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Everything posted by QCity

  1. He should have been canned after that timeout in 2022 when his team simply needed a tie to get into the playoffs.
  2. My man nobody is hiring college athletes to babysit their high school daughters 😂
  3. A college kid having unprotected sex at a frat party? Clutch those pearls!
  4. SportsClubStats is what you want. Whenever you use a "playoff machine" you are adding user bias when you try to pick winners. Of course you only get a few simulations generated too, where this site will run billions. If you don't pick any other games, the NYT uses an ELO rating for teams similar to chess ratings, and SportsClubStats takes into account rudimentary things like team record and home field advantage. Neither are perfect of course. That site will also give weekly rooting interests with percentage changes for wins/losses/ties for every game.
  5. Cant wait to hear Roger spin this as something the fans want. Yeah. Right.
  6. Broncos DC Vance Joseph didn’t just beat Patrick Mahomes. He didn’t just beat the Chiefs. He broke them. I wish this guy wrote for the Bills, he has a way with words.
  7. With Cook's hands and the way he moves in space they need to dial some up ASAP. Our WR screens are so poorly disguised that a pick-6 is a more likely outcome than us getting 10 yards. That's not hyperbole, they are heart-attack inducing.
  8. A zero in that chart means it's less than 0.5% chance and rounded down. So technically yes but... dollar and a dream odds.
  9. Miami loss boosted their chances by +2% up to 38% as predicted. If your homer blood is overflowing this morning you'll be happy to know the Bills now essentially control their own destiny. If they win out they have an 86% chance of hosting a playoff game. Their chances at 3-1 have gone up to ~75% and that's my predicted outcome for them.
  10. To me it feels like he's more upset about losing a highlight play for his resume that would be shown on commercials for years a lot more than actually losing the game. At least that's my perception.
  11. Yeah I don't think these numbers are the indictment you are looking for.
  12. I did not know that restaurant wound up shutting down because Jackson Mahomes assaulted the owner in it? That's f^&*ed.
  13. Yeah I don't get this at all either. He looked like Thurman Thomas in the 1st half and then they get away from him in the 2nd.
  14. Overall odds go up 14% to about 35% right now. A Tennessee win over Miami tonight will increase that another 2% A 3-1 finish (which IMO feel is most likely) has about a 70% chance to get in.
  15. 100% that play was getting a nickname. Bless your heart, Toney.
  16. In the 2nd half the protection completely fell apart and Josh was running for his life. They have to clean this up.
  17. Toney needs security to get out of that stadium
  18. Got to love it when the small market teams get their guy.
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