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Posts posted by Thirdborn

  1. BILLS4LIFE's mother recently passed away after a long battle with cancer. Please keep Annmarie (BILLS4LIFE) in your thoughts and prayers. Losing a parent no matter their age, no matter how long you have to come to terms with the situation is never easy.


    God Bless Annmarie, thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.


    Anne Marie,

    I hope you find peace, soon.

  2. Alright, I'm sitting here watching HBO, and it got me thinking who my favorite character through out all of their shows. Say within the last 5-10 years. There's Larry David, Mr. Italian Soprano, Richard Winters in Band o Brothers, etc. But after all of this treacherous thinking, I believe that The Sherpa, Season 1, Entourage is by far the best HBO character in recent years :oops: . Any thoughts?


    OMAR The wire

  3. Well, I was at first then I got tired of them calling me names. Since I knew I couldn't throw as hard as them I got back at them the only way I could. By getting them out! :thumbsup::thumbsup:


    I sucked worse than a grade school girl at catching as well .......... just sad. You would have kicked my ass if we let the girls play with us back then. On top of everything else, I was always picked last and always was a "skin". Oh yeah .... I couldn't climb the rope , so I would try to sneak to the back of the line. Never worked ..... I just hung there ... ashamed.


    I hate you all.

  4. There is a movement underfoot to ban dodgeball from U.S. schools. Those against it argue that it is a form of recognized or sanctioned bullying.


    As a kid that was at best middle of the road at dodgeball and realistically sucked this idea is pure stupidity. Failing to let kids earn from competitive situations is stupid. While I had little chance to win in dodgeball I could equally screw up the curve on a test because I had intellect. What's next? No grades because the kids less intelligent can't do well on tests?


    All of this is stupid.


    What do you think?


    I hate all you MF'ers!!!! :wallbash:

    I was THE scrawny kid with zero arm strength, who tripped over his own feet, so "dodging" was not an option.

    Dodgeball ruined my life! I hate you all!!!!

  5. I am the king of run on sentences.

    It is with heartfelt grief that I hereby declare that after faithfully viewing every episode to date I proclaim Lost has jumped the shark. Dude, did you fart? seriously? Miles finds his daddy? This was beyond gay. Yes ... gayhe. What lies in the shadow of the statue? who cares. I am bitter. I want nothing more to do with this circle jerk. ...... yeah, I said it.

  6. I'm with you. Times are bad, but the current administration is doing everything it is mentally capable of doing in an effort to address the issues. People need to understand that the steps being taken are going to take time; months, years even. I know we were told that the stimulus package was supposed to stop the bloodletting of jobs, and get shovel-ready jobs going immediately, and stabilize the stock market and free up lending to curb the greatest economic crisis since The Great Depression, and I know none of that has happened and people actually can't account for all stimulus money beyond knowing what a volcano is going to do.


    But if everyone would just be more patient, stop yelling at the things the current administration is doing, in due time, this country will get back on its feet. And then unstable people with guns will be able to return to randomly shooting people for perfectly good reasons: like because they can't get their dying spouse in for open heart surgery fast enough because someone in DC hasn't decided how important the surgery is.


    (Sorry. I tried.)


    noted :worthy:

  7. Really? How many of these weirdos ever attack a police station? They choose places like schools because they with virtually absolute certainty that they'll be able to execute people at their whim.


    There are always going to be people who commit mayhem. If we removed guns from society, these idiots would drive their cars into crowds, knife kids on a playground, or pull a Murrah. I'd love to find a way to stop it completely but the gene pool would need a whole lot more chlorine than is currently available.


    It's kinda like wishing we could stop spending a half a trillion a year on the military and instead put that money into making the average guy's life a little better. It's a nice idea but it ain't close to reality.



    I certainly am not advocating the disarming of America. I own 3 handguns a rifle and a shotgun.

    I'm just thinking that maybe it would be a good thing if we didn't fan the flames. Things are bad, but the country is not going to fall into anarchy, like some talking heads proclaim.

  8. I'm not sure I follow what you're saying. What it sounds like you're saying is that the fear-mongering being driven by the right is causing people with guns to freak out.


    You may be right. The other night Keith Olberman accused Glen Beck of being responsible for the deaths of the Pittsburgh policeman who were killed because the gunman worried that Obama would take his guns, and Glen Beck is an accessory to those murders. I think Olberman is right on the money here. But he usually is, anyway.



    I would slightly ammend your take as follows



    the fear-mongering being driven by the right is causing unstable people with guns to freak out. But yes ... essentially thats my point.

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