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Everything posted by BiggieScooby

  1. trust me, I paid similar rates for the last 20 years. Trust me I'm a likable guy.
  2. BillsFan-4-Ever, also too the Red States like my state of South Carolina steal union jobs from Blue States. Case in point, Boeing opened shop in Charleston bringing 5,000 new jobs to SC, but prevented 5,000 job adds in Washington. SC rolled out the red carpet, tax credits, cheap uneducated labor force that they can underpay, and reduced utility rates. Nowadays our Governor runs around talking about "Right To Work" as if in the grand scheme of our national economy the race to the bottom is in our country's best interest. Hopefully these dumb ass rednecks down here many of whom actually moved from Washington will wake up unionize and fight for better wages.
  3. 1. the bottom 50% certainly do have assets, problem is much of it was tied to real estate. Hence Bernake is trying to re-inflate the housing bubble with out letting it get out of control. The Fed keeping interest rates low will help the recovery short term & long term inflation will help increase the price of their home which will increase their equity position. 2. stock prices are directly correlated to the currency they are traded in. If the US Dollar deflates versus world currency foreign investment will increase as our stocks priced in USD will be a more attractive investment. Once businesses see their stock prices rise they will be inclined to hire. Finally the Fed taking bad debt off the banks balance sheets should free up banks to borrow money from the treasury and loan it to small businesses which are the growth engine of our economy. Listen, I would rather see Bernake try a different approach. I for one like economist Steve Keen's idea of a modern debt jubilee or what he has coined "Quantitative Easing for the Public". If you have 27 minutes you could learn a lot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sSfPkIUHPk The savers who bought mortgage backed securities via pension funds, individual investment, that was Triple A rated by Standard & Poors thought they were in a "safe" investment. Be careful putting all of your eggs in one basket.
  4. When one of these guys shows up in their mom's minivan I will give props.
  5. Noticed this thread is all Reich wingers.....Jerk circle much?
  6. One could make the argument that since 50% of our country lives paycheck to paycheck & hence have little wealth other than home equity & minimal retirement accounts that The Feds policies do more to help them than the rich. Since the Republicans have blocked taxing the rich to redistribute via govt investment the next solution is inflation. Since all the Fed is doing right now is preventing deflation, they are hoping to re-inflate our bubble economy. If you look at high net worth they've been investing in art, real estate investment, commodities to hedge against inflation. The Dow is back near all-time highs thanks to 3 rounds of QE (inflationary by nature). The Dow has been artificially inflated by easy money flooding the market. IE- banks can borrow at zero and make gambles on the market, foreigners want in, and the higher gains attract those of middle class. With 10 year Treasuries near 0%, high worth investors can either allow inflation to eat away at their principle or park their money in conservative dividend yielding stock as the t-bills and corporate bond market is unattractive thanks to deliberate Fed policies of low interest rates & QE.
  7. Remember that states with Republican governors have issued massive austerity. 40.5% of all public sector job losses were incurred by states the Republicans took in 2010 midterms. The other state Texas represented 31% of all 2011 public sector jobs cut in 2011. That's 12 Red States accounting for 71.5% of all government job losses! Obama is the only President who has had to deal with such a net decline of govt sector jobs. This represents a decline of 2.6% of the government workforce since Obama took office in 2009. Not even FDR incurred so many job losses on the government end. So while the private sector has added 4.6 million jobs in 30 consecutive months, Republican states in particular have crippled the overall employment resulting in a jobless recovery. http://www.rooseveltinstitute.org/sites/all/files/GOPProjectSlashingPublicWorkforce.pdf
  8. If Merriman were smart he'd go to the CFL & try to dominate for a season.
  9. QE is all the Federal Reserve & Bernake a W Bush appointee. Most interesting point here was at the end of the article that Obama & his commie Attorney General had prosecuted no Wall Street criminals. Yes the great ponzi crook Bernie Madoff and some other low level bankers have been prosecuted, but there has been no high level banker tried for Wall Street's greatest depression since 1929. Ronald Raegan put more Wall Streeters in jail during the Savings & loans crisis in the 80s than the Obama administration has. Does the fact that central banks and financial institutions were manipulating Libor explain why?
  10. That sums up my feeling with the Bills road games. If we don't show up and compete against a beatable Cleveland team Gailey & Buddy are on my $hite list. If we lose we will have gone 0-9 in our last 9 road games....PATHETIC! Just freaking win! Go Bills!
  11. The planets wealthiest hoard $21 Trillion in offshore accounts. http://www.forbes.com/sites/frederickallen/2012/07/23/super-rich-hide-21-trillion-offshore-study-says/ Any wonder Shelly Adelson is willing to give $100 Million to get back $2 Billion in tax breaks?
  12. Agreed. First Bill in team history to post consecutive 1,000 yard seasons. Plays hurt, vocal leader, swagger and courage.
  13. I don't like guys coming back from these types of injuries and not rehabbing long enough and going without the knee brace. David Nelson is the perfect example - sprained his knee in preseason and blew it out week one.
  14. The fact that we are 0-8 in our last 8 road games should mean the boys will be amped to end this damn awful streak.
  15. Heading into our road game Sunday in Cleveland our Bills have now lost their last 8 consecutive road games having been outscored 142 to 291. A lot of the blame for the Bills road woes falls on Ryan Fitzpatrick who has tossed 17 interceptions over the last 8 games to only 11 touchdowns. Sadly 4 of Fitzpatrick's interceptions have been returned for touchdowns. Asking Fitzpatrick not to single-handily win games by putting the Bills on his back is the way to go. Is there any doubt after our fast start last year that Gailey put a little too much faith in Fitzpatrick? During our 8 game road losing streak the Bills have turned the ball over 19 times while only generating 7 turnovers. It’s clear if the Bills play to their strengths (running the ball, stopping the run, controlling the football) this game should be much closer than our last 8 games which had an average score of 17.8 to 36.4. During this 8 game road losing streak the Bills have played 3 close games (Cincinnati 3 points, NY Giants 3 points, and New York Jets 4 points) 68-78 (22.7 to 26.0). In 5 games of these 8 games the Bills were absolutely manhandled 74-213 or 14.8 to 42.6. Speaking of giving up 30 points, during our 8 game road losing streak that started in Cincinnati last October the Bills haven't prevented an opponent from scoring less than 23 points. Also the Bills have given up 100 or more yards on the ground in 7 of 8 games, with the lone exception being 95 yards on 35 carries versus Miami. Worst of all the Bills have given up over 350 net total yards in 6 of 8 games, and over 400 total yards in 4 of these games. Offensively the Bills have been doubled in the touchdown department 15 to 30. The Bills have scored 4 rushing touchdowns in addition to 11 passing for a total of 15 touchdowns. Our opponents have scored 10 rushing touchdowns while throwing 20 touchdowns to only 5 interceptions. In addition to Fitzpatrick's 4 Pick 6's thrown, the Bills have yielded a blocked punt touchdown against Miami, and Week 1's 68 yard punt return versus the Jets. In essence this game boils down to becoming a new football team. Do we continue with the identity of our last 8 games or will we find a way to play a mistake free game with better defense? I think Chan issues this challenge and we respond with a dominating performance Sunday. https://docs.google....R0JxaWNBd0VULWc
  16. Romney doesn't tell the truth as Obama only lowered the growth of Medicare over the next 10 years
  17. As I said before the Baby Boomers especially those of the working class that are counting on Social Security & Medicare will not line up behind a Presidential candidate who is looking at dismantling these programs. These 2 programs have high favorability ratings among the baby boom demographic, something like 89%. Baby boomers who vote on this issue will likely not support a candidate who tells them their benefits are okay, but your children are screwed. People want to leave a better world for their kids and if this program works for them they will want it for their children & grandchildren.
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