otherwise. To speak the truth and rebuke you monsters is as Christian as the "peace" and flowers message which is a ersatz of the truth.


    To all of you who are the silent types against these mocking monsters don't lose hope. I wish all men of good will well.




    I'm sorry, Did you just say that "Jesus Christ is the King of society"? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


    you rock.

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