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mike oxhurtz

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Everything posted by mike oxhurtz

  1. Rapelisberger. At my old job, the Steelers fan I used to work with always called the ravens "Murders row" with Ray-Ray. Looks like the Steelers are getting their share of offenders.
  2. I agree with your assessment of Evans. IMO, you don't pay a #2 WR $9+ million a year.
  3. http://blogs.nfl.com/2010/04/07/redskins-s...erest-in-adams/ Looks like the Foreskins are interested in ex-cowboy, Flozell Adams. If the skins pick up Adams, would they still draft a LT in the first round? IMO, the Raiders will draft Clausen or some off the wall pick with their first pick, so I could see us having a shot at one of the top 3 LT's in the draft. It looks like Jamarcus Russell fell out of favor in Oakland last year and might be replaced by Clausen this year.
  4. I agree as well. I can understand that the NFL wants to put the draft on primetime tv and get more exposure/ratings, but it also hurts the fans that travel to see their team's draft.
  5. Music has 50 cent, the Bills have Marshawn "20 Dolla" Lynch. All he needs now is a gold plated 20 dollar bill necklace to match his gold teeth.
  6. http://www.realfootball365.com/articles/bills/14820 Interesting take on Buddy Nix from RF365.com
  7. How many re-tread QB's have we seen in the league over the years? Aaron Brooks, Joey Harrington, Tony Banks, sorry but we don't need to pick-up another re-tread.
  8. Good point. Like another poster already stated, 17 months ago, Edwards started the season 5-1 with an okay O-line (at least had a good LT in Jason Peters), no true #1 WR, and a good RB. I'm not saying Edwards can be the guy, but if you look at Drew Brees' stats in SD, they weren't that good either. Brees had 31 games where he didn't pass for 200 yards and had 6 games where he didn't throw for a 100 yards. Maybe under different circumstances, both Edwards & Campbell can be successful, but that's for Buddy Nix & Chan Gailey to decide.
  9. In my quote, I stated that I trust Nix's decision in finding that superbowl caliber QB. If I were an NFL talent scout, I wouldn't be on here now would I? Nix was the Top Scout on the Chargers when they drafted Drew Brees in the 2nd round in 2001. Nix was the Assistant GM/Top Scout when the Chargers drafted Phillip Rivers in 2005. So it's safe to say that Nix knows how to pick a QB. I don't think Campbell is a horrible QB, but after watching the Skins games over the past few years down here in VA, I would have rathered seen Todd Collins as the starter. Maybe a new start with a new team and better coaching would help Campbell, but from what I've seen, I'd rather the Bills go in a different direction.
  10. One thing is for sure, Nix & Gailey are sending up smoke signals that the franchise QB is currently not on the Bills roster.
  11. After 10 years of missing the playoffs, would you just be happy to make the playoffs again? After the past decade of mismanagement, bad Bills teams etc..., Bills fans should demand a team that will go deep into the playoffs and not just be happy with getting to the playoffs. Yes, Campbell is better than the 3 QB's currently on the roster, but Bledsoe was better than the QB's we had on the roster when we traded for him as well. And how far did Bledsoe take the Bills?? Bledsoe took us to 9-7, losing the season finale to the Steelers backups which eliminated us from the playoffs.
  12. It's a good read. I agree with the writer that Campbell is a QB that could lead you to the playoffs, but any farther than that is a huge question. IMO, if the Bills are going to rebuild this team the right way, I'd rather see them go after a guy that has the potiential to be a Superbowl caliber QB. Now whether it's Claussen, Tebow or another QB either in this years or in next years draft, that could possibly build up to being that superbowl caliber QB remains to be seen, but I have more trust in Nix than any other GM we had this past decade, so I feel he'll make the right decision regarding the QB position.
  13. "Come on Lori....you really think someone here is gonna say 'Hey lets get Bulger'? Nah....not gonna happen.... " Too late, we already have 2 people that would want to bring him in...
  14. Before the "Let's sign Bulger" posts start, I say "Hell NO!!!!!"
  15. How about this one: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/fashion/stellam...-in-action.html
  16. I'm glad Bills fans didn't boo Jim Kelly when we drafted him in 1983. Then again, I'm glad Bills fans didn't boo Kelly out of Buffalo when Kelly finally came to town in 1986, for choosing to play in the USFL for 3 years instead of playing in Buffalo. Glad to see Bills fans have much more class than Philly fans. I guess you're a Philly fan since you're defending them so much.
  17. From Yardbrker---The Top reasons the Eagles got rid of McNabb...... 10) Just didn't have the heart to send him to Oakland 9) Want to see if this will get James Thrash out of retirement 8) Seeing how they signed Willie Parker and Larry Johnson, want to help the Skins win 2005 Tecmo Bowl 7) By sending him to a team within the division, will promote the hating process 6) It's the only way to ensure getting Jason Campbell out of the lineup 5) After getting rid of Brian Dawkins, Brian Westbrook and Sheldon Brown for next to nothing, just had to keep up the momentum 4) Couldn't imagine getting more than a couple of low draft picks for the best QB in franchise history 3) Once he did that scream at the fans in Dallas in the pre-game of the playoff game, he just had to go 2) It's all part of a massive Scientologist plot 1) Only way to get Eagle fans or management to appreciate him
  18. So what, Eagles let McNabb go to a team he wanted to go to, but what have they done for him over the last 2 years...try to get rid of him. Not only did Eagles boo a pick, they've been booing and bashing McNabb for years and wanting him out of town. Now, Philly fans have got their wish. Trading McNabb to a division rival was absolutely stupid. McNabb is already pissed at Eagles management & fans, so this gives him extra motivation to beat the Eagles twice a year. I also hope the Eagles bomb out and have a bad record next year, then Eagles fans will cry: "We miss McNabb, we should have never traded him". Let's see how many NFC Championship games the Eagles go back to without McNabb.
  19. I agree with you 100%, I hope McNabb & the Skins beat the Eagles twice a year. But a majority of Bills fans on here don't see the revenge factor in McNabb's decision for not wanting to play in Buffalo, they see it as another failure. I've already read the bitching and moaning "The Bills can't land anyone good' "Nobody wants to come here" "Bills are the laughing stock of the NFL" "Cowher, Shanahan...etc didn't want to come here".... STFU already!!!!!! I wish chatrooms were around back in 1986, that way we could look back at all of the doom and gloomers bitching about when Bill Polian hired Marv Levy, just right after Polian fired Bullough.
  20. I agree, I would like to see if Hardy & Johnson can become good WR's.
  21. He'd would add depth, which is something badly needed on the o-line
  22. http://www.realfootball365.com/articles/bills/14817 Looks like RF365 is letting fans write articles instead of the hacks to used to write for them.
  23. I wish athlete's would take the pro wrestling approach and really speak their minds. It would be nice to hear Edwards say something like: "The coaches last year didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground" or "My high school coach was calling harder plays than the Bills coaches were last year" or another, "Maybe if I could get some decent linemen that know how to block worth a damn, maybe I wouldn't have been knocked on my ass as much!!"
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