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Everything posted by bobs0108

  1. Well this D is getting man handled. Put 10 in the box and make them pass
  2. Come on Bills got to better than that. D get that 3 and out
  3. I want three things from this game: 1 we win 2 Allen looks good 3 Ramsey looks like trash so far I like what I’m seeing
  4. The only thing that sucked about that play is I’m about 15-20 second behind and I read before I seen it
  5. The only reason you make that call is bc you know their is replay. But they should let it go and call him down and let the other team challenge it if it’s a fumble.
  6. I LoLed a little when I seen Tally in the Thurman Dolphins Jersey at the start of the video.
  7. Have you tried downloading the espn app and doing it that way. That’s how I watch espn. But not with spectrum
  8. They give you the first week free on iPhone if you cancel their is no charge not sure if android is the same.
  9. Why would Bell show up till week 10 and play this year under the tag. He doesn’t want what happened to Earl Thomas to happen to him till he has his guarantee contract. Are you willing to pay the 15-17 million a year for 5 years 45 guaranteed next year for a RB.
  10. I quit listening to WGR all together bc of him. I use to listen to Sal before he was on WGR but it’s not worth it when that d bag is there.
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