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Gibran Chandan

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Everything posted by Gibran Chandan

  1. No, your line of reasoning is funny. Why should people not be mad about a nearly 15% price increase on a stagnant service without a single competitor? And what do you suggest for everyone who isn't a smoker?
  2. Yeah...quotes like this make me think that the real answer is "Yes." Why would you put that disclaimer at the end otherwise?
  3. For the record, it's never gonna happen. Don't waste your breath.
  4. YES! A million times yes!! However, I do understand the concern. The Super Bowl is supposed to be about who's better at playing football, and weather is a factor that the teams simply can't control. Some teams simply do not have the means to practice and practice and practice in frigid temps and snow. It's completely beyond their control; it's just something they can't do, and that's that. So if you end up with a foul-weather team playing against a fair-weather team, the geographic location of the teams suddenly becomes a major factor in who will win the Super Bowl - and that just doesn't seem right. That said, I stand by my first statement - I would love to watch a Snow Bowl.
  5. Yeah, god forbid you actually have to spend 15 seconds pouring a few drops of soap and some hot water into your mug! Don't want it? Send it to me.
  6. No research involved - I'm a live audio major, and we use a ton of stuff from Meyer Sound. I haven't had the time to take a field trip out to any of the nearby stadiums that have those installed yet, though. They're freaking beasts; I really want to hear them in use.
  7. Fine. Throw in a few Meyer Sound SB-1s, and we'll be good to go. http://meyersound.com/products/industrialseries/sb-1/
  8. According to Wikipedia (yeah, I know), he's wearing #21. I thought someone here said that the info was sourced from an official Bills blog post, but I never saw that myself.
  9. Yeah, it's amazing how a larger newspaper in a city with significantly higher population (and thus, audience) has the resources to produce a better product. Who would've guessed?
  10. I like this article. Nix has some very good points, and even though there was a part of me that wanted to see us draft one of the big name QBs this year, I'm completely okay with Nix's assessment of the situation. We've got the physical specs that we need; let's keep a consistent coaching staff in place and see if we can't produce some real talent here. If we can't bring our current roster up to par, why should we expect a kid from college to do any better?
  11. All right, time to ask again - where do you get this stuff done? I've got a number of old jerseys that I'd like to convert, but I have no idea on the who, where, or how much.
  12. Yeah, and "bless you" has its roots in the Black Death. You gonna get pissed off every time someone says that because it's in reference to an event that killed millions of people? Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.
  13. Which would mean something if either one of them were...you know...on the team.
  14. I almost didn't get the joke, until I re-read the title. Well played, sir.
  15. I had a similar thought - only I was just going to yell "rooster blocked" when Wang makes a play. As far as the entire line goes, I'm pretty keen on the Offensive Loin and the Erection Company.
  16. Did you actually watch last season? TO really wasn't that great. I'm fine with leaving him off the roster.
  17. Every time Wang shuts down a defender, I'm yelling "rooster BLOCKED". Anyone with me?
  18. Pretty sure you don't pick 32nd when you finish with a losing record, chief.
  19. And without the audio, he looks terrible. Get Gibran back.
  20. OTs can wear #69, right? Make Jamon Meredith ditch the number, give it to this guy, and jersey sales will be through the roof. We won't have to worry about going bankrupt or losing the team for decades.
  21. I've always wondered about this. can you actually get a new name panel for the jerseys? How/where do you get that done?
  22. I'll pass on the sloppy seconds. Trade for a decent QB, or train the three you've got now and look for one from next year's draft class if you can't whip the current roster into shape.
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