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Everything posted by obie_wan

  1. you should ignore those comments. pure blasphemy!! Buffalo Bob says Drew is God - so I beleive him - no matter what actually happens on the field.
  2. 37 is awful lot of points for our defense to score, expecially if Willis isn't 100%
  3. you are correct. Drew has been awesome over the last few games. good thing the Bills didn't have to move more than 10 yards to score. SF will beat the Bills if the offense plays as it did against Bengals. Bengals were blitzing to stop the run and the offensive braintrust had no trust to let Drew throw the ball to exploit the weakness.
  4. Absolutely incorrect. The owners are far better off sitting out the 2005 season and declaring an impasse over the CBA. Then, they can unilaterly impose their own set of rules for whichever players want to accept the new terms. If not, the players can attempt to find comparable employment elsewhere. If they play in 2005, it will because the sides agreed to diluted agreement which will not result in the best foundation for the owners in the future. (see my prior post)
  5. Fighting is pointless when teams have designated goons and so much equipment that punches don't do any damage - which is why players take to cheap shotting players from behind and hitting aboe the shoulders with their stick. if fighting is so important, why is it banned in the Olympics and int'l competition? If the NHL wants to be treated as a serious major league sport, they need to make the skating, scoring, and hitting the focus and eliminate the WWW influence.
  6. The owners plan is to not play in 2005. then declare an impasse and impose thier own set of rules for going forward. If they are serious about creating a viable entity, those rules would 1. institute a salary cap, 2. force the owners to accept revenue sharing, 3. eliminate guaranteed contracts 4. adopt a more liberal free agency system 5. change the rules to open up the game for more skating and scoring a. eliminate center red line b. shrink center ice area and increase area behind the nets c. downscale the padding and equipment and outlaw fighting & cheap shots d. striclty enforce the slashing, hooking, & iunterference type penalties designed to slow down the skaters. e. adopt a penalty shot format after a 5 minute overtime
  7. the cap hit will not be massive because SDS structured the signing bonus in tiers. There is a large payment of abut $6 mil due early in 2005 which the trade partner would pay and get to amortize on its cap. SD would eat less than $4mil I believe and has about $20 mil of cap space to use. Since about 50% of 1st round QB's bust, the chance that Rivers joins Big Ben and Losman as successful QBs is limited, so keeping the surer thing in Brees would be the safer play.
  8. because Rivers will be a total bust in the NFL. they should keep Brees and dump Rivers on some sucker desperate for a QB.
  9. The dolphins will sign Saban and the NFL will take away their first round top 3 pick as punishment for failing to even give token consideration to an inferior black candidate
  10. the big difference are that NBA player contracts are guaranteed and players are moved for no other reason than as fillers to the deal to balance the economics. In teh NFL, if teams want to move or acquire players the free agent system is the best way to go. However, in the NBA teams are stuck paying players for 4-5 years after their useful life expires, so they get traded just ot remove the salary drain.
  11. what you say is true. Shane Matthews is more serviceable than Drew, he is on the team but will never see the field. As long as Teflon Tom is GM, Drew will start at QB for teh Bills, no matter how bad he plays. The Bills are billsfanone to mediocrity as long as Drew is impersonating an NFl QB.
  12. you must be mistaken. Everyone knows that Drew can't complete passes because his WRs can't get open. It must be true - because I read it on TSW. It's not Drew's fault
  13. If TD is GM in 2005, then Bledsoe will be the starting QB. TeflonTom didn't give Drew a multi-year extension for nothing
  14. why in the world would you extend an aging player with 2 years left on his contract and deterorating skills and commit additional money to him/ oh wait - I forgot that Teflon Tom is in charge and he paved the way with his Bledsoe deal last year.
  15. another episode of "as the windvane turns"- I recall you blasted me for opposing your plan in this past offseason to redo Moulds contract to push cap dollars into the future.
  16. Manning's contract pretty much dictates that Edge or Harrison or both will be gone. since manning's throwing the ball, he will probably lobby to keep Harrison especially after going out of his way to keep Marvin's stats done in his contract year.
  17. Seattle already has Maurice Morris to take over for Alexander
  18. Weis is not head coaching material. Hopefully, he goes to Miami as their HC. MM is a far better risk than Weis as a HC, but he is still a rookie with no prior experience in running the whole show.
  19. as long as it takes to put Bledsoe on the bench. the entire team will immediately perform better once the weight of the albatross is removed from thjeir collective shoulders
  20. why not just put Matthews in at QB and eliminate the need to overhaul the entire line.
  21. made no sense to flush good money after bad. Moulds is the next aging, deteriorating player elegilbe for an extension to obtain some short term cap relief.
  22. future dead money is precisely why you don't extend aging players who are close to the hitting the wall. drew is prime example, but Moulds is the next tough decision.
  23. they might actually use plays where the WR's run more than 5 yard button hooks short of the first down marker. Bledsoe has no confidence to throw farther downfield than that
  24. the reason they couldn;t run it 3 straight times is that Drew used our last timeout while lined up to run a play. Run the dam ball and let Willis fight for the score.
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