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Everything posted by FitzShowUsYourTitz

  1. um yeah....I know.....don't know how I got here either. I think....I was bored during training camp. Is there a game tomorrow?
  2. Agreed and well said!!! They will soon learn.....that a whole bunch of us said C-YA!!! And we'll go get the same 'news' somewhere else for free. Seems like an arcane vs progressive business model. Good luck with that D&C!
  3. Grasping at straws here but.......With the Tricks Buddy Nix played last year....Moving him to defense so he wouldn't look that great and nobody would snag him for our practice squad.......What if Chan and Buddy let him go early so WE can pick him up off the Titans practice squad?? Possible? Highly Unlikely. Nix has Tricks.
  4. Don't ask what can Tony Sporano do to us......But rather what can WE do to Tony Sporano!
  5. Is the bolded part true? I thought WR was one of their biggest weaknesses. (PS- I love the fact that A.Cromartie thinks he is God's gift to offense and defense.....and p!ssin off his teamates in the process!).
  6. Interview from the NY Post: http://www.nypost.co...jGBnDnHg5Pfl65O Some Highlights....."They are moving him around from his usual outside pass rush spot. He has lined up as an inside linebacker and even in the 3-technique over a guard........The problem for Maybin has never been playing fast, though. His problems have based on poor technique and being too light. This offseason, Maybin has packed on the pounds. He reached 254 pounds before dropping down to 240 before camp. It is a challenge for Maybin to keep weight on. He said he’s needed IVs during camp because he has lost as much as 10 pounds during a practice. At lunch, he puts on a show. He said his usual lunch consists of 4-8 chicken breast, a steak or fish, a salad, a vegetable, and a “really big” bowl of fruit. Maybin said the Jets plan on using his metabolism to their advantage this season. If they face a run-heavy team, he will add weight. A pass heavy team? He will lose it. “I can gain or lose 20 pounds in a 3-day period,” Maybin said. “It’s ridiculous.” Yes it is. I can't wait for the season to start!!!
  7. Easy. Teddy Bruschi. He can: a). Score a touchdown and save puppies from a burning car. b). Carry 6 players on his back. c). Best Person ever seen in a uniform d). Speaks 14 languages e). Half man/Half god/ Possible Centaur http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=bgmGca0Gkh4
  8. Thanks for the update! Sounds more like a 7 on 0 Drill. Where was the defense!??!!
  9. Seriously???? How many players can you name that asked to be released in training camp??? Talk about a death sentence. How many teams want a player that asked to be released in training camp? "You Play To Win The Game" - Herm E.
  10. Curious..... Hmchl, on 12 August 2012 - 10:13 PM, said: I didn't destroy his mailbox. I was going to, but someone beat me to it. That's why I'm pissed...
  11. I call Bullsh!t. Show me the link. Guessing since this is your first post, You did it. Nobody noticed It was 7pm so you HAD to tell someone. So that's why were all here right?? C'mon fess up already/!!!
  12. WOW...... "Johnson’s run-in with the law comes at a time that he is already on thin ice with the Dolphins organization, in part due to off-color comments Johnson made during a team news conference last week. During that press conference, Johnson swore repeatedly, said he smoked marijuana with rock star Gene Simmons during the offseason, and was even considering a second career in pornography. Johnson’s wife, Lozada, is a celebrity in her own right as a cast member of the reality show Basketball Wives on VH1. She was formerly engaged to onetime Heat player Antoine Walker." LINK: http://www.miamihera...eadbutting.html
  13. http://www.csnphilly...5221&feedID=704 INTERESTING......."Asked if he got any explanation for the demotion, Bell said no. Asked if he considers this a temporary setback, he said, “I can’t really say at this time.” Bell did say that as long as he’s on the roster, he considers himself the first-teamer: “If I’m on a team, I consider myself the starter.” OK, good for you D. Actually......"Bell signed a five-year deal worth $34.5 million but it included only $2 million in bonus money and a modest $1.15 million 2012 base salary, so the Eagles could get out of the deal fairly painlessly if they want."
  14. Agreed STUPID waste of OUR Money. Our taxpaying money! Don't we have more important things to do than to have "undercover cops", aka swat team wanna bees. I mean glorified mall coppers, Neighborhood watchers stop little 20 year old Tommy from drinking 3 beers before a Saturday night football game. Come on man!
  15. Seriously??? During the first half of the first preseason game.
  16. +1 for my vote. ( Although I wasn't around for the 71 team. )
  17. I've been to the "new" soldier field several times. GREAT sight lines. All the bells and whistles are nice. But the ticket prices and PSL's are outrageous! The stadium is right downtown and there is PLENTY of tailgating going on. With that said. Give me the old Soldier Field or even the Ralph and I'm fine. I think Goodell says the Bills need a new one simply because he probably knows that for us (or any team), we need the revenue it would generate long term. I do think he is really looking at that. Obviously it's a double edged sword.
  18. It's just soooo sad for all of us that the media has to play the Jests up so much that we have to hear about the excructiating minutiae about every single daily event that is The Jests Training Circus. He threw 2 passes. OMFG. Seriously.......A real FOOTBALL writer might want to write a story about the WR's or lack there of. Or.....isn't there another team in NY that won the Super Bowl last year? Are they still playing this year?? http://youtu.be/spYW0gutg38
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