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mike oxhurtz

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Everything posted by mike oxhurtz

  1. WOOOOOOOO!!!!! That would be great to see Spiller develop quicker than later.
  2. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=lc-s...ondchance081210 Instead of putting the Reyes' family through a trial and possibly clearing his name, Stallworth decided to plea guilty to save the victim's family a lot of grief. I got to give him a ton of credit for doing that. I don't know of many, if any athlete's that would do that.
  3. IMO, if Spiller is putting up those kind of numbers, then you have to keep him in there as the #1 RB. Alphadawg, I really liked how the offense moved the ball downfield on the first offensive series, but it seemed that was it due to the injuries to Jackson & Lynch. Do you think Gailey is gonna try the same with Spiller & Bell this week vs the Colts? Thanks!
  4. I hear ya. The only one's I want to see McNabb rip up is the Eagles, not us.
  5. That would be awesome. I like what I've seen so far from Troup and can't wait to see him in action tomorrow.
  6. I'd love to see our secondary shut down McNabb and take one to the house. I hear ya about the announcers. The worst was on ESPN when Tedy Bruschi returned from his stroke, the whole game was 'Tedy Bruschi this...' 'Tedy Bruschi that...', never mind that there was a game going on that night, ESPN should have just had a 3 1/2 hour Tedy Bruschi special on instead.
  7. Great points!! Plus, Jauron never played the best player. It took injuries for Jackson, Greer and Byrd to get their chance in the starting line-up. Jauron would have played Hardy over Johnson because of their draft positions.
  8. If Jauron was still here, Hardy would be the #2 WR.
  9. John Cocknballs, here's an article for ya: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ms-bradytalks081110 "Yet while the Patriots won another AFC East title last season, they looked old and flaccid at times – most notably during a 33-14 first-round playoff defeat to the Ravens at Gillette Stadium. There was talk of a leadership void in the locker room, especially given the absence of departed defensive stalwarts like Rodney Harrison(notes), Willie McGinest(notes), Tedy Bruschi(notes), Mike Vrabel(notes) and Richard Seymour(notes). Players, coaches and executives around the league also questioned the Pats’ talent level, suggesting that coach Bill Belichick, for all his game-planning brilliance, no longer fields an elite roster." So, the Pats aren't in the decline? If anyone is dumb around here, it's you. Most people on here know the difference between an opinion and a fact. But, I'll help you out, here's a link that will get you the help you need: http://www.hookedonphonics.com/
  10. Hey Gisele, go kiss Tommy's knee and tell him it will feel all better.
  11. IMO (John Cockbobber, I'll spell that out for you, In my opinion), Brady never had great receivers until 2007. Before Welker & Moss showed up in 2007, the only one on the Pats to gain over 1,000 yards during Brady's time was Troy Brown in 2001. Between 2001 - 2006, the Pats had Reche Caldwell, Benjamin Watson, Deion Branch, David Givens and David Patten as their leaders in receiving yards. Once Moss & Welker arrived, Brady & Moss broke the touchdown records and Brady had the best year of his career. Both Welker & Moss had well over 1,000 receiving yards each. The point that I was trying to get across to Mr. Brady, John Cockblocker or whatever his name is, that from 2001-2006, Brady did not have great WR's which is why in 2007 & 2009, Brady had the 2 best years of his career with Welker & Moss. My opinion that Brady was still rebounding from his knee injury was due to the fact that he threw 22 less TD's and had one of his worst performances in the playoffs ever, but this Mr. Brady was all up in arms throwing a hissy fit because I said that...go call the Whaambulance already....WHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Enough about the Pats. Bills this year, my prediction from April still stands at 11-5 (8-8 at the absolute worst). Go Bills!
  12. What do you mean that's not a nice thing to say? If Brady were to ever come to the Bills, that would be one of the biggest moves in team history.
  13. 22 less TD's and one of Brady's worst playoff performances ever...what would you call it Mr. Brady?
  14. Why hate him? Gee, I don't know, why should anyone hate on someone that isn't a man and doesn't want to honor the contract they've signed? I wished when I was in the Army that I could have stopped showing up to work and demanded to either be paid more or be traded to the Air Force.
  15. Mr. Brady, I promise, that if your son Tom ever becomes a Buffalo Bill, that I will buy a Brady jersey and tell everyone that your boy will lead us to the Superbowl. You really need to learn reading comprehension. First off, it was my opinion that Brady was still rebounding from his knee injury. Second, I said the Patriots are on the decline, not Brady...so who's lying now, Mr. Brady? I hate to give credit to Jauron, but him & Levy wanted Revis, but Wilson wanted Lynch. I'd rather have Revis than Lynch or McKelvin.
  16. It's called an opinion. How can my opinion be considered a lie? Nice reading comprehension. Brady's TD stats were down, INT's were up and the Pats W/L record went down, plus Brady had one of his worst playoff performances ever against Baltimore. The stats don't lie! Just do us all a favor already, go join the Pats chatroom already since you're in such love with Tom Brady.
  17. I actually wasn't looking at that, but that would be great if we did win all home games this year. IMO, the worst I think the Bills could do is 8-8. All the differences so far I've seen on the Bills from how the team was operated under Jauron, to now under Gailey has me very excited about this season. IMO, going from the cover 2 to man-to-man coverage will make the secondary much more dangerous. I like what I've seen from our front 7: Troup, Williams, Carrington, Ellis, Torbor, Davis, Edwards, these guys are gonna make some plays this year. The bills run defense will be much improved with the front 7.
  18. So everything needs to validated by an article now? Like I said, Brady put up good numbers last year, but he had 22 less touchdowns and 5 more INT's, that's a drop off. Every QB that had that kind of knee injury has taken some time to rebound, look at Carson Palmer, Donovan McNabb & Daunte Culpeper. It took some time Palmer & McNabb to return to form & Culpeper hasn't been the same since. Granted, Brady bounced back quicker than those guys, but the stats don't lie, 22 less touchdowns... Also in 07' & '09, Brady had Moss & Welker to throw to, two of the best WR's in the league, but who did he have to throw to in years prior? For a guy that supposedly hates the Patriots as much as you claim to do, you're sure defending them a lot.
  19. I agree 100%. That's why I feel the Bills will be a much improved team this year, compared to the 4 seasons under Jauron.
  20. How did I make sh*t up? Please, enlighten me? The last time Brady played a full healthy season, the Patriots went 16-0. Last year, they went 10-6...so that's not a drop off?! Even the year before with Matt Cassel, they went 11-5. And how about Brady's numbers from 07' to 09': 2007- 4,806 yds 50 TD's & 8 INT's, 2009 - 4,398 yds 28 TD's & 13 INT's. While Brady did have very good numbers for any QB in the league, but let's look at the difference in those 2 years. So that's 408 less yards, 22 less touchdowns and 5 more interceptions...so that's not a drop off either?! Who's making up sh*t now?!
  21. As always Mike, thanks and great report!! "1. It was nice to see Chan Gailey have the players practice in the rain. You have to play in the rain, so it makes sense to practice in it. Now hopefully he does the same thing with the snow. It would be nice to finally have a team that can handle the bad weather." I agree 100%. I never understood why Jauron didn't have the team practicing in the bad weather? In your opinion, how does the running game look so far compared to last season? Better, worse or the same?
  22. How about this dominating performance from your favorite Patriots: http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2010011001/2...@patriots/recap "Ray Rice got things going with an 83-yard touchdown run up the middle on the game's first play from scrimmage. He went on to finish with 159 yards and two touchdowns on 22 caries." Wow, those defensive replacements did great against Baltimore, didn't they?! And how about your boy Tom Brady, how did he do in that game? Here's his stats: 23/42 154 yds, 2TDs, 2INTs 1 Fumble. How about Randy Moss? 5 Rec, 48 yds. Granted, the Pats did play 1 more game than Buffalo last year, but to say they haven't declined and aren't declining, now that's making up stuff. If I'm a 'hater', then why don't you go to one of the Patriots websites and suck their asses over there?
  23. At least your avatar is funny. Last year, the Bills were 1 point away from beating the Pats in the season opener...(I don't think we need to go into details on why we lost). Welker is coming off a serious knee injury. Brady is still rebounding from his knee injury. Plus the Pats are in the decline. Look at their offensive line and their linebackers...not looking too good. Plus, the Pats don't have a running game. While the Bills got their butts kicked in sunny Florida under Jauron, the Bills came back and kicked the Dolphins butts in Buffalo under Fewell. The Bills did beat the scary Jets in NJ and were not blown out by them in Toronto. Plus, if Revis doesn't play for the entire season, there goes the best CB on the Jets. At worst, the Bills are 8-8 this year.
  24. I'd love it if Revis doesn't play for the Jets at all this year.
  25. Time to call the Whaambulance: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
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