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Everything posted by XTC

  1. Actually, this ruse has been brought to you courtesy of One Bills Drive! We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed the distraction, now back to our regularly scheduled programing: "Bashing Buddy"!
  2. You're right Simon, I am what I hate, at least in this instance. But I will tell you this: I live in the heart of the Bible belt and have been to church a great deal of my life, nobody understands the Christian faith better than me, nobody. I don't hate God, I hate organized religion and the way it tears the world apart. But hey, as a famous athlete, I would be crucified (pardon the pun), if I stated my views on national TV.............it is the Christian equivalent of playing the "race card". They can say what they want with impunity, whereas a view like mine would be vilified.
  3. Fair air time, I'd say. For the record, you have no idea what "my views" are.
  4. Difference is, I don't show up in your living room on your big screen, preaching my views to YOU after watching a perfectly good sporting event. It is refreshing to NOT hear an athlete "praise Jesus" at every turn, nowadays.
  5. Hmmmmmmmmmm...maybe I should have been more specific: How do we compete?
  6. I don't like the hire, but I will give Chan one thing: He has far more going for him on the emotional spectrum than Jauron ever did. Chan strikes me as an "authentic" guy. But again, I did not like the hire but I hated the Jauron hire much, much more.
  7. I hate these religious zealots. I want to puke everytime they start talking. That is the one benefit to not picking up Frazier, he probably would have been thanking Jesus at every turn just like his mentor. God doesn't invest in the outcome of a game, but nutjobs like TeBow want to praise Jesus at every opportunity. Leave the fairytales to the confines of 4 walls and a roof.
  8. Within the division that is....Miami picked up Nolan and will have Ronnie "the game/season changer" Brown back next year. I don't even have to mention the other two. Here we are having just hired vanilla getting ready to go against the cream of the crop. What say you....or for Nix' sake...ya'll????????????????????
  9. Why do people come on here and assume that they are the first to invent the wheel?
  10. Yep, I agree, you can make anybody look good with enough resume fluff and a few parlor tricks...
  11. This is Very, very,very,very simple.....If Nix did not feel comfortable with the hire (would you jeopardize a friendship?) then I think everybody would be okay with the decision, then we are back to square one (which is grumbling about Chan) and this NeverGiveUp guy is correct............. HOWEVER>>>>>>>>>If Wilson is behind this and TG reports it>>>>>>whole new ballgame. Gloves are off!!! Fightin' time!! We shall see what eventually comes out in the wash
  12. Excellent point! I will say this about Chan, even though I think that he will have no more success than Jauron, he certainly is a livelier dangler than his predecessor. Gailey does come across as "authentic" and is miles ahead of Jauron is the personality dept. Jauron looked like he was on the verge of crying or having a mental breakdown at every presser I watched, even after a win! For such a bright guy, Jauron never struck me as articulate.......not even once!
  13. I watched the press conference and it seems encouraging for now....however, with all the cocksure bluster coming from Buddy Nix, nothing less than being in the mix for a wild-card spot will do. But you folks who believe that ultimately this is not more of the same are delusional. How many whiffs on hires do you need to see? I am at three and counting. Wade Phillips was the last legit head coach that we had. Of course Buddy Nix is high on Chan, Chan is a good guy and one hell of a football coach. But Buddy needs the security of a less threatening figure. Marty, closer in age and intellect to Nix would have been more inclined to challenge buddy than Chan is going to be, this thing really boils down to who would you prefer more the Buddy show or the Marty show. This is NOT Chan versus Marty make no mistake about that. All the pressure is on Buddy Nix. Gailey gets a decently fat paycheck that he was never expecting to get at this stage of his career....and if it don't work out? Aw, shucks, he can slip back into relative obscurity again a much wealthier man. Buddy is cocky, can he back it up with an 8-10 win season? Anything less and you folks are crazy to accept it...
  14. Nope, commenting on the fact that you are too dumb to live....original point being that you lap up every spoon fed morsel you are given. How did I compare OJ to Marty? I said you are the type of person to question the existence of your own nose even as it sits there on your face.
  15. Golly gee whiz, I suppose you need a video of OJ butchering people with a knife before you believe it too???
  16. Holy Shiite Muslims............I think I just switched sides in Ralph Wilson's war. And I never thought I would ever say that. This is beyond a bombshell it is beyond comprehension..........This is sooooooo much worse than the Chan Gailey hiring itself. Wow!
  17. Any real chance that T.O. would re-up???
  18. Of course we will! What are we stupid? Wait, don't answer that.
  19. The whole deal they're proffering is.... Steelers 2.0>>> circa: Slash era
  20. http://blogs.ajc.com/jeff-schultz-blog/201...ff_schultz_blog
  21. ----Life is pain Princess, anyone who tells you differently is selling something-----
  22. This post goes well with your avatar!
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