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Everything posted by BillsBytheBay

  1. I didn't take calculus when I was 16. Both of my parents work worked full time. We are responsible for sending our children into the world ready. We are the one who have let our schools pick up our slack.... And it's obviosly not working. I am confident that people who are good with money learned from there parents. Not from difunctional school systems. Parent involvment is the most important part of education there is. I don't expect my daughters to learn how to be an adult from crappy teachers. Their standards are set by me. I agree that I'm lucky my parents did. But that is my entire point. It's not luck. It's responsibility. And I use calculus and algebra EVERYday. It's a gift to life if you learn it. On a trivial note, it's nice to look at a bar bill and instantly know what 25% is for a tip. I giggle inside that they put it on the receipt some places.
  2. Can't get that damn song out my head now....I'm going to be humming it all day?
  3. You know, some of his thows are so freaking accurate... Even though he misses some stuff too. I see the windows he can hit. It's there, he needs practice reps to get consistent. And In a half of play, his good throws led guys out of danger. Especially that TD. He basically put it on the floor for McCloud to slide under. Peterman side line throw to KB was beautiful too.
  4. I would hope that the coaches play to win, and not sacrifice a season to teach a guy to shoot. If he is the best, he plays. Plain and simple. This isn't Pop Warner anymore. It Pro. For what is worth I understood you as saying he needs to start because of the investment made on him, and not his readiness. If I read that wrong I'm sorry. As far as needing games to improve, Do you know how to get to Carnagy Hall?
  5. We're not sitting at the table with them. McBeane have shown to me that they know what there doing and seem to have the confidence of ownership and the team. I admire that they don't hear us. Really. There not going to risk blowing out there brand new turbo charger with out breaking it in, because someone thinks they should race with it right now.
  6. We'll, yes. You actually explianed them perfectly. It's important to understand that trends get bucked and you can't create a vacuum to view them in. They are a guide to probability. In poker, there is a hand known as the Brunson. Dude won with a 2 and 10. LOW probability. Very low, but he played it out.
  7. Lololol???????? i had to steal this gif for future use.......omg
  8. It's not a lottery. McCarron will start until he's hurt or sucks. That's the long and short of it. If our season takes a dump, we'll see Allan. If McCarron is winning.... Why would we see him? I see your point. I believe theirs a good chance to see Allen this year, but it really has to be from a lack of success.
  9. ALL problems like this start at home. My parents taught my to balance my checkbook. My parents had me put my first summer working pay in a CD. Why pass the buck to schools for what should have been parented?
  10. I don't disagree. At all. Not even remotely a point that Ive ever made.
  11. I really like Cam. A lot. But his career arc is like Matt Ryan. Wilson too. Guys that I would take in a heart beat, but shouldn't go to Canton. We need a Brees, or Rodgers dare I say.... Brady guy. And they will be enshrined. Please don't take this as a slight against Cam. I have ALWAYS been a Cam fan.
  12. Holy crap...people are still race baiting this? We need Allen to be %100 + of what Cam is. I like Cam. Really, but the way he plays to take over games has hurt him bad. We need Allen to be better.
  13. Well that was an opinion based off Cam's play. Don't get me wrong, I like Cam. But you are correct. His play will decide. Good to know we're on the same page, lol ?
  14. Niether will be enshrined. Q I think Ryan is good, but him missing a wide open Tony g Gonzales to go to a super bowl, never leaves my thoughts. I just tried to find a clip....but it's like it never happened on the internet now..... Someone else please remember that?
  15. They do. Everything anyone does carries repercutions. But not from us. We view their world. He will have to answer to the QBs he trashed.....and guess what? I'm sure that is what he wants. And yes. I would do nothing. Why? They mean nothing to me and I have a family to support. Trust me. From years of experience of deciding if we had to fight of diffuse a situation, it's a balancing act. But it's also something we deal with on smaller scales as well. Jalen is a loud mouth yes. But WHY do WE care? News flash. Life isn't easy or fair.
  16. Ive always had the same opinion about stuff like this... I think to myself: What makes you think I care enough about you to value your opinion? I hate using generalizations, but honestly if his words upset any of you... Well that's your fault. WE police this site. Comics and cable are good examples to. They both created organizations that aren't government to hold them selves to a standard. And we should all rise to meet collective standards we agree on, but in the end... Yes. They are just words. And if you can't handle that, it's not the world's fault. And mainly, we do it to shield children. That's why South Park dropped the poop word on late night cable. A lot.
  17. I would also contend that rrvis played against better talant. And Brady twice a year for over half his career.
  18. Nope. Wouldn't go that way at all. Moss is better than rice. But I'd take the guy who always great. Not at times great.
  19. Dion is a terrible example. If he didn't get it in the air, he was useless. One of the all time greats, but he was the best ever at one thing, and terrible at EVERYthing else. But agreed on everything else.
  20. Btw, nice to see a Duval guy make the hall of fame. Good for Brian Dawkins and Raines HS!!
  21. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/bills-rookie-josh-allen-responds-after-jalen-ramsey-calls-him-a-trash-nfl-quarterback/ Other than Luck and Wilson..... We'll...he's on point.
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