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Everything posted by XTC

  1. You can bet that there will be a higher QB prospect in there somewhere...
  2. I'm not taking any side nor making an argument one way or the other. I would merely suggest to you that none of us really knows what goes on behind closed doors.
  3. How could any one of us possibly know just how involved some of these owners are? We can only speculate how much a Bob Kraft does or doesn't micro-manage operations. Like one other poster said, I bet you fellows would not invest your own millions then turn a blind eye.
  4. Why would Marty want to compete against his son twice a year???? Anybody ever consider that?
  5. Idiotic reasoning. Shanahan lost to Jauron as well, ya think the Redskins are losing any sleep over it?
  6. Sorry, I'm just tossing virtual chairs around the room...I'll take my ban like a man. Like many of you, I've been lurking wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy longer than I've been posting.
  7. Nowwwwwwwwwwww we're getting down to real point of this exercise. Why doesn't the media just have out with it and stop dancing around the issue. It is far more patronizing the way they do it than just telling the truth. If Buffalo is the Walrus-faced date, Then F-them all...I hope this @#^&&&^* franchise stays around another hundred years just to be the sand in the shoe of the pie-faced maggots that chuckle over the misfortunes of the lowly Buffalo Bills, on national TV no less....MFers!!
  8. Ok, then how 'bout this then>>>>>>>>>Jerry Jones paces on the sidelines glaring at the assistant coaches when the Cowboys are losing........how do you like them double-standards. Face it, the country despises our small market asses and wishes that we would just crawl off in a hole and die!~!!!!!!!!
  9. Yeah, a play or two away from a Super Bowl ring.......I'll take that kind of clueless coach. Jake was the only veteran QB on his roster, what did you expect him to do in the middle of a potential playoff run?????
  10. Fine. But how in the Fkcu do they explain Dan Snyder??????????????????????????????????????? He wants a coach and that coach is there is two Mother@##$$%^^ Days!!!
  11. Carolina would be willing to let Fox walk for free as I undertood it. There was a report that the Browns were interested (briefly) in Fox and that Fox would be VERY interested in the Browns. My point is why not the Bills?
  12. Maybe...but what about the first part of the post?
  13. Do you guys think that Nix and the gang were uninterested in wrangling the services of Fox away from Carolina or do you think they inquired but Fox nixed the discussion? There was a report that Fox to the Browns was a real possibility for a brief moment in time. If true, how do the Browns present a better proposition for a potential head coach than the Billls?
  14. It is pitiful how far our expectations have fallen...
  15. Again... Nix obviously does not want Billick. Marriucci does not want the East Coast. Cameron is "cringe-worthy" choice. Jason Garrett Will be the new head coach of the Buffalo Bills IF he wants it! And if Jerry lets him....
  16. Anybody else heard that as a kid, Wilfork loved the Kelly era Bills teams? The reason I bring this up is because he could be available next season if the Patriots don't tag him first. Any takers?
  17. No, its just the soft, gooey, human side of your Robot persona coming out occasionally...
  18. Perhaps if he had a "hang low" he would get more "stank" Haven't you heard? Chicks don't dig a cashew in a speedo.
  19. At this point in the search, he is no less of a crapshoot than any of the other candidates. I think that considering he is from the offensive side of the ball, he has a better chance than most folks on here realize....If we are taking chances anyway, Hell, count me in as being on board!
  20. Well that makes one of you. In others words say hello to Mr. Hanks on that island...
  21. There was a rumor about throwing mega cash at a new coach. Could the purse be split? How about Grimm as HC and Frazier as DC/AHC. They both get an upgrade in title and are paid considerably more than what they are currently making. Goggles? Check! Suntan lotion? Check! Flame-retardent suit? Check! Now blast me to Hell...
  22. Jim Mora is a better option than most of you probably realize, too bad because he'll be snapped up soon enough.
  23. Unfortunately it matters not what we want. It is Pretty sad when another poster mentions Dennis Green and I seriously contemplate the idea. Lowered Ex--pect--ta-a-tions!
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