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Posts posted by Thirdborn

  1. Describe to me what he does exceptionally well as a Quarterback without using the words leadership, willpower or heart.


    He has a weak arm, no accuracy, has never taken a snap from a center, isn't fast enough to outrun NFL linebackers, and isn't big enough to run over NFL linebackers. And all that rah-rah Jesus saves BS is only going to "work" if he can prove himself on the field first. Jumping up and down like a child with A.D.D. isn't going to motivate the Marcus Strouds' of the world.




  2. If I'm Edwards I sprain something severely this week. If he doesn't he's going to leave the game on a stretcher because Rex Ryan is gonna kitchen sink his ass all day long. He's gonna feel like Poland in WWII.


    I still can't believe this team almost won in New England. They almost had me thinking I didn't know how much they sucked.


    He's gonna feel like Poland in WWII



    awesome! :thumbsup:

  3. fire Jauron .... I like the guy as a person, lousy HC


    Demote Edwards to backup ..... liked him and hoped the best for him, but not getting it done. Still not ready to eject him until I see how he plays under a better coaching staff


    this season is a wash ...... meh .....who thought it would be anything else.


    I have'nt a clue as how to right the ship as is .........could we trade Lynch and Owens for a decent Head coach?



  4. We are successfully lulling the rest of the NFL into a pacified slumber. Shhhhhhhh. Do not wake them up.

    We are projecting (cunningly) incompetence, and an absence of athleticism. This is GOOD. D.J. is a genius.

    T.o> is not hurt........he's waiting. Bills 42 Pats 13


    Trent is gnawing the inside of his cheek. He want's to break free. D.J. (brilliance BTW) is holding him back.


    Mark these words well, my brothers,(no disrespect Lori and Cablelady)


    We will be in the playoffs this year.




  5. 103 yesterday, 105 today, 107 tomorrow. With no relief until maybe this weekend. Guess it's time to break out the bikini... :thumbsup:


    Had to double check that I was still in Oregon...not Arizona.


    How hot is it where you are?? :rolleyes:


    It's supposed to get to 101 today (seattle) about 97 at 10AM

  6. Same here.. got the game for Xmas in '07.


    Current Lineup:


    80 Deathknight

    76 Mage

    69 Paladin (BG Twink)

    52 Warlock

    4 toons ranging from 15-30


    For the Alliance! /duel Thirdborn


    which server you on? I'm on duskwood. Lvl 66 Tauren hunter



    Fact 1-Liberals disdain the warriors who die protecting our rights every day in Iraq and Afghanistan


    Fact 2-Liberals would rather worship a flimsy child molester than a real fallen hero


    Fact 3-ACORN and labor unions are ruining the country (I know this has nothing to do with this but I really want to hammer this point home).




    Fact 1 (and really the only one that matters) You're a Jackass

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