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Posts posted by Thirdborn

  1. Sounds like people are finally realizing that this team is being setup for a sale and not for a playoff run. The argument that you dont invest much money in something that you fully intend to sell is right on.


    The real discussion should be about what happens after a sale. I still argue that no business people in their right mind (local or not) will invest over $900 million in WNY at an avg of ~$55 a ticket. The team will be sold and will operate in WNY for about 3-5 years afterwards. In that time prices (on everything) will skyrocket, the team will continue to lose, the fan base will diminish, and the team will move.


    Wow ... you just bummed me out, dude.

  2. ok I'm kind of old - but I don't remember anyone getting anything from little league, I think the coach us took across the street for pop once- If you could play well you batted higher up in the lineup, got more playing time, got less abuse from your teammates or fielded where there was more action- everyone got a game ball? maybe the coach wanted everyone to have a ball to practice with- what did you expect the coffee is for closers speech from Glengarry Glen Ross



    I spit my drink out at the Glengarry Glen Ross reference. Well done! Love that movie

  3. I wasn't making this personal about you

    But there were plenty of people "like you" that had their panties in a knot over this during the Bush Administration. And rightly so, because it was wrong then. I just hope that the people "like you" have their panties are equally tangled during the Obama Administration.


    Becuase, umm. This stuff shouldn't be happening


    There is SO much wrong with this administration, Nation, World, that I truely, don't see how anything I think or do will have any impact on the status quo. I have always voted, and to some degree been involved locally, but (and maybe this is age) in all honesty, I'm thinking that a full on revolution is needed to make things right, and then the next generation can watch as the corruption and greed seeps in. If I WAS 18 and someone told me that I wrote this, I would be disgusted. And still the oil spews.


    (okay this has turned into a LAMP) my apologies

  4. To make a long story short, and not...verbose, I was at Hyde Park in Niagara Falls last night. A little league baseball game was breaking up, people walking to their cars, as I was walking by. By chance a mother and her son were walking right past me and I distinctly heard the following:


    Mom: "Hi! Great Game!"


    Kid: "Yeah. Everybody got game balls, well, not real game balls"


    Mom: "Oh, well that's good"


    Kid: "Why? No it isn't. There were kids that didn't even get a hit...."


    and I didn't hear the rest as I was walking away.


    I couldn't help but laugh. This kid could not be older than 9. If a 9 year old can figure out that you diminish winners, and disrespect/patronize the losers, by treating them all the same, then why can't the adults? People are created equally, but they don't produce equally. People that don't produce shouldn't expect = treatment, and this 9 year old knows why....




    I was the perpetual bench warmer 40 something years ago ...... when i got up to bat, my "team mates" would be were worse than the other team as far as heckling. I sucked. Bad. I could barely lift the bat, and I felt like throwing up every time I was on deck. Couldn't climb the rope in gym, and was the favorite target for dodge ball. You need us to feel good about yourself. to be on point here ...... I was probably sharper than half my class, and definately stunted from the abuse I took. ..... It's sports. It meant **** then, it means ****,now. It's not about how good you are at something, it's about how you treat others. I'm glad they don't single kids out anymore....... sucks to be an athelete, I guess.

  5. Ever notice how libs shutter at the thought of drilling on a secluded barren shore off the coast of Alaska because it may only have a few BILLION barrels of oil, which is too insignificant to consider, yet when they suggest hamstringing the industrialized world to potentially reduce "carbon emissions" by less than 1/10 of 1%, that every little bit counts?




    The word is Shudder, not shutter. That is all.

  6. BTW, It seems like most people are simply calling the Allison Janney character, "Mother."


    And, Darlton said in the above interview that MIB's name will not be given.


    And I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone else reference "Pulp Fiction" regarding the tunnel light.



  7. If you were the President and this country that you were sworn to protect was attacked by 50 airliners flying into all of our biggest buildings by Iceland, who has no nukes, what would you do? BTW, Iceland threatens to continue to do it, knowing that Obama has pledged not to use nukes on them.


    I would ... invade Iraq?

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