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Everything posted by jr1

  1. They want you to just hand the ball to the ref these days
  2. Sanchez is past due to throw an interception or 2
  3. They have an "official _______ of the Buffalo Bills" for every possible item you can buy
  4. He would probably just say "missed some opportunities" or some such
  5. Another guy that used twitter to make an emotional connection to fans to get them to forget he sucks
  6. Drafting a DE with a WR's body, what could go wrong?
  7. We haven't made the playoffs since Bill Clinton was president. Kelsey's part of the problem. He can't sack the QB or cover a TE. No name RBs ran it up last week against NE
  8. If only Green could put up the fight against defensive linemen like he did to his baby mama
  9. They'll say he's "homegrown" etc. He isn't a game changer and never will be
  10. NE has a secondary of random guys off the street. Teams are going to adjust to play him
  11. Jacksonville fans, Any of you could play better than Trent
  12. The best thing people can say about him is he "stays out of trouble" it doesn't matter that he can't cover TE's or sack the QB
  13. Sun Belt Conference Player of the Year
  14. Trent made JP look like Tom Brady
  15. I think there's a level of anxiety about getting hit and you just float them
  16. The Bills drafting Maybin was like falling for a Nigerian scam email
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