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Posts posted by Thirdborn

  1. How often does Seattle get a crippling snow storm? Every 10, 15 years? :blush:


    Evidently, the city will let people crash and get injured before adding salinity to saline Puget Sound...


    Seattle: No to salt, yes to snow-packed roads

    By Susan Kelleher, The Seattle Times 12/23/08


    "SEATTLE -- To hear the city's spin, Seattle's road crews are making "great progress" in clearing the ice-caked streets.


    But it turns out "plowed streets" in Seattle actually means "snow-packed," as in there's snow and ice left on major arterials by design.


    'We're trying to create a hard-packed surface," said Alex Wiggins, chief of staff for the Seattle Department of Transportation. "It doesn't look like anything you'd find in Chicago or New York."


    The city's approach means crews clear the roads enough for all-wheel and four-wheel-drive vehicles, or those with front-wheel drive cars as long as they are using chains, Wiggins said. The icy streets are the result of Seattle's refusal to use salt, an effective ice-buster used by the state Department of Transportation and cities accustomed to dealing with heavy winter snows.


    "If we were using salt, you'd see patches of bare road because salt is very effective," Wiggins said. "We decided not to utilize salt because it's not a healthy addition to Puget Sound.'."...




    The run off from the salted roads, would kill the once depleted salmon runs. There is rarely a winter storm like the one we are experiencing now. Maybe if people knew how to drive in all weather, there wouldn't be so many people whining. Oh yeah, and they might want to pick up a shovel as well. My hippy prius gets me around in the snow and ice just fine ..... I am from Buffalo though.

  2. The guy with a Losman, RJ, Flutie, Spikes, and McGahee jersey collecting dust in the closet.....you just had to make one more purchase because there was no way Trent would crap out like the rest of them....JINX!!!.....SHOW YOURSELF!!!....COWARD!!!


    I have bought 2 jerseys in my life ........ Edwards (ordered when we were 2 - 0 recieved when we were 5 -1 ....

    and Poz for my son.


    I am ready for my lashes

  3. Was that the play when Losman was called for grounding-- which was messed up, given that Losman threw the ball and it hit a Jets player? How is it grounding when the other team tips the ball? And how does grounding trump calling the Jets for driving JP into the turf?



    It was indeed the same call. I did enjoy seeing a bloody faced ref later in the game, but how that wasn't called is beyond me.

  4. I didn't have sound ....... any reason given? Why did we call a pass on 1st and 10 with about 3 minutes left ....... why did'nt the jets kneel down with less than 2 minutes remaining ..... why did we have to endure what everyone knew was coming? This was Greek tragedy at it's finest. I have to think that there was a Faustian deal made by a Bills fan (now in his 60's) where in exchange for an AFL championship, the Bills would forfeit their right to compete with the rest of the NFL. Maybe it was Ralph trading his teams future for Long life. It has gotten sooooo predictable, that it doesn't even hurt anymore.


    I would build next years team around Josh Reed, Marshawn Lynch, and Freddy Jackson. Thsy have Heart.

  5. Drunk man sues town over the injury because they should have locked that cover down and the sewer hole was in a bad place therefore negligence.....collect millions.


    God Bless America


    not sure, but it seems to have a Baltic flavor to it. I don't think it's from the U.S.

    could be wrong, though.

  6. Looks like he's trying to help a buddy in a fight by picking up the manhole cover. :blink:


    He's lucky he didn't break his leg.



    At first I thought he was trying to give the manhole cover to the dudes swordfighting to use as a shield ...... after watching it a couple of more times, I find it becomes more surreal. It sure looks like he broke his arm ...... maybe lost a testicle too. Had to have been drinking involved.

  7. You forgot Flutie. No one was jerked around worse than Flutie. Yet, whenever he did get in the game he produced. He wasn't ruined by being jerked in and out of the lineup. And of the 4, Flutie looked the sharpest by far.


    Touche' However, Flutie hads scads of experience, no? Trent is still teething compared to Flutie.

  8. #1 Can we agree that Ralph is cheap when it comes to hiring coaches?


    #2 Can we also agree that if Dick Jauron is fired, a bright young assistant will probably replace him?


    #3 Will you admit this doesn't work in Buffalo?


    This situation calls for some imagination or nothing will ever change in Buffalo until the team is sold.


    Tell me if you think this would be a better option and would Ralph buy into the change?


    I would build a coaching staff from Former Buffalo Bills only.


    #1 I want players that feel there is unfinished business in Buffalo and SHARE Buffalo's pain.


    #2 I will pay them a competitive NFL salary with a huge 1 million dollar bonus for winning the Superbowl to every coach.


    #3 I want former players that were leaders, and want a chance in Buffalo and are motivated to accomplish something that was not possible when they played here. This may provide closure for some ex-players that never won anything.


    This could be a total team effort by the coaching staff to work together to achieve something special.


    Please don't tell me no former players would be interested, you never know to you ask. I would hire a former Bill's player as head coach and interview everyone interested, then pick the BEST!


    I saw somewhere there is over 15,000 ex Buffalo Bills.


    This is an Example only


    Head Coach, Schottenheimer or Jim Hasslet. ( Must be an experiened HEAD COACH)


    Assistant Coach James Loften, and any number of qualified ex players


    Offensive Line Coach, Kent Hull, Joe D. Mike Montler


    Offensive coordinator, Frank Reich, Sam Wyche, don't think Jim would be interested.


    Defensive Coordinator, Chris Spielman, Jim Haslett,


    Defensive line coach, Phil Hanson, Mark Pike.


    Linebacker coach, Daryl Talley, Chris Spielman, Shane Conlan, Ray Bentley,


    You can fill in the rest of the coaching staff if you wish as this was only an example.


    Some of you guys may be laughing, and I will be laughing when the Bills hire some bright young assistant from Pittsburgh, then hire a bunch of bargain basement assistant coaches that have no vested interest in Buffalo


    I think Ralph would be happy with the competitive contracts and have no problem paying out the bonuses because the Bills would gain value.





    You have 5 options


    #1 A bright young assistant as head coach, with bargain basement assistants.

    #2 Former Buffalo players with experience and desire ( interview everyone interested)

    #3 Hope Ralph will change and hire a real coaching staff

    #4 Stay with Dick Jauron

    #5 B word


    DIE HARD 1967


    Me Likey

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