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Everything posted by gumby

  1. I can't watch ESPN. I think the Geneva Convention has outlawed watching Berman for more than 5 minutes as an act of torture. His schtick has gotten so old. I have heard him making up stupid nicknames for the last time. Thank goodness there's the NFL Network.
  2. Leading up to the draft I've been reading many posts here hoping the Bills don't go with a one year wonder. Now there seems to be support for another one year wonder in Bowers. Plus as everyone knows his knee may be shot. I'm sorry but I don't get it. Personally I'd like to see them pick Mallett. But if it's going to be D then either Akeem Ayers, Aaron Williams, or Brandon Harris
  3. I agree with this. If it's only pot they're smoking it doesn't overly concern me. It just doesn't show a lot of smarts. When you're going to what is the biggest job interview you will ever have and still testing positive when everyone knows you're going to get tested. That bothers me much more than the actual pot use.
  4. I voted yes only in that I hope Carolina saves the Bills from themselves. I'd like to see an upgrade at QB but I wouldn't do it with this guy.
  5. No because you took on a foolish position of judging prospects based on stats alone by acting the fool yourself. What's your position on Newton pro or con? Who knows what it is since you prefer to try and attack fellow members of this board with silly nonsense designed to entrap somebody so you can go around being smug. I suppose there's nothing better than being a sanctimonious twit.
  6. I couldn't agree more. The collective IQ on this board took a big hit today.
  7. If he wanted the #1 pick why did we get rid of Trent Edwards ?
  8. Would not shock me at all that in the future Mallet is seen as clearly the top QB in this years class.
  9. I'm not getting what's wrong with this particular thread. I've seen it written before that if the NFL draft was ever challenged in court it most likely would be a loser for the league. The draft is technically illegal.
  10. He's been working really hard in the off season on improving his skills of holding a clipboard.
  11. I'm glad you pointed out Rivers. You're correct there. Rivers was a top 5 pick because up to that point Brees wasn't working out as hoped. Rodgers on the other hand was a later first round pick and had a HOFer ahead of him. Rodgers doesn't apply since we're talking third overall not where Rodgers was picked (24th). Fact is a QB picked in the top 5 plays much sooner rather than later. I mentioned Palmer you reminded me of Rivers. That's 2 in the last decade. If you got more to mention I'll be happy to hear of them. But those guys were the exception not the rule. I think you're extrapolating more from my post than I intend. If you read my post completely you'd see I thought if the Bills are in contention then the rookie QB will sit. If they have 2-3 wins by November they'll be essentially out of it and Bills fans will be demanding the new guy plays. I've seen it happen before in this town, if you think the fans will be content if the Bills are muddling around the bottom of the conference again and not demanding change, well then I don't know what to say because that's just not reality.
  12. I only see that scenario playing out if the Bills are around .500 and in contention. If they have 2-3 wins by November it makes no sense to go any longer with Fitzpatrick when you drafted a QB in the 1st round on the bench. Get him on the field and let him learn.
  13. C'mon IF we pick a QB 3rd overall he's not sitting on the bench for a year. You don't pick a guy that high to sit him. I believe the last time that happened was Carson Palmer a decade ago. You're not going to pay a QB picked 3rd the kind of money he'll get to ride the bench all year. Fitzpatrick might be the starter at the beginning of the year but he won't be for long.
  14. I watched a little bit of this. Some of those girls can play.
  15. Close. It is Cusak but the movie is The Sure Thing.
  16. I was ok with the Spiller pick last year. In '09 I wanted any of the USC linebackers. Preferably Cushing. One of the few times I was disgusted by who the Bills picked first overall. Never was a Maybin believer, not then, not now.
  17. If you're going to draft based on name then the pick has to be Nick Fairley. "Yeah, Nick. Nick's a real name. Nick's your buddy. Nick's the kind of guy you can trust, the kind of guy you can drink a beer with, the kind of guy who doesn't mind if you puke in his car, Nick!" Bonus points if you can come up with what '80s movie that quote is from.
  18. I don't agree with all of this. If the Bills do take Newton 3rd he will be starting before the end of the season. Teams don't draft a QB that high to sit him for a year. Last time I can remember that happening was with Carson Palmer in 2003. I can't see that happening here. If Newton's the pick he may begin the year as the back-up but he will be the starter sooner rather than later.
  19. I foresee two possible outcomes for the 2011 season. 1. Bills draft a QB in the 1st or 2nd round. If that's the case the kid will be the starter before the end of the 2011 season. 2. Bills pass on the QB in the draft. Fitzpatrick starts the entire year. Bills are once again in the Andrew Luck sweepstakes.
  20. I think the key phrase there is "seek advice". You need to actively want another's advice. Not like what Dwight's saying where it's rammed down your throat whether you want it or not.
  21. If the Bills take any of those guys he'll be the starter before the end of the 2011 season.
  22. I'm not so sure the Bills will take a DL so high in the draft. They spent a 2nd and 3rd round pick last year on the DL. I think it's quite possible Nix & Co. may feel they addressed it last year. I think Miller, Quinn, or even Peterson is far more likely to be the pick at #3. Then I think they'll get their QB in round 2. Just my 2 cents.
  23. In Italy they make you Prime Minister.
  24. Good thing the Bills have so many holes they can draft BPA and still fill a need.
  25. You may be right but I don't see how you can say that now. At this time last year who had Gabbert or Newton on the radar? Now they might be the first two QBs off the board.
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