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Everything posted by XTC

  1. Friend, I am afraid you are thinking of Culture Club not XTC. Mouldings influence was chiefly Paul McCartney. They borrowed heavily from only one source: 60's psychedelic acts! So again, I'll ask, how many basslines have you heard from Moulding?
  2. And I'm sorry that you choose to pre-judge. Is it that way with you concerning every aspect of your life? Do you just wave a dismissive hand at everything you think you know??? Admit it, you have never listened to a note of this band in your life. They are hardly just any old "new wave" band, just because they happened to exist in that era. And notice I did not say "best", I don't believe in that term. I said creative in a melodic sense...
  3. Everybody is influenced by everyone, Elvis and the Beatles didn't just appear out of the ground one day with a sound never heard by human ears either, so don't kid yourself about the influences. You have not spent 10 seconds listening to Moulding, until you do, you are talking out your ass...
  4. Yeah, why don't we judge the body of your work based on one crappy clip. If this was your only exposure, I could see why you would think that way. Listen to final finished product then you can bad mouth,
  5. Nice that you can get past the first 15 seconds before clicking it off, nice attention span dummy...
  6. Buy the new one, its called The Fountain.
  7. Trust me, there are no wrong answers here, I like what you like in addition to what I like. I wish that I could make you feel the rush that I get from some of Will Sergeant's "paintbrush" strokes but I understand where you are coming from. You like music that is straight forward with none of the bull **** attached. Cool, I get that...like I said, in my mind there are few wrong answers here. I love musicians that are pasionate about their craft and trust me, Will Sergeant takes his craft VERY seriously...
  8. Hey, I get what kind of guy you are, and I am totally cool with it. You have a passion for honest, earthy, warm, bluesy music. I think that is great! I feel blessed that there are so many wonderful flavors out there for me to munch on. Cheers! Anyway, like Astro sort of touched upon, guys like Edge and Will use a lots of guitar effects, which in a way adds another element to their technique. Make no mistake though, Will is firmly rooted in his appreciation for the greats and while he may or may not match their chops/prowess (no worse than Jimmy Page though) he is a genuine musician even after the "toys" are stripped away from him...
  9. Yep! Heard it all friend! And when the smoke clears...it is XTC by a nose. The lyrics and the bass playing are all world but you have to hunker down and dive in with ears wide open and several listenings. Please don't base opinions on ****ty youtube clips, listen to the records man. I am a strange fried egg of a music historian and Christopher Cross is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my bizzaro Ipod world. Truth is, I have fed every "rock" style music album/artist into my computer brain and XTC popped out "the winner"...much to your chagrin I suppose. Does not make them Kings of the music world mind you, just the Kings of "thinking man's pop"...you know, entertainment for entertainment's sake...
  10. Well in all fairness, if you do not like The Edge (of U2) then you probably would never dig Will Sergeant either, but hey, I tried!
  11. Hmmmmmmm. I like your style. We both enjoy good food, I just need a little time to convert you to some dishes that are just a bit outside of your "comfort zone". Come to daddy big boy!
  12. Whew...you are an old guy too! I was afraid you might have been a twenty-something. I of course love classic rock, with the Beatles being at the top of the heap. I was fortunate enough to see two of them live. My MP3 player holds everything from Eubie Blake to Scott Joplin to Buddy Guy to Louis Armstrong to Leonard Cohen to Spike Jones to Gomez to Primus to Ernest Tubb to Patsy Cline to Christopher Cross to...too much classical to mention and on and on and on. I am all over the place! I have listened to every bass player from Ron Carter to Jaco and I will tell you this: Colin Moulding is the most melodic player I have ever heard....
  13. Yep, I would love it if you would list your influences right here, right now Chef....It would give me some perspective about your mindset. Please?
  14. Just curious Chef, are you a musician? How old are you (not a dig)? Colin Moulding is worth his weight in gold, if you do play an instrument you can't lie about this man's talent. Don't dismiss it in a broad stroke manner, dig in to the good stuff, not just another 80's band, they go wayyyyyyyyyy deeper than that. So, do you play Chef?
  15. XTC have been a major influence on a pretty diverse group of more famous musicians...
  16. Just listen to the damn albums! I know you would appreciate this stuff if you gave it an actual chance...pick up a copy of Oranges and Lemons for example and then get back to me.
  17. I will agree that they were not a great live band, Andy always hated the stage and they did not play live after about 1982. Their studio work was incredible however.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqvruTNSWqI
  19. Saw him years ago in NC, when he played elephant talk------the whole place just went insane! I will never forget what I witnessed that night, never.
  20. Well Jesus freaking Christ you Dipshit! Why don't you just pull out the worst possible archive material! The sound quality of all of these clips is ****.....at least hold this up as some sort of example:
  21. You are the man! Looks like we both have a soft spot for the British 80's!
  22. Hey laugh all you want, but there are some very informed folks on here. Anybody who worships at the feet of Steely Dan can't be all bad! Some interesting guitarists mentioned, surprised the heck out me...............now here is another for you bright boys, any Adrian Belew fans???
  23. If Elmer jumps in the water, does he get wet or does the water get him?
  24. Any love out there for Will Sergeant???
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