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Everything posted by XTC

  1. Dennis would at least be tolerable from an animated post-game tirade sort of angle. Just sayin....
  2. The thing is, everyone crucified Jauron for making that statement, but it is hard to win in the NFL. There are 31 other teams with the brightest minds in football hard at work. Statistically speaking, the odds are very much stacked against one team being successful against another for very long. Especially if you do not have a franchise QB or skill players to better those odds.
  3. Harbaugh claims he broke his hand punching Jim Kelly's fat noggin. Now that Kelly is Ralph Wilson's official rah-rah, pom-pom B word, I think you guys need to put the Harbaugh talk to bed........zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  4. Hmmmmmm. Had not heard that. Fascinating left-field development.
  5. I guarantee you that a smart man like Buddy, knows Billick like the back of his hand. He plays the good ol' boy part but he is the kind of man who would have you assessed in about 15 minutes, and it would stun you what he could read into your character. Nix has contacts and he has a set of ears, trust me he has all the goods that he needs concerning Billick or anybody else out there.
  6. This post should be a sticky. You are dead on. I wanted John Fox in Buffalo, after today's turn of events I now realize that it will be a coordinator 100%. The Billick talk is just as far-fetched as the Cowher talk at this point. Considering that Billick is an experienced HC and Buddy noted that he wanted experience, shouldn't Billick have been contacted by now? I would love to be wrong, God how I would love to be, but connect the dots people its over...
  7. I heard Clayton say about an hour ago that Mooch was interested in the Raiders but not the Bills. It is sad that Grimm and Frazier are starting to look mighty tasty to some of us who were solidly not in either of their camps...
  8. Its a good thing, I guess, that one of their high targets (Frazier) is still on board at this point. At least when he is hired it will at least partially look like a face-saving move.
  9. Nowhere has Billick said that he wanted the job, that is the biggest myth circulating on this board. He might have politely said that he would entertain the idea, but I would bet a million pesos that he would turn it down too.
  10. Hookers, hookers, good for your heart. The more you F--- the more you ----
  11. "If it looks like custard and makes your nose wrinkle up a little bit, not to worry, its only my man-mustard"
  12. "Lick my walrus and make sure you tickle his chin before you tuck him in at night"
  13. I love the Rolling Stones!!!! You too?
  14. Heck, maybe more strippers and coke would numb the pain of all of this rejection...
  15. Besides, who doesn't love strippers and coke?
  16. Phillips Jr. Ryan Jr. Miserable flops too.
  17. Gosh, really not as epic as the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
  18. We are drowning in confusion and turning on each other like a pack of wolves. I know that you peruse these boards, so get off your fat can and get crackin' on some solutions! Some may even volunteer to butter up each thigh if it will help you jump into your Fatman costume sooner! We need you!!!!!!!!
  19. Huh?????? I think you have me confused with the other poster?
  20. Hey Darth, how is that John Fox character looking right about now? Alas, I am sure that even he has shot down the idea behind the scenes... But I bet you would have him over Frazier and Grimm, No?
  21. Leslie Frazier is looking pretty good right now......my, how the worm has turned. Amazing... what you would be willing to eat when you are starving to death!
  22. Christ, this is so much worse than I realized. Is it that nobody wants to deal with a 70 year old "rookie" GM?
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