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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. He said he doesn't practice against bortels. To not ruin his confidence. Really. He named two guys that he thought were going to be good. Wentz was one. I don't think it has anything to do with race, he is literally baiting guys.
  2. Allen is the only rookie he brought up, really that kinda excited me. If you don't get cought up in what he's said, and more of what he's doing. The guy is gaming. Revis didn't have many picks because no body would try him. Ramsey wants to be tried.
  3. Dude wants picks this year, lol He's baiting.... And yes, he's that good.
  4. Ok? You too I guess? My view isn't rank and file with others. I put effort into things I'm passionate about, this conversation is used to fill dead time. I'm long winded, but I all I'm doing is voiceing my opinion. If there is something "odd" about that, I guess I'll go find a Bills discussion board..? And really, back to my original point, it scares me for the guy walking on for one game. I have a friend who blocked Merriman in college. More than 10 years later he still has health issues. He lost a month of memories.... So yeah. Guess I do have a little bias and passion.
  5. We have 3 QBs on the team. We WILL have guys still trying to make the team, to say otherwise is just wierd. And to my original point, football is dangerous. To just throw a guy out there is scary. Do we teach him our plays for one game? What if we're still working out depth WRs? I don't believe I'm "overreacting" . I just don't think we're good enough to forgo any form of practice or evaluations. Esplecialy since turn over still happens the first week of the season. I've been here for years, we've had discorse about the value of the fourth game plenty. I believe that is a valid discussion, but when did we become so good WE don't need it? I'm not the one who calls said guy a "sacrificial lamb". But that in itself shows the OP knew what he was saying. But now nobody wants to talk about that. For what it's worth, I never said any one was an idiot. But, I was called dumb. It's odd to me that a different view was called dumb by a guy trying falling on his sword. But that the world we live in.
  6. His guy was going backwards. I'll give him the credit for owning his guy still.
  7. Heavy run game. Don't let the clock stop. Army does it all the time! No he isn't. Our mop up guy was a 5th rd pick last year.
  8. Allen was a top ten pick. He is the third QB by name only. Peterman and Allen will split game four.... And need it in my opinion.
  9. If the guy wasn't in any camp already.......never mind. Simms was in camp all year.... Who did he play for last year? Problem two to me is leaving your defensive players on the field all game to protect a QB who isn't going to play this year.
  10. I can agree with that. I believe a good coaching staff would have enough for site to not have to bring someone off the street to play with guys who ARE going to make the team.
  11. Well, Simms was on our team through camp last year. And I did ask for you to make your point instead of calling me dumb. I enjoy discorse. A lot. Snowflakes don't handle it very well.
  12. Who's albert? Or albert'? That guy was on the team for a few years. Btw, while you're trying to call me dumb, were those good coaching staffs that made that decision? You missed my point to call me "dumb", how about you make your point and not a hot bottle and blanky.
  13. Bad ideas happen all the time. And those bills teams are not really a good litmus test for any kind of success. Who's Norman?
  14. I saw it. It having happen doesn't make it smart. Especially if said lamb is playing with anyone making the team.
  15. Huh? It's getting kinda pathetic listening to fans about pre season. We have three QBs on the team..... And we're talking about bringing one in for one game? Really? Who would even do that? One game. No practice. No pay. VERY dangerous for the idiot who would do that. Boxing has rules to prevent idiots from doing the same thing, for there own saftey.
  16. Football can only benefit from a good crop of QBs. Personally I'm excited about the games and comparisons between them for years to come.
  17. I can't speak to all of everything, but I do remember when he came on as ESPN's afc East guy, he was obviously a pats* fan boy, and couldn't report an accurate story for buffalo for a while. That and ESPN was a crap show at the time. He may be better now, but a lot of folks moved on when the afc East blog felt like the pats* blog.
  18. Well, duh. But you couldn't even make that trade work in Madden.
  19. And neither are Bills now. And rightly so. They are apples to oranges, but in the end, both bad bets now.
  20. Read an article on blecher report claiming the browns coachs complained Corey knew nothing about playing wide receiver. And apparently blame Baylor. Right after this I see a clip from hard knocks with jarvious laundry chewing out the browns wide receiver room for not working. It raises two questions, how did the browns draft a guy in the first round they didn't know? And WTF is going on with coaching in Cleveland? It also leads me to believe that Corey is just in need of good coaching and leadership. https://deadspin.com/jarvis-landry-spends-98-seconds-cursing-out-his-fellow-1828188364
  21. I fundimentaly disagree with that. Everyone is allowed to deal with things in life. I teach my kids it's not wrong to waiver, but it's how you respond.
  22. Anyone think that leaving football was the other option?
  23. We also don't want anyone who tosses weights at folks, or has delusions. (And not mocking the guy.... I'm talking real mental health issues) The guy isn't the same guy he was last year. The guy has obvious issues. He needs to be seeking help, not football.
  24. I did enjoy hearing Allen tell the media he doesn't listen to them. That was great....lol
  25. Or one is a QB that EVERYONE was told isn't going to start...and the other is anything other than QB. It's funny to me that you call McD a lier after he's done nothing but follow through on his word. You compare apples to oranges then call the man a liar... Btw, how many inside linebackers are on the roster? Edmunds team mates could tell you what he's done to earn that spot.... But that was earned after he got here.
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