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mike oxhurtz

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Everything posted by mike oxhurtz

  1. Since you asked me what I thought about Denver, what are your thoughts? I think their coach is a self-righteous, high & mighty idiot. His attitude is: "It's my way or the highway". Denver's 3 top offensive players (Cutler, Marshall & Scheftler) are all gone now since McDaniels showed up. Last year, Denver still had a shot of making the playoffs, but McDaniels decides to bench his 2 best offensive players, for disciplinary reasons...what an idiot. I'm not saying coaches should be push overs, but with a playoff spot on the line, that was definitely the wrong decision at the wrong time. It makes no sense to start over from scratch and get rid of your best players when you're team is a playoff contender.
  2. I didn't know there was a limited number of responses you could make. Guess you're the chat room police, huh?!
  3. I think Denver is going to be much worse this year. They traded off all their good talent and are starting from scratch, when there was no reason to. McDaniels is an idiot, he pissed off all of the good players on his team and traded them away. If Tebow becomes successful, it will take a few years, expect the Broncos to go through so growing pains with him. You can keep making up excuses "Strawman" etc, but anyone that thinks Jauron and Company coached and mentored our players to their full potential is blind. I'm not saying these guys on offense get a free pass, but considering the huge cluster f@ck at OBD last year, I'd say these guys deserve a fresh start with a new coaching staff. We saw the same formations, the same plays. Jauron & co did not play to the players strengths, which is something Gailey is changing. So you know for a fact that Troup was a reach. I didn't know you were an NFL scout? What the hell are you doing on here then? Only time will tell about Spiller. It's too early to tell about Gailey, I'll give you my estimation at the end of the season.
  4. The Bills had the #2 defense the last 2 years under Bledsoe, but went 6-10 and 9-7 during those periods. Bledsoe had a stronger arm than Flutie and when given time, could make more plays, but Bledsoe was the wrong QB for the type of O-line we had. We needed a more mobile QB during that period. Flutie was not great, but he was good enough to get the job done and should have been given the chance to get the job done in the 1999-2000 playoff season. If Flutie lost the game vs the Titans, then the following year is when the Bills should have pulled Flutie and said we're going with Johnson this year.
  5. Considering Everett had a life treating spinal cord injury and was thought he could never walk again, I'd say that is a well qualified surgeon and would take his advice. What also gave me a vote of confidence was when Haloti Ngata said Edwards' departure leaves a huge void on the Ravens defense. Yes, Edwards had major surgery, but he stayed healthy all last year and had a stellar game in the playoffs vs the Patriots.
  6. Here's referring to the year when Todd Collins and Alex Van Pelt were switching back & forth as starting QB. The Bills went 6-10 that year.
  7. I agree. IMO, Flutie was a smaller, slower version of Mike Vick. Yes, Flutie made mistakes (but what player doesn't), the guy was smart, very competitive and was fun to watch. I just wish things went different for him here in Buffalo.
  8. But didn't Edwards pass a physical by the same doctor that saved Kevin Everett's life? After that Everett's horrific injury, there was talk that Everett would be paralyzed, but he's walking. So if the doctor (forget his name) that saved Everett life gives his thumb up on Edwards, that should be good enough FOR ANYONE!!!
  9. Johnson's fumble was turned into 7 points by the Titans, why isn't that mentioned anywhere? Why do fans like yourself blame Flutie for the playoff loss vs Miami? Why isn't the blame put on Eric Moulds and Andre Reed? Eric Moulds was running for a sure TD, then gets the ball popped out from behind him and the Dolphins recover. Andre Reed gets tackled at the goaline and thinks it's a touchdown, but the ref's signal down at the goaline. Reed pleads his case but the ref still says down at the goaline. Then Reed has a hissy hit and hits the ref in the back with the football, getting a game ejection and a 15 yard personal foul penalty. So instead of it being 1st and goal at the goaline, it's 1st and goal at the 15 and we had to settle for a FG. Reed, a veteran WR on the team should have had more composure and kept his cool, he should be held accountable for the loss. With Flutie's fumble, watch it on youtube, Flutie was in throwing motion and Trace Armstrong's helmet blasts Flutie right in the right arm pit. I'm sorry, but that wasn't a cheesy Drew Bledsoe fumble, any QB in the league would have fumbled on the hit from Trace Armstrong.
  10. Rob Johnson's stats from that game: http://www.nfl.com/players/robjohnson/game...amp;season=1999 10/22 131 passing yards, 6 sacks (including a safety), 2 fumbles (1 lost). Like others have said, he sucked the entire game and played good on the last drive...period. Johnson did not win us the game, his play throughout the game lost it for us.
  11. While we can give all the credit in the world to Ralph for giving us the Bills and keeping the team here for 50 years, he sure has made a lot of boneheaded decisions.
  12. If that's true, add another major blunder to Ralph Wilson's list: Firing Bill Polian Making Tom Donahoe Team President Hiring Marv Levy as GM (who hired Dick Jauron as HC)
  13. I don't care who you are, anyone who have been rightfully pissed off about being benched after playing the entire season, having a 10-5 record to make it to the playoffs, just to let someone else finish the job. Wrong decision, wrong time.
  14. With all the talk about Flutie's stats and the Bills defense being as great as it was back then, the only stat that matters the most is in the Win/Loss column. It doesn't matter if you win a game by 1 point or 50, the outcome is still the same. The perfect example of that was in SBXXV when the Giants beat the Bills 20-19, it doesn't get any closer than that. All of us Bills fans can say that the Bills were the better team that day and should have won, but nothing will ever change the fact that the Giants won Superbowl XXV (which pains me to say that...Lucky Bastards!!!!!). I'm a firm believer in "if it's not broke, don't fix it". The decision to switch Johnson for Flutie at the start of the playoffs (like others have said) was a horrendous decision and it cost the Bills in the playoffs.
  15. That is one of the best posts I've read about the Flutie/Johnson controversy and I agree with you.
  16. Wade Phillips' quote from the Top 10 quarterback controveries: "In hindsight, Doug would have won us the game." That's coming from the coach that pulled Flutie for Johnson.
  17. Where did we reach for players? Suggest reading this: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=113698 Dwan Edwards failed 2 physicals, but was a huge part of the Ravens defense. Edwards had a big game in the playoffs last year vs the Patriots (including a pivotal sack on Brady). The article that was provided showed comments from Ngata that stated losing Edwards is a huge blow to their defense. But you don't want to hear that do you, you're just stuck on the fact that Edwards failed 2 physicals instead of Edwards' ability on the field. Good for you, keep the blinders on You clearly wanted to know my thoughts on Tebow numerous times, so it's obvious that you wanted him. If the Bills didn't pick Tebow at #9, how else were the Bills going to draft him at? Go call the Whaambulance already....WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Worst QB corps in the league? So what you're implying is Dick Jauron and his offensive coaches were great coaches/teachers, and if Jauron & co couldn't get these guys to perform at a good level no one can. That's what you're implying. Nevermind that we saw the same boring offensive set all the time: 3 WR, 1TE, 1RB, no WR in motion, Evans lined up on the outside. Let's forget that Edwards went 4-0 as a starter before he got his bell rung by Adrian Wilson. Let's also forget that there was no QB coach last year after AVP was thrown to the fire 10 days before the season. Plain and simple, Jauron is a good secondary coach, nothing more. Jauron and his staff was one of the worst coaching staffs in Bills history. Only time will tell about how well Gailey can teach, mentor & coach this offense. You're the one that's dense by expecting the Bills to reach on players. Nix liked only 2 of the top OT's in the draft, but they were gone by the time the Bills drafted at #9, but you expected Nix to draft one even though the OT didn't fit in as an LT. With the Spiller pick, I see that pick as the Byrd pick from last year when fans were saying WTF?! Facts are, Fred Jackson is 29 and has about 3-4 years left, Lynch will be out of here, either traded or once his contract expires. Neither RB are elite RB's. You keep whining that "glaring needs" weren't addressed. It's obvious that you are completely clueless. The Bills had one of the worst run defenses and are switching to a hybrid 3-4, so the Bills put the focus on the defense this year. Next year's draft, a majority of it will be spent on the offense. But you don't want to hear that, you have unreasonable expectations that the Bills are suppose to fix all problems in one year. You don't want to hear that this year's QB's in the draft are garbage, you don't want to hear that it's going to take 2-3 years to rebuild this team. You act like the Bills have only 1 or 2 years left in Buffalo. I'd rather have a team that is built to be a long-term contender, compared to a team that only has a 2-3 year window of success (like the Sabres in 05-06).
  18. None of the Flutie haters want to acknowledge this or Moulds fumble that would have been a TD. So out of 2 possible TD's, the Bills ended up with 3 points. If Moulds ran full speed and secured the ball, the score of the game goes from 24-17 to 24-24. If Reed doesn't throw his hissy fit and hit the ref with the ball, the Bills had 4 tries to punch it in from less than a yard to go. With that TD (instead of a FG) the score would have been 24-28. Even with the Moulds fumble, if Reed didn't hit the ref and the Bills got the TD, the score would have been 24-21 and the Bills could have kicked a FG to send it to OT. Either way, Moulds & Reed should share the blame for the Miami loss.
  19. Why do fans like yourself blame Flutie for the playoff loss vs Miami? Why isn't the blame put on Eric Moulds and Andre Reed? Eric Moulds was running for a sure TD, then gets the ball popped out from behind him and the Dolphins recover. Andre Reed gets tackled at the goaline and thinks it's a touchdown, but the ref's signal down at the goaline. Reed pleads his case but the ref still says down at the goaline. Then Reed has a hissy hit and hits the ref in the back with the football, getting a game ejection and a 15 yard personal foul penalty. So instead of it being 1st and goal at the goaline, it's 1st and goal at the 15 and we had to settle for a FG. Reed, a veteran WR on the team should have had more composure and kept his cool, he should be held accountable for the loss. With Flutie's fumble, watch it on youtube, Flutie was in throwing motion and Trace Armstrong's helmet blasts Flutie right in the right arm pit. I'm sorry, but that wasn't a cheesy Drew Dledsoe fumble, any QB in the league would have fumbled on the hit from Trace Armstrong.
  20. Wade Phillips' quote from the Top 10 quarterback controveries: "In hindsight, Doug would have won us the game." That's coming from the coach that pulled Flutie for Johnson. What do you have to say about that Promo?
  21. You complained about Andra Davis and were proven wrong. You complained about Dwan Edwards were proven wrong. You complained about the strength & conditioning and again you were proven wrong. So you wanted the Bills to pick Timmy Tebow with the 9th overall pick and now you're all mad like someone pissed in your corn flakes. Since you like to hear what the "so called" experts say, those "so called" experts say that Denver got scared because they thought Buffalo was trying to trade back into the first round and grab Tebow, when in fact they the Bills were trying to get NT Dan Williams. These "so called" experts also said they expected Tebow to be drafted in the 2nd to 3rd round and will take a few years for Tebow to develop. Also, the "so called" experts say this year's draft class was not good for QB's and next year's class will be a better year for QB's. Considering Nix took part in drafting Drew Brees, E.Manning/Rivers in SD, I'd say he knows what to look for in a QB. But none of this matters to doom and gloomers like you, you expect all the Bills problems to be solved in 1 offseason. According to you, the Bills were suppose to reach for players even though they didn't fit the positions they were looking for, just to fill a hole...yeah, that makes a lot of sense (sarcasm), draft more players that don't workout and be stuck with them for the next 2-3 years only to have to replace them again. Nix is rebuilding this team the right way and it should have been done like this 10 years ago. If you don't like and are still mad that the Bills didn't draft your little Timmy, then go become a Broncos fan.
  22. Glad the 2000 Ravens stuck with Trent Dilfer all the way to the Superbowl to go along with one of the best defenses in league history. It's too bad the Ravens (like the Bills) screwed it up by letting go of Dilfer. Bottom line, if it's not broke, don't fix it, regardless of stats the Bills & Ravens were winning under Flutie & Dilfer. How well did the Bills do under Johnson? How did the Ravens do under Grbac? Exactly!!!
  23. When Trace Armstrong's helmet blasted in Flutie's armpit, anyone QB in the league would have hung onto the ball...right? It's too bad Moulds fumbled a sure TD and Reed had a hissy fit by throwing the ball at the ref getting a game ejection and a 15 yard personal foul penalty (when it was at the goaline). Stop blaming Flutie already.
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