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Everything posted by FluffHead

  1. I am glad this one is going to be in NE. They always kick our tails and it sucks when you go to the Monday night tailgate, get nice and drunk before the game which leads you to believe the Bills might actually have a chance, then they lose by 40.
  2. but that concert is on sunday, this game would be on monday. Not sure if they really want two huge events on back to back days, but it could be done.
  3. 40 is a pretty awesome number. I wouldn't be surprised if PFT is right and it was only 20...
  4. Oh jeez...I saw that this was 22 minutes long and I was like "NO F'in way im listening to skeletor for 22 minutes". Now you guys are saying it was pretty good. T.O. has made things around here a lot more interesting, but has he really made a 22 minute DJ presser worth watching?
  5. thanks for the heads up...literally starting NOW
  6. Excited about the weapons we have. Says there was no QB issue with Romo and does not see any problems with Trent. Loves Marshawn and Freddie Jackson's abilities. Does not know Lee personally but is excited to work with him. Will play as long as his body holds up. Coming to buffalo because he wants to "date a girl that wants to date me. They showed interest and thats why he likes it here". Reid and Philips have been his favorite coaches. He will wear 81. Jokingly says that the fans want him to wear 81 and if Buffalo wants a problem, him not getting 81 may be the first problem. He looks forward to his big "shindig" in toronto (talking about his charity b-day party and the game in toronto). Says offensive and defensive lines are the key to winning. Controlling the line will allow Trent to use his weapons. He is against fighting in hockey. If you want to fight, go into boxing. Thats basically the jist of it. He did sound happy to be here.
  7. 5 minutes into this interview and these Toronto radio hosts officially suck!!
  8. listen live here: http://www.fan590.com/listen/ He is supposed to be on within the next half hour.
  9. I would be shocked if he wears anything other than 81. I mean he is THE ORIGINAL 81. And he loves him some him.
  10. Thanks, Dean. I had google imaged the 2009 BET bracket, and that showed them playing Depaul at noon, but I could have sworn I saw it said 9PM on TV. Looks like the TV was correct. Thanks for clearing that up.
  11. Do we know when the first set of OTAs are for the Bills yet? Is the first one normally before or after the draft?
  12. Does anyone know for sure what time and who 'Cuse plays tomorrow in the BET? Someone told me 9pm and another person told me they play at noon.
  13. I saw this same pic over on the BB.com message board on Sunday. I thought it was kind of soon to have his locker all set and the number situation all worked out. Maybe it is fake...
  14. That is actually pretty sick. It is my new wallpaper
  15. Honestly, the one year deal is the best thing that could have happened for us. He will play his butt off this year, and even if he goes ape sh-- in the locker room, he would be gone after one year. If it all works out and he likes it here, then he will re-sign. I LOVE the one year aspect of this signing. We were heading for a waste of a year with Jauron back anyway. Now atleast there is some hope for this year thanks to a talent upgrade. If it doesn't work out, big deal. We would have gone 7-9 anyway.
  16. Hardy wears it now. Wouldn't be suprised if Owens buys the number from him. If not I bet he wears 18.
  17. Well if we picked him up atleast watching the Bills suck would be a little more interesting.
  18. Just because he is playing SS doesn't mean he doesn't have to cover anyone. Any good coach and/or QB recognizes his poor coverage ability and exploits it. I know Scott is no ace in coverage either, but my god Williams looks like his cleats are filled with cement out there.
  19. Did anyone notice how he said "it's hard to win in the NFL"? Sounds like Dick's kind of guy.
  20. At this point I think he is actually a downgrade from Bryan Scott. He is painfully slow, he may be the worst coverage safety in the league.
  21. I think we would have to trade for him to get him. He wants to leave STL because they suck. Unfortunately, we suck too, so if he becomes a free agent, I doubt he would have much interest in coming here.
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