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Art in PNS

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Everything posted by Art in PNS

  1. Was thinking about it but unfortunately , Big Game season in NY opens Saturday before that game so no Houston . Now it's down to Chicago and Detroit.
  2. [Just be sure they are really water spots and not some film defect. Water spots you should be able to polish/ buff out. The ranger should have a clear topcoat over the colored basecoat. If the clearcoat is defective it can look like water spotting but will lead to premature failuer of the paint system in 1-2 years. One effect of acid rain is to really damage some clear coats. Just make sure you know what it is before your warranty runs out.
  3. Lets see On draft day we heard Marv never trades so he did. Whetehr you like the trade or not he did it. Then there is a lot of talk about how inactive the Bills are in free agency and again whether you like the moves or not they have been quite active. I think this staff is really tinkering with the structure trying to put solid Talent f not superstars back on the team. Again we will only know how sucessful they are in the months to come. I say go for it Marv !!!!!! One DUI does not necessarily make you a bad character risk not compared to the Ray lewis's and Chris Henry's in the league to name a few.
  4. Just bought one yesterday on-line but I won't be back in- country till 6/19 so if it gets there before then I'll be happy. Update just rec'd an e-mail that states AWS shipped the shirt on 6/6/06 So other than the quick response could this be a sign that TKO The BEast Is Back !!!!!!!!!!
  5. In short no. I don't live there anymore but still support both the Sabres and Bills from NC. Buffalo has a great Minor league Baseball team which is a great fit, these guys actually want to play , like my Durham Bulls . Why bring in the baseball prma Dona's even if you could support it. Last comment I wouldn't walk across the street to watch a pro basketball game if I had courtside free tickets. As a matter of fact if I had free Limo service to and from the game with free courtside tickets , and Hef's babes driving the Limo I wouldn't go. Hell I won't even watch that trash on TV . Now college Ball is another story but I'm not sure how much longer that will be interesting either.
  6. Darwins Law of Natural selection strikes again.
  7. If he doesn't dominate as the #2 he gets dropped in favor of gates or one of the younger guys. I think it is totally up to him but my guess is he gets cut.
  8. I'm pretty sure Thurman picked the game he went on the wall , so maybe this fits Andre's plans , or then again maybe the Bills picked it for the reason's you specified.
  9. I have one that has been in operation for quite a few years , and bow am in the planning stages for a KOI pond that will be larger ( and of course more expensive ). You are right most kids love feeding the fish and watching them , since the ponds are really quite shallow as opposed to a swimming pool they are really quite safe , but as with all things young and inquisitive , vigilence is the key. Moving water is very soothing , and relaxing . Birds , butterflies love them and if you plan well enough they are not really hard to upkeep, of course it helps with the upkeep that I live in NC where winters last about 3 Buffalo Days.
  10. That poor Fullback won't even make it past the first cutdown now. he is DOOMED !!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Good luck. I'm not a big fan of semi auto rifles. Most are not as accurate as their bolt action counterparts , and the mechanism is suceptible to jamming in bad weather. It takes a lot of cleaning to make sure you don't have a jam at a critical time. Of course I know peoplE that are very happy with theirs and don't experience any of the above issues. Recoil is lower on the semi's because part of the gas release drives the auto loading option. Agree with everyone here that you want to sight in your rifle and do serious target practice with the load and exact ammo you are planning to use. Nothing wrong with starting out with a cheaper box till you get over the flinches however. Toughest time of the year for me is Deer season when the game is on. If I have bagged one early then I don't mind missing part of a days hunt but until then it's out in the woods for me.
  12. Damn that was fast !!!!!!!!!! Let the preseason begin !!!!!!!!!
  13. Sod is excellent and of course more expensize than grass. The problem is all sod is not alike as with any things, you get what you pay for. Most builders are looking for initial curb appeal and keep whatever the cheapest sod they can find watered well enough that it looks good initailly. In the south you can buy St Augustine and or Centiped sod as well as the seed. Both do well in sun and shade , but they are creeping grass ( runners ) , and if you grew up in the north no matter how hard you work at it it never looks right in my opinion. If you do your research and go to a garden shop/ nursery they can usually hook you up with the best sod mixyure for your area / light/ water conditions.
  14. So far this year : 1 . 2 New double Gardenia's can't remember the name right now to go with the 2 August beauties I planted last year. 2. 11 Hosta's 3. 4 Rose bushes, plus a Lady Banks climbing yellow rose. 4. 2 New Little Kim Lilacs since these are supposed to do better in the NC heat. 5. 2 More Peonies. 6. Started a new cactus garden with 7 different varities of Optunia cactus. 7. 2 toad lilies, 6 ornamental lilies, 4 Dahlias approx 6 flats of bedding plants. 8. 3 new clematis , one new variant of wisteria that has a bluish /purple flower set. 9. 3 new Rhodies form a local hybridizer, I'll see if they can take the summer heat soon, and 2 new azaleas that are native to the NC montain areas . I am planning on some new encore azaleas in the fall , unless I can get them in the ground Memorial day weekend. Last years Daphnes wintered over very well and are doing fine as well as the 3 Rose of sharon bushes that were put in last year. I lost alot of plants 3 years ago during a drought when I spent most of the summer in Europe so it is recovery time.
  15. Just sent Paypal for 10 . With me 6 seasons that means my group will be 16 again this year at least in theory. You can never tell how many will actually show. GO BILLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. No Guarantee that Spikes is back 100 % this yaer and virtual lock he won't be at the start of training camp so unless one of the Rook's/ backups really comes on he will be starting/ backing up in last years position.
  17. I've been waiting all day for the Lori or Cindy report. Maybe they haven't come home yet ???
  18. Agreed from what I have read ( only a few articles though ) it appears he is ready to play. If not cut city and no loss. If he is ready to live up to his original draft potential SWEET !!!!
  19. I voted value but I'd like to put in a write in vote for CLICK CLACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. His Butt. That's what the Guru's liked about Preston as center last year " A Big Bubble" meaning his wide butt anchors him at the center position from getting bullrushed by the nose tackle.
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