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Posts posted by Thirdborn

  1. Morgan and Duane will reappear later on in the story.


    I thought last night's show was much like the other this season, 1/3 outstanding, 2/3 alright. The bar scene was straight out of a Western, executed perfectly. You could feel the foreshadowing of a shootout....it was that well written and acted.


    The Lori Goes to Town bit was hilarious. Reminded me of the forced Kim Bauer meets the wildlife from 24.


    I have no idea why the story has not moved off the farm. The comics contain plenty to do...at least two more stops before the blockbuster Governor story arc at Wiltshire Estates and the Prison. Why we remain on the farm at this point is beyond me.


    Thanks for the spoiler alert :angry:

  2. Who was the opposing coach and OC in the Bills most disappointing loss since the Super Bowls? Coughlin and Gilbride in '96. The Bills lost at home to the Jags in the playoffs, surrendering the lead three times in a game that they simply blew. It was Kelly's last game. They had no business losing that game, and failed to take advantage of one of their best defensive units ever. Bruce Smith had the season of his life in '96 (he was defensive player of the year), and had a sick number of pressures (an unrecorded stat, but he had 47 that season) to go along with 14.5 sacks.


    The hatred against Gilbride on this board when he was here was interesting. In retrospect, he had a bad offensive line and a QB who never could deliver in games against good opponents. When he was in Jax and NY, the opposite applied (and still applies). Sometimes it's the players. He has also been ahead of the curve when it came to recognizing that the NFL was becoming a passing league.



    Buselli (sp) owned Bruce that game


    And I give you the easiest 'F' ever on your answer, because the question is SINCE the Super Bowls!! :oops:


    Most underrated hurtful game since the Super Bowls:


    The 'Just give it to em' Game at New England in 1998, when you couple that WITH the Vinny Tesaverde 'phantom' TD the Jets got against Seattle (2 obvious calls that a novice ref can make) that cost the Bills a 2 seed in the AFC.




  3. I don't think there's any big mystery to beating Brady. The Jets, Ravens and Giants all provided textbook examples in recent playoff games.


    The problem is the Pats have a good OL so you need an outstanding front 7 to beat them and get to Brady. Few teams have the talent to do that, which is why NE is a lock for 11+ wins every year.


    So it's not Brady, per se, but his line?

  4. Get in his face and make him move opposite his throwing motion is EVERY players Achilles. You can stand in your living room and pretend to throw something moving to the right, then to the left- you'll notice when moving away from your throwing arm you have to open your whole body to be able to even attempt the motion, and will lack strength, and consistency that you see going the other way, as well as the quick release. It's a much more complicated process for both mind and body to execute well..

    well thought out post. As, I am no where near an athelete, I missed the subtlety.

  5. The storyline "Tom Brady owns the Steelers"


    All week long,this has been the lead in on the NFL channel. To me, it's yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah blah ... But tonight, they interviewed Rodney Harrison, and Willie McGinest,(both former team mates and This caught my attention. When asked " Why does Tom Brady own the Steelers?" Harrison jumped in and said " Coming at him with the outside linebackers isn't gonna work ... you have to push up the middle and ....... ( okay, we know this. Get in his face. but what i haven't heard before is) ........and force him to the left. Willie Mcgines looked a him, like Dude, WTF?

  6. Wow. Something special is happening, on the field level. and I'm including our HC. I admit I was was (am) one of those that questioned the managements commitment to the team. doesn't matter anymore, cause these guys are playing like they love the game, and that translates to wins. What an awseome two weeks it's been. long coming, but SO worth the wait. These guys, (and the Lions) are (IMHO) are making Sundays fun, again. well done Bills. Enjoy

  7. UGH! now wonder Scrooge McWilson wont get any or keep any high level players. With our cap space we could have out bid the Cowboys and Falcons for the OTs but that wouldnt be profitable. Now we now why Peters was traded along with Evans, Lynch and others. You could say it all started when we were to cheap to keep Wolford and Ballard and we haven't had a good line since

    Pegula for Owner!


    Cat's out of the bag ....... that article took all the wind out of my sails. Until I read it, I was looking forward to the season. I can't see any reason to spend my money at a sports bar this year. Just plain sad.

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