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mike oxhurtz

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Everything posted by mike oxhurtz

  1. If we're gonna go that route, then the biggest name of all that we should have kept is Bill Polian. Good job Ralph for screwing that one up
  2. Love the optimism. I've been saying for a while that the Bills will go 11-5 this season: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...=112783&hl= But, you'll get the doom & gloomers that will bust your chops: "What are you smoking?"
  3. The reason why you can't give any type of stats on your theory is because you can't. You mean to tell me every good QB in the league always throws to their #1 WR every single time they are open? Stop making up excuses for Evans, he's a #2 WR at best.
  4. Since you're so hell bent on 'Evans getting open and not getting the ball', tell us then, how many times has this happened? Exact numbers, not an exaggeration.
  5. So, the Bills QB's are suppose to throw to Evans, regardless if he's double covered and can't get open? That makes a lot of sense
  6. LMAO!!! Maybe it was Jauron's fault? Maybe it was Donahoe and Guy's fault?
  7. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/ I said before that Evans is one of the best #2 WR's in the league, but doesn't rank in the Top 20 of #1 WR's. Hopefully, those numbers for the Bills go up this year.
  8. No worries about forgetting Parrish. Unfortunately, Parrish has been forgotten about due to the terrible coaching regime that was in here over the last 4 years. I'm very interested to see what Gailey can do with Parrish. My top 5 are: Evans, Johnson, Parrish, Hardy and Easley. I agree with your assessment of Chad Jackson, Felton Huggins and the rest. IMO, Evans, Johnson, Parrish, Hardy and Easley will start off the season that way and the line up could change over the course of the season. I can see Easley moving up the depth charts, but considering he's a rookie, it's too soon to tell how he will do in the regular season.
  9. My biggest problem was once the Bills had a lead, they quit applying pressure to the QB and went to the prevent defense. I don't know if that was Fewell's decision or Jauron's, but it failed on multiple occassions.
  10. I'm not saying Superbowl, but I'm predicting playoffs. GO BILLS!!!
  11. I remember reading the article and thinking what a terrible coaching staff the Bills had over the last 4 years. The author forgot to mention the bend-don't-break defense that gave up how many 3rd and long situations. All those reasons alone in that article further cement my stance that the Bills will make the playoffs this year.
  12. We're better than Dolphins and could finally beat the Pats this year. IMO, the Bills will at least go 3-3 in the division (including 1 win over the Pats). I think the Bills could go 4-2 with 2 wins over the phins. I still stand by my prediction of 11-5, but I think the worst the Bills could do is 9-7. Jets got a wild card spot with a 9-7 record last season.
  13. Good post. But most 'doom & gloomers' on here don't want to hear this. The 'doom & gloomers' are still upset because the Bills didn't make a supposedly big splash in free agency by grabbing old, aging FA's, and they didn't use the top 2 draft picks on a QB & LT. Plus, throw in the Bills didn't get Shanahan or Cowher for the HC job. So basically the season is over for the 'doom & gloomers' already and they're gonna B word about it throughout the season and into next year. You're right, Jauron was a bad coach and should have never been offered the HC job. IMO, the Bills will have a shot at a wild card berth this year.
  14. So the Jets have 3 guys that are on the downside of their career or getting over the hill (Taylor). Miami definitely upgraded the WR position with Marshall, I'll give you that, but how will his hip surgery affect him? Miami is still iffy on QB. Pats, same as the Jets, guys that are on the downside or over the hill, plus Welker is coming off of season ending surgery.
  15. You're a coward and a liar. Now you're changing your story.
  16. Billsfreak, just in case you missed it, read the quotes above^
  17. Lol!!! Ricky had some of mother earth's meditations.
  18. The title of the thread is "billsfreak" not "bills in va". Need to buy a new pair of glasses pal. Or unless you are "billsfreak" and post as "bills in va" as well?!
  19. "For your info, I offered to take one of them up on their offer, but haven't heard back-not sure who the other one is, I guess their internet muscles went limp. You shouldn't worry about why someone else is posting, when you post stupid stuff like you are, you should be the one not posting anymore. I haven't been called out for anything, I am in the majority thinking the Bills will be in the top ten picks in the 2011 draft, if that is calling out, you need a life. You have been called out more on this post than I have in my entire life." quote from Billsfreak. First you say you accepted the bet, but now you say "I never said I accepted an offer either, so get your facts straight asswipe." So, not only are you a coward, but you're a complusive liar as well.
  20. You might think it's low to call him out, but since billsfreak claimed that the Bills were going to be the worst team in the league, C. Biscuit & myself challenged him to separate bets. As you can tell by billfreaks posts, he's doing everything he can to avoid us and accepting those bets.
  21. Jamie Dukes - this is a guy that bashed a Dolphins fan for having his mouth dropped to the floor when the Phins picked Ted Ginn as their top pick a few years ago. How did that Ginn pick work for the dolphins Jamie?!
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