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Everything posted by XTC

  1. Right on! Most creative bass lines on the planet as well. I am impressed that anyone remembers...bright fans on this board!
  2. Can you finish this puzzler? A bell is a cup until.....?
  3. JW- I am not a huge fan of Green Day, but I will say this, they reserve the right to do whatever the Fkcu they want to do! How dare you hold a successful artist to your lofty standards? Why not give a band like XTC a listen? I've read through these threads and there are plenty of "cerebral" types here. XTC is the most creative rock band ever, don't believe me? Give their massive catalogue a listen and get back to me...
  4. Wow! Sorry, I can't get on board with the thought that these folks should gives "thanks" for what happened to them....I think you may be borderline sick. Is your name "Pat" by chance?
  5. I believe he has a shot of himself and a thin girl when you click on his info. Why should he go to so much trouble? Byrd's motto is: "No Fat Chicks" He doesn't dip into the pork barrel lard...
  6. WVU + Byrd= Real Men Guys who put unobtainable women in their avatar=Nerd Herd But don't let that be a deterent, keep the honeys coming any way you want to! You post 'em and we'll keep on wrestling the bald-headed champ! See, fellas, your creativity benefits somebody at least...
  7. I meant that I can tolerate them, not that they are more tolerant. Baptists may not be the worst kind of Christian, but they sure are annoying as ****! But you bring up a great point about why organized religion is horrible....
  8. Why don't you explain your buddy's comment highlighted above ^^^
  9. Ummmm... the people in Haiti should say thanks??????? I don't get it????????
  10. It is the "born again" Baptists that are so full of themselves, at least Catholics are tolerable...which way do you roll?
  11. More like 3 weeks ago...since when did college girls look 13? They look pretty "filled out" from behind from my perspective.
  12. You are as stoned as a rat! Byrd's girl has legs to die for, a flat stomach and didn't you hear? Blows a mean whistle! + he is banging his avatar, the same can't be said about Dibs. WVU has a nice one as well. When the collective NERD society on here can post pics of actual women who give them the time of day, then I'll be impressed. A tranny...pffffft Don't knock the guy just because you have to go home to Mama Rolls...
  13. Buh-buh-buh, byrd,byrd,byrd------------byrds da word! Are you kidding me? I'll take his "real world" girl anytime over all others! I love it when Byrd posts....it gives me a tiny little Woodrow Wilson everytime.
  14. How useless is he? Well lets see! Uses for Russell: *Fat Albert's stunt double *Parade float *boat anchor ****your turn**** Pile on the Blubberpotamus express!
  15. This is an awesome perspective! Thanks... What a nice well thought out respose...interesting and it made me think for once.
  16. Well, then... I guess it is safe to say that you sir are no Gregg Williams!
  17. Oh, put a sock in it gramps! Kidding, I'm a (fairly) old fart myself. Excellent post! Hopefully this put the age thing into perspective a little bit. I still hate the Gailey hiring but it has nothing to do with age!
  18. We're gettin' Wilfork!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. If they will cut out his tongue, I would accept your plan.
  20. Heck, don't make me blush. I feel like I have been here forever. I've been a lurker for years and years much like yourself... deciding only recently to join up. I'm an old-timer in spirit you might say. Again, thanks for stroking my cyber-ego, nice of you to crawl out of your hole to respond here with your first post. Thanks pal! I'll keep on pumping out the anti-fairytale literature and you keep on lapping it up! Once again, you're welcome and God Bless!
  21. Well, ignorant is the response you would like to hear, so why don't you just run with that one! Oh yeah, welcome to the board! Glad I could be of service (dragging you out of the ranks of the lurkers that is) You're welcome!
  22. I love McNabb too and don't understand the Poo-Poo Bears around here. Six time Pro-Bowler, let that sink in a minute. However, the chances of landing McNabb are like those of Cowher. A bunch of people are in for a big let down. Vick on the other hand is a real possibility, better brace for that Buffalo fans. Sure he is a piece of **** but he may just be our piece of ****. Gailey has visions of Slash part 2 dancing in his head...
  23. Believe me I would LOOOOOOOOOOOve to be wrong about this. I would love for someone to hold me down, print my **** out and make me eat it like a !@#$ing dog! Like an Effing dog! Do you hear me? I would smile and request salt and butter to choke it all down with if the Bills could somehow field a winner with this bunch of misfits and neverwas-uz...
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