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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. Not saying RB is essential this year, but when Fred was hurt we had no consistent running game with just CJ. Maybe it was because CJ was hurt too, maybe it was the line, but maybe not. I am not a fan of run -1, run +1 run -3, run +24. Too often those were CJ's carries. Those are drive killers, and they get your young QB killed because too often instead of 2d and 7 you have 2d and 12; or 3rd and nine instead of third and 4 or 5. Would like to see them draft an RB that can really stick it up in there to complement Fred, who is the best. Like Spiller as a weapon, but more like a wildcard than "feed him the ball until he vomits." They tried that, it didn't work.
  2. And not hating our brothers to the North (good hockey folks all of them), but keep your damn hands off our Bills! There is no evidence whatsoever that Toronto would support this team. And if the Toronto folks really want to watch NFL football, come on across the border and see a game in one of the best home venues in the NFL. I realize the Rogers games may not be fully representative, but I have never seen a deader environment for football. London is even better. Bon Jovi, ugh. Jersey trash is right, and I live in Jersey now and like it there! GO BILLS!
  3. Not sure there is a big difference between a second and third this year. Giants' third is a high third. Plus, not sure your right that we can't get a two. And if I was trading with Gints, I would make sure they were after the one of Ebron/Martin I did not want. I agree with you about possible tough stop for our Buffalos though. If the three tackles are gone, i don't like it. Possible silver lining: If the tackles are gone and the quarterbacks all there, our pick could become quite valuable to a team needing a QB!
  4. Been watching some Bortles vids. Dude kind of reminds me of Kelly.
  5. I have read several posts on this going on about trust law and fiduciary obligations. Those posts are off to the extent they suggest the law will mandate a sale to the highest bidder regardless of intent to move or not. There is the law, and there is reality. The two don't always meet. If Ralph while of sound mind made clear to Mary he would like the team to stay, you can bet it will. If he did not, it may still stay but it will be more about money and less about legacy, which does not favor us. The law will not rule this analysis. C'mon Pegula, Millstein, Jacobs, Trump, Jimbo!!!!! Can we have some mass Bon Jovi record burning or something? Geez.
  6. Think Moreno suffered a little from a Peyton penalty (as in, when they are keying on Peyton to pass, lots of backs can post 1600 yes)?
  7. I don't know where the dude is today, so I will cover for him (as I always love his posts). 19-0 Baby!
  8. I am okay with a QB to develop or trade (as Skins did with Cousins), but would prefer big guy with strong arm over a young Fitzbeardy.
  9. Actually, if we could trade down with Giants (who supposedly like Ebron), and get Martin at 12, I would love this. Martin at 12, Hyde in the 2d, also best available wide-out or TE with our second 2d round pick (Montcrief, Jenkins, etc), Gabe Jackson in the third as a mauling power guard. Would love this.
  10. Not sure we need to take a tight end this year, though would be fine with Ebron. Not sold on Jenkins. Love the idea of trading down. We need two O-Line and a DE. Plus would like a couple of skill players. Means one more year of needing picks in numbers. Roster talent level is up, IMHO, but not quite there yet. Down to 12 get a second, take Martin at 12, RB plus WR or TE with our 2 seconds, guard in the third. Loving something like that.
  11. I know what you mean. Desperate times when I start a Manziel thread. Ugh! Let's get it on!
  12. Watched when Murray and Taj Boyd played each other. Was much more impressed by Taj Boyd. Murray did not look so good when things started to go south.
  13. Would not have to be Martin at 9, if we got Lewan or Matthews then Hyde, I could see that and would love it. Fred is perhaps my favorite all-time Bill, certainly up there for all of us, but time waits for no man. Spiller -- love the kid's attitude, but he might be Reggie Bush. If he is, he ain't toting the rock when we are up by 3 with 5:37 left in 4th Quarter (as we so often are) and need to run the 4 minute offense to preserve the lead (which we so often blow). I have a nightmare image of CJ bouncing it outside on first down, losing five yards, pass on second down and a pick, then another Bills' loss (perhaps to Marsha of all people). I need to step away from the keyboard, feeling ill. Unsure we can afford Spiller if he is a "specialty back" and I don't think the Bills themselves know about that yet. Big year for CJ. I would not say the Bills are set at running back in any way.
  14. What made me think of it -- Gil Brandt thinks he is the best player in the draft or something like that. He is really high on Johnny Football.
  15. Is small, plays small, according to some scout on NFL Network the other day. Pass for me, would be a luxury pick we don't have in second or third round. If EJ fails, his replacement is a 2015 or 16 first round pick. God I hope we don't have another do over!
  16. Not advocating this, but just for fun: It would take some stones for the Bills to take Manziel. I have no idea if he will ever be good in the NFL, but he has the gunslingenest attitude we have seen in these parts since Jim Kelly. I suspect we could trade him during the draft (Cowboys?) or subsequently for greater value than what we would pay. Or don't trade him at all -- let him and EJ duke it out. If EJ (who I am really, really rooting for) can't hold Manziel off, then it was perhaps the right move to draft Manziel. It is a quarterback league and we need to have the best option possible. I don't think they will do it, but if they did the Bills would have pulled off the ultimate smokescreen after all of the "we are all in on EJ and committed to giving him weapons" talk. And this board would EXPLODE (making the Mario thread look like a short story compared to a novel).
  17. Not insane. Tackle, then Carlos Hyde, could be pretty interesting.
  18. If we take Donald (which I would be fine with, but would really like one of the top three tackles), I think the move would be to kick Dareus out to end. He has lots of experience there, where Donald is really an inside guy. From what I read he is a penetrator like Kyle Williams, who is aging, so it would make some sense. Branch plays the run stuffer role and we draft some fat slob to back Branch up (or use a chunker we already have).
  19. Kind of like this, except I don't think the tackles will be there in the first and I don't think Clarke lasts until 4. But I wouldn't hate this at all.
  20. The Ralph Wilson article linked on page 2 of the thread is amazing. Makes explicit, from Ralph himself, that Ralph regarded giving pro football to Buffalo and keeping it here as among the great accomplishments of his lief. That he saw it as a matter of public service. This more than any gossip about a new local owner (which I also love) really makes me think they won't move. That would be direct violence to Ralph's memory and life's work. It also makes me appreciate Ralph even more. Personally I never knew if he committed to keep the Bills here "in his lifetime" because of fondness for the area or because he just didn't want the hassle of moving the team and being hated for it in his senior years. Now I know, and send a big shoutout to Ralph upstairs. Thanks old-timer!
  21. Marlin The Magician is Marlin Briscoe as you probably know. One of the most entertaining Bills in my childhood during some pretty dismal years. Kind of a piece of history too, for racial reasons beyond this post. Magic Marlin, I have no idea, but good old Marlin Briscoe knows talent. Here is an alternative, if Lewan or Matthews are there when we pick at 9 (unfortunately I don't believe they will be): 1. Lewan/Matthews 2. Montcrief 3. Niklas 4. Gabe Jackson 5. Max Bullough (like this guy a lot) 7. Storm Johnson
  22. 1. E. Ebron - TE 2. JaWuan James - T 3. Will Clarke - DE 4. Gabe Jackson - G 5. Max Bullough - ILB 7. Storm Johnson -- RB
  23. Man, I was bummed to read this. Love the Bills, love the great city of Buffalo and its people, but despise the tone of this thread. I can't believe some of the comments I read which are so clearly racist. There has been such a backlash against the ridiculous "PC" movement that in some circles when you object to something as sounding inappropriate, it is a great comeback to say "I don't buy that PC baloney", as if that gives a person license to make whatever racist comments they feel like. The tone of the early parts of this thread were clearly racist and way out of touch with where most of our society is today and should be in the future. There are way more valid ways to criticize a young man than than attacking where he is from. And we all know that references to a person as "inner-city", "ghetto" and from the "hood" are not used to refer to white people. Well, loving this draft, and loving our new cannon-armed QB with all the new weapons. I also hope Geno proves us wrong (I don't think he will have a good career either) and has a fine career that makes the Jets the second best in the division behind our Bills (and just short of the playoffs). Let's focus our hate where it belongs Belicheat and the Fish. Flame away -- I don't care, I know what is right.
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