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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. Looks like held down Jon Bovi and turned him into a drag queen.
  2. Plus the Bills did nothing to prepare for impending jihad. The Bills could draft Hall of Famers at every position but what will it matter when they're sentenced to death for apostasy?
  3. Not even. Repeat after me "I'm having trouble sleeping and I have no appetite." Approved!
  4. The Career Average methodology looks to me to be much more valid given its based on at least some kind of empirical evidence of the value, in terms of starts, of drafting in a specific position. Not all starts are created equal, however. I can't find anything which supports the Johnson chart which I suspect is based on historical precedent. Discussion of discounts based on a time value concept are pretty interesting. What is the value of one season of (projected) play and how is it measured (wins, revenue, cost)? Using the rookie wage scale to do a quick PV of future salaries/signing bonuses is the only way I can come up with off the top of my head to arrive at an apples to apples comparison, which has many glaring flaws.
  5. Why would you discount a future pick by 50%? GiGo.
  6. The only articles I've found which discuss the methodology employed in developing either of the predominant draft trade value charts have nothing to do derivatives, commodities or futures trading. Do either of you have link which delves into how derivative valuation concepts are used to value draft picks?
  7. When its all said and done, I think this whole Watkins trade just might go down as the most important thing to ever happen, ever.
  8. As far as I'm concerned, you're all camel wednesday washingtons.
  9. What exactly is racist about camels? Is it because the word can be used in conjunction with jockey? Was that particular dromedary a racist? Next porches will be racist.
  10. It would be easier to believe with a link. As it stands, I have no proof that this article even exists. Thanks to bmur, I was able to find it. http://www.bradfordera.com/sports/article_1a038b02-dee1-11e3-8b72-0019bb2963f4.html?mode=jqm
  11. I can accept that. I don't fully understand it. I don't really know enough to dispute that claim, but that rarely stops me from continuing an argument. In this case, however, I'll stop. But if you tell anyone that I conceded, I will deny everything.
  12. No. And thats what hurts the most. The lack of respect. Thats what hurts the most. Well except for the other thing. That hurts the most, but the lack of respect hurts the second most. Ridiculous!
  13. Pitching isn't throwing a football, unless your son takes a 7 step drop and maneuvers around the mound avoiding umpires and base runners who want to hug him. I take exception with Campy's claim that the arm motion is most important in executing a throw. Where does the act begin? Great arm mechanics cannot overcome poor footwork. No offense, but if I refuse to step foot in any of your houses.
  14. What the f@#$ is the matter with you? Candy. Its always been candy. Idiot.
  15. The only thing I know about common core is that under the new method of teaching I can no longer do a fourth graders math homework.
  16. Yes its important to get your pronate checked regularly for spots, but I don't see what that has to do with EJ's throwing motion. He's hardly of the age where that would even be a concern, and unless hes getting his pronate checked vigorously before games I don't think it would effect his mechanics.
  17. Holy f@#$ing formatting! What is your malfunction? Hit the quote button. Resist the urge to add 50 lines of blank space. We should be able to fit more than three posts per page. Stop spamming every thread on this forum with your special brand of incompetence.
  18. Robot Agnew, sick balls! - Futurama nailed it with this Nixon quote.
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