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Art in PNS

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Everything posted by Art in PNS

  1. You are either reading different accounts than I am or reading more into it from BR's side. My take is if their was more DNA and it tied to Ben he would have been indicted. Just watching what is happening to the officers involved is interesting. I think this is a product of entitlement and this damn GANGSTA look . Everyone has to have a POSSE and they think they are untouchable. I just can't fathom this idea that everyone should ignore this since he was not charged. I can tell you this if the average guy with a corporate job shows up in the local papers with the Issues he's had guilty or not they would be committing career suicide. Why should we turn a blind eye to this just because he's a jackass QB for the Steelers. I support the Rooneys and the commish on this fully. Leave the thug mentality for the NBA, hell that's not even a sport anymore.
  2. Yeah it's been a sow season but the moves they have made have been solid maybe not spectacular. The moves you mentionned above would have given me heartburn not made me flip for joy. The only one I still find intriqing is the Gaither situation. Keep in mind there's lots of time left before football really starts. Once the draft is in we will probably see if any of the remaining free agents are needed.
  3. I'm with you there. With the depth at OT , I think if they go spiller or QB in the first it is OT in the second.
  4. Any chance we can get a secret meeting between Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder there just before zero time?
  5. Careful this is still a PG rated site
  6. They need a third RB . No doubt he was cheap and he may be camp fodder , or he just might make the team. At this time of year they need players and competion. Not much chance he is a sudden superstar.
  7. As long as they have the uniform on. Support is different than like.
  8. Round 2 and 3 are Friday night and 4-7 are on saturday.
  9. It was when they were a powerhouse and could afford to do that. The team is weaker now and the reason they have stockpiled the picks is for a rainy day and guess what , its cloudy out there...
  10. I think He may well be one of the best 34 NTs after a year or two. ALA Pat williams.
  11. Remember previously Nix said anyone that tells you they are taking the best player available is lying to you. You take the best player available that fills a need on your team. Not a direct quote but close. So basically if the needs are OT, QB, NT LB WR they will take the highest rated player on their board that fills one of these positions . OT is so deep that if their highest rated guys are gone and fell they can get the next tier in R 2 I wouldn't be surprised to see them go NT , DE < OLB if they see a player they like. I think it will be an interesting draft this year. Expecting at least 2 and maybe 3 OT/G?centers out of this draft.
  12. A shot of Tequila will fix that. Keep the bottle handy you may need it as the year goes by.
  13. The quote is correct . The whole story is on the front page of TBD from The tonawanda news or something.
  14. Taylor Mays in Round 1 and Kareem Jackson in Round 2.
  15. Considering Our Linebackers never make it through a full year, Just happy to have a reliable back up at this point.
  16. Well Good for him. Sounds Like a solid citizen . I hope he remains that way in his future NFL career and doesn't just go South so to spak.
  17. So we are 10 MM below the floor . Big whoop. The cap only takes into account those players that are under contract. Owens ate up 6.5 Mill of that difference , and Josh took care of the rest I am sure. So once we fill out the roster you will see Ralph is prudent but the bills over the last 10 years have had a payroll that should have resulted in more wins.
  18. Here in NC today. Sunny and temp will hit 60, so no complaints.
  19. McCargo may make a better 34 end than he did a 43 DT at least as a back up , for a year.If not he gets cut at camp. No way can they get a "bunch of Linebackers/ DE in one year. They will hybidize what they can , this year , but the roster is heading for some major overhauls over the next 2 years.
  20. yes but the only time Bruce played anywhere near 300 pounds was the firsttwo seasons when he was working towards a bust category. Slow slow slow. Then he got serious went to his fighting weight 270-285 I think for most of his career and voila !!!!!!
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