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Everything posted by XTC

  1. Hmmmmmmm...further, by your own admission, "Carolina has done much more than Buffalo the last few years" How does that make the Carolina situation worse? Push comes to shove, there is not a member on this board that would not have traded in Jauron for Fox over the last three years? Any takers? If we could time travel, how many of you would have taken Fox when the opportunity presented itself? Show of hands!
  2. There is an idiotic argument going around that because Fox lost to Jauron this year that he is somehow a worse coach. Shanahan lost to Jauron as well, do you think that Dan Snyder was concerned about that? As far as Delhomme is concerned, that guy was the most "veteran" QB that Fox had at his disposal. Delhomme did in fact pull it together for a few weeks this season and Fox probably felt he had few options going forward while Carolina was still in the middle of vying for a playoff berth. Its not like he had Aaron Rodgers waiting in the wings for Christ's sake! Matt Moore looks like a pretty viable option going forward, but he did not have the game day experience under his belt that Delhomme had. The Bills would be damn lucky to have Fox, and if they were smart they would look into seeing what it would take to pry him away from the Panthers John Fox damn near knocked off the Patriots in the Super Bowl, did you forget that?
  3. Your avatar is quite frankly the most distracting thing on the planet.
  4. This whole situation is just the wierdest thing in the world. While the rest of the free world is reporting that there is a better chance of Cowher becoming a turnip farmer than the next coach of the Buffalo Bills, this coach "Sal" (whatever the Hell that is supposed to mean) keeps giving WNY a perpetual stiffie.
  5. Brilliant! Bravo! Marshawn IS as dumb as a mule and twice as UGLY...
  6. Dig deep and then ask yourself that question again...
  7. Oh, baby, you speak my language!!!
  8. Hey, ya know what? JOHN FOX is kinda FAT....just throwin' it out there.
  9. ...and God said...let there be John Fox. And it was done, the people then rejoiced!
  10. Bingo! The wife and family have done the "rust belt" thing for how many years? Can you really blame them for being burned out with that part of the country? I wish that Richardson wanted Cowher, because I think John Fox would be perfect for the Bills...
  11. I believe you are dead wrong. You give yourself and all of us wayyyyyyyyyyy too much credit if you think that anyone other than a Bills fan is coming here to pour out their hearts. True Trolls would simply clip by to say "Bills Suck" and then disappear into the woodwork again. If you read the other posts by the guy, you would know that he is built into the fabric of Buffalo ( a family of Buffalo firefighters). This guy has a heavy, hurting heart. Though misguided, he is expressing himself the only way that he feels comfortable doing so. Christ he needs a cry, but he is not going to show you that. He has his pride as a man. Almost as annoying as the Negative Nancys around here are the "Just Leave" Jethros that pop up everytime someone wants to bust the balls of the brass. I get mad at them too, but I don't say to them "just leave then" have a heart, these folks are wounded....
  12. This guy is a good guy. He loves the Buffalo Bills as much as anybody on this board. He just needs a group hug and an extended crying session (Hell, we probably all do). The only difference between this Bills fan and the rest of us is this: We truly believe that Nix, Wilson, et al are burning the midnight oil to make this a better team. Maybe they suck at it but we honestly in our hearts believe they are trying. This guy and others of his ilk believe that the Brass is not doing everything in their power to improve the on field fortunes of the team. Both sides have a "fair" position.... Bottom line though, we have zero power and zero say so about what goes on. None, zip, zilch, nada...
  13. I told this to another poster yesterday: Bend over and grab your ankles sailor, you are powerless to stop the giant stalk of ticklish driftwood about to invade your hoo-hoo hole. As a Bills fan it is going to happen and there is not a damn thing that you can do about it. You hold no sway over Nix or any of the others that make the decisions. I do not believe that a hard-core Bills fan (like yourself) can ever escape, it is our little version of Hell on earth. You can either Love it, hate it, or simply grin and bear it, but you will most assuredly live with whatever decision the boys at the top decide to make. That I guarantee, otherwise you would have jumped ship a long time ago...
  14. If Jax opens up, Cowher would inherit one hell of a team and the missus would be happy to be in sunny Florida. Jax has about three years before they have to even think about moving to LA. By then, all the girls will be graduated and on to careers spread accross the country anyway. Del Rio would be happy too. Now lets go get the last unhappy camper in all of this: JOHN FOX, then we will all be happy campers too!
  15. \ Good God on a pogo-stick! A rich uncle buys your sorry gas pumping ass a new Mazda Sedan and a couple of years down the road, your sense of entitlement gets the better of you and you start bitching behind his back because he is not providing you with an exotic model that all the rest of the kids are racing around in. It is a fluke that Buffalo ever got a franchise in the first place. Now all of us had 50 years of enjoying this fluke event. Eat your vanilla ice cream AND LIKE IT! If you saw Mr. Wilson out on the street, you would merely offer a trembling hand and say thank you Mr. Wilson just like I would. The man is 91, let him do what he wants with his money and toys. We have had a lot of ****ty memories, but some thrilling ones along the way as well. If Buffalo ever reaches the top, the honey that is flowing there will taste sweeter than anything a Dallas Cowboy fan could EVER imagine.
  16. Ya know, John Fox was in that handful of of first time HCs a few years back. Some of them worked out and some of them didn't. All of the football talking heads love Frazier, nice..........but does anybody need to be reminded that every talking head had nothing but nice things to say about Jauron? All the way to the bitter end, everybody outside of the four walls here at TBD, loved the guy. Find a quote by a football person that had anything other than a glowing report for Jauron. He seemed to be everyone's sweetheart. That is the part that scares me about Frazier. He is a nice guy, a soft spoken guy, well respected in NFL circles, sound familiar??? Why not try to pry away a "known" commodity in a coach like John Fox? He was an assistant who proved himself when guys like Mularky and Williams did not. Give the man what he really wants for Xmas: more than a one year contract!!
  17. Whuuuuuuuuuuut? John Fox is a hot,steamy, delicious pot of awwwwwwwwesome!
  18. Where do you get such fractions??? You have no clue what Nix is paid, nor do any of us. This is absurd. This argument is absurd.
  19. Purely speculation on my part but I do not think that he is a Nix type of guy. Listen to an interview by one and then have a turn with the other and then you tell me if you could see those two cats in the same war room?
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