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Posts posted by Thirdborn

  1. My only child was born ....... dead. They revived him and took me aside and told me " No one will blame you if you institutionalize him ..... he will never drive a car, go on a date, feed himself, sit up by himself and he probably won't survive the week" , etc...... I sat numb for awhile, and after a few days at the hospital I finally drove home while family stayed with him. I was a mad man on the way home. crying, screaming, cursing, pleading scared to death, trying to figure out why it happened, how will I take care of him, what kind of life can he possibly have ...... He's 9 now and although being a single dad of a profoundly disabled little boy is not always easy, it's not that scary anymore.

  2. You could see it coming...but it was a pretty strong half hour...the final scene was pretty chilling...I think they are finally going to get off the farm!


    I have some serious questions, but I will hold back a day or two, to make sure everyone has seen it...


    3rd attempt at a post ...... Great Episode! Nice to see Rick shed his Vagina . Wondering f the recently dead coming back has anything to do with what the cdc guy whispered to Rick??

    Next episode looks manic

  3. If ANY THING happened it would be huge. At lest I don't have to see Dale's arched I can't believe you said that eyebrows anymore.




    I heard that his eyebrows will have at least 6 cameos in future dream sequences

  4. By the way, Michonne will appear this year, in episode 13, the season finale. No word on what actress will be portraying her. Arguably, she's one of the comic's best characters.


    Three "main characters" will die by season's end as some new and previous characters reappear.



    I'm sure you don't consider this a spoiler, but it is. I've watched the show from the beginning, and some of the post show discussions and previews ...... never heard mention that 3 main characters will die by season's end. I am sorry, but since you don't seem to get it, I'm gonna have to ignore you ........ no big deal

  5. i've been pretty disappointed in "recommended for you" picks. the lesser known things i've watched and liked were mostly found by trial and error. any sleeper movies, series that you would recommend?


    i'll start with one of each i've found recently:

    "cashback": a british flick about freezing time


    "doc martin": a british series set in cornwall about a grumpy surgeon who develops a blood phobia and becomes a gp. feel free to include sleepers from other sites such as amazon prime and in any genre.


    saw cashback, and Castaway on the moon .... both very good. Really liked Lillyhammer (sp)

    arrested development

  6. Anyone see this show yet? I saw an ad for it on Netflix and since I (like most everyone else) loved Silvio Dante from The Sopranos, I thought I'd check it out. Here is a trailer in case anyone is interested:



    It's really an odd concept so far...I just watched episode 1 tonight. It's sort of like a fish out of water Sopranos episode.


    I'm 4 episodes in, and I'm really enjoying it. pretty damned funny at times .....

  7. What spoiler? I didn't tell you what happens. Or if they get there. The television show has gone off the comic reservation (CDC, Jenner, Shane's still kicking and Otis isn't) several times so far.


    All I'm saying is that there is plenty of material to justify getting off the farm and out of town.


    In fact, the guy may have alluded to Wiltshire last night by asking if the group was staying at "that housing development" up the road.


    Some of us haven't read the comic ........ stick to whats happened on the show, not what's gonna happen or supposed to happen. sheesh

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