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Everything posted by MarkKelso'sHelmet

  1. it will be disappointing if it turns out the Bills missed on Shep. after all, they fell in love with him at the senior bowl, and it was more than likely a consensus Gailey/Nix selection. or was it George Edwards who loved him so much?? also, i heard the stache took the play calling duties away from him, and gave them to WIlson against the Vikes? i hope he's not in a free fall...
  2. exactly. we should check with SaviorEdwards, to confirm this breaking piece of journalism. it amazes me that so many grown men (and women?) are taken in by frauds' false information. incarcerated bob is is a person pretending to be sports journalist. hello, people, wake up. wow: i see there are actually posters coming to the defense of incarcerated bob. kind of scary that people cannot spot a fraud when it's so painfully obvious under the light of the slightest bit of scrutiny.
  3. wow. i was not happy when nix traded him. i was wrong. i defended him : he's young, give him a chance to grow and learn from his mistakes. i was wrong. stupid mo fo deserves a lengthy suspension...
  4. we're bills fanatics, so i guess this is news. but it's not really news. everybody knows he's a bills fan. for pete's sake, he lives in the region, he's currently on the payroll (!), and he hopes to buy the team eventually. of course he wants the rivals to struggle! it would be news if he said otherwise. but, the nfl is on a 365 day news cycle... dear lord i'm ready for the first preseason game, ready for some action!
  5. kind of a bizarre questionnaire by the OP. i can't recall seeing a post quite like this. he seemed serious and focused in the interview. if he has an ounce of common sense in him he knows this might be his last chance in the league. no, he is not the most articulate man in the world, but that should not suggest insincerity. most athletes are scripted when speaking to the media. it's PR 101. if you speak off the cuff, well, you saw what happened to him last year. not all guys are able to improv an interview and come off as charismatic. it has nothing to do with integrity...
  6. not the brightest crayon in the box...although, i'm not sure what's worse, squandering 80 million or going on that moron's show to talk about it. "dr". phil is a buffoon.
  7. ehh, maybe, maybe not. it could also have the opposite effect: the HOF writers might admire him for his candid honesty at a time when the rest of the league's players "play dumb." i don't condone bounties, but to pretend that they don't exist, or that they will go away because of PR posturing by the league, is foolish. the only way to take the violence out of football is to make it not football. but enough with bountygate already... suspension, suspension, appeal, appeal -- dear god it's a long off season...
  8. doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. now, i can understand Buddy cutting Florence for the same reason he cut Hangartner prior to last season: he wasn't a good enough player. but then, if buddy didn't think florence good enough, why resign him in the first place, only to cut him after one season after a multi-year extension? the Front Office constantly preaches depth, depth, depth, and Florence certainly gave the Bills depth. i hope the secondary isn't ravaged by injuries again this year... Florence was an average corner, but he was physical [and, might i add, fiercely competitive!] and could make plays from time to time... he might even be better with the improved D-Line... very strange to cut ties with him...
  9. dear god no NO NO. there isn't a bigger moron in the league. cancer stay away.
  10. yeah i'm sure the 1240 yards and 12 TDs had nothing to do with it...it was all about one stiff arm! i agree with the poster who brought the point about the bipolarity of this board. lynch was 21 when he was drafted. he made some stupid mistakes, no doubt. but i seem to know a lot of 21,22 year olds who have made stupid mistakes. i know i made a few dumb decisions at that age. but i matured and moved beyond childish behavior. so why can't there be a middle ground: lynch was stupid, but has improved and seems to be on the right path towards having a solid career. maybe lynch has matured, maybe he hasen't. maybe he'll get suspended for a year and make all of his detractors look like geniuses. only time will tell. but the bottom line is he a had a great year last year and he got a lucrative contract extension because of it. trying to minimize his accomplishments, or pretend he didn't have an excellent year last year because he let bills fans down, is stupid. [\quote name=dayman' timestamp='1330920930' post='2395211] Let's be honest. They bought their own hype. Good for Lynch though this contract all stems from one single $18M stiff arm and everybody knows it.
  11. i have strong feelings on this subject. i used to listen to those two frequently, streaming it online since i'm not in the market. i haven't listened to it, not even for a second, in about two years (not even the audio vault). i made a conscious decision to boycott the show completely, which wasn't easy to do since i'm always craving a bills fix. two years later i'm really glad i gave it up. it got to the point where i couldn't stomach schopp's elitism and arrogance. interestingly enough, howard stern has a similar attitude. he'll hang up on a caller and become impatient in an instant. but stern isn't arrogant, in fact he puts himself down all the time. while i understand the philosophy of wanting every second to count that's not the real issue here. schopp is an elitist who thinks he has a brilliant perspective on sports. but as far as i can tell he doesn't even like sports for its competitive nature or the technicalities and strategies of the game. he's more concerned with collecting memorabilia and with being a statistician. he's a fake intellectual, his diction dripping with disdain for those whom he obviously considers his peasant listeners. many callers are morons, but most are probably nervous and not used to talking on the air. why not give them a shot -- help them bring their points out rather than cut them off! his notion about not wanting to lose listeners can backfire, at least in my case. but he must be doing something right; clearly his ratings are good enough for him to remain employed. if there were more competition, i'm sure he'd be off the air before long. the trouble is WGR has a stranglehold on the market -- he's not going anywhere.
  12. big deal. coming from the perspective of a buffalo expat, it's strange how sensitive some people are. buffalo has a downtrodden economy, a lack of capital, and a (relatively) small tourist industry. the hotel industry there is below average without a doubt. on the other hand, if you want to argue (as some have) that the Bradys are girly men cuz they need luxury hotels, well, then you've got a point. nothing wrong with roughing it a bit for the weekend... i've done it more than a few times, and am no worse off for it. (in fact, maybe i'm a bit BETTER OFF, for it...)
  13. i hate to be *that* guy, but, he's one of the best players in league history: c'mon man, spell his name correctly...
  14. Sorry, I'm not everyone. I just think it's embarrassing that the Bills are bragging that Ralph put up some money for a new field that was obviously damaged and not of NFL quality. Did you read the press release? Do you think Robert Kraft would be proud that his upgraded his old and damaged practice facility? Of course he wouldn't, because he would never have an old and damaged practice facility, because he's a better owner than Ralph WIlson...
  15. Call me overly negative if you must, but does anyone see anything wrong with Chris Brown's press release about the new grass surface? As if waiting years to fix, and fund, your screwed up grass field is something to boast about? My god this franchise has problems... http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Bills-take-to-expanded-practice-field/f0948485-91a9-492c-899c-f6209a3106c1
  16. Fair enough on your Calbo point. I didn't know that the Bills offered him more... As to your point about ownership, Pegula hasn't proven anything yet. Maybe the Sabres will turn out to be the new Redskins; I don't know and I don't really care. I do know that the Bills don't spend enough on players. I'd like to do a survey to see how many of our starters are making the league minimum salary (or close to it?) compared to the rest of the league. Think about it, both our starting receivers, both of our starting offensive tackles and our starting right guard, are making the league minium. That's just not good enough when you're 25 million under the cap... Our QB is due for an extension and it doesn't look like he's going to get one; Fitz is still making backup QB money even though they've committed to him as a starter. The whole offense reeks of cheapness. We'll never know for certain why Evans was traded, but I share Drayton Florence's opinion: it clearly doesn't make the team any better for this year. Would you honestly be surprised if Ralph told Nix to cut him to save the three million he was due? I wouldn't put it past the old man, that's for sure... I don't like when Sullivan lays into Nix, since it's too soon to judge whether he's been successful. However, any and all criticism of Ralph is warranted at this point... Bashing him is getting old, but it's undeniable that he's been the one constant during this decade long disaster...
  17. He's a hack because he writes negative things about a front office that hasn't managed to make the playoffs in 11 years? In your opinion he should be writing positive things about a franchise that consistently fails? Why should Ralph Wilson be given the benefit of the doubt about anything at this point? This team doesn't have an NFL quality tackle on the roster and is how many millions below the salary cap? Wilson should be ashamed of himself for not throwing the kitchen sink at Calbo... I love the Bills and I agree with just about everything Sully said (except the Brad Smith signing). What does he have to be bitter about? His cushy job? His handsome salary? His oft-stated love for the Buffalo region? He's not even a Bills fan...
  18. I feel terribly negative about this game and want to cut every single tackle on the roster. However, to give up on Easley now would be absolutely foolish. He missed his whole rookie season and he missed part of camp this year. Nobody can tell what he can do yet, and he did make a nice reception over the middle. He can't be called injury-prone -- even well conditioned athletes can have bad luck injuries (see E. Wood). The verdict is nowhere near out on him; he's not in the category of a James Hardy or Shawn Nelson yet, both of whom are clearly under-conditioned considering the constant groin & hamstring injuries from which they seem to suffer. (incidentally, did Hardy make it through Ravens camp without suffering an injury? if so, I'd be shocked.) If anything, I'd like to see Nelson gone on the first round of cuts. Another wasted draft pick... edit: Looking at the stat sheet, Easley was the leading receiver tonight in terms of yards. You have no tolerance for a rookie making a couple of mistakes in the preseason??? As Art Wander used to say, "spare me with sort of nonsense..."
  19. Through eight quarters the Bills will have scored 6 points. (call it a hunch) Compare this to the Patriots, who through eight quarters scored 78 points. Coincidentally, that will probably be the score between the week three contest between the Bills and Pats. This team is so far under the cap it's ridiculous. The fact that Wilson didn't allow Nix to fix the Tackle problem on this team is heinous and shameful. We don't have an NFL quality tackle on the entire roster. Calbo should have been given an offer he couldn't refuse. Luck will be in the picture next year... we might make another run at 0-16
  20. This is really ridiculous. Buddynixon.com??? "Multiple sources?!" Certain websites should be ignored. There is no way TJ H is coming here... Some idiot sees a guy out to dinner in Buffalo and pretends he has sources. This is getting insane...
  21. The bottom line from this whole story is that Moran is an absolute moron. He doesn't deserve any attention from any of us. Clearly he knows someone who knows someone at OBD, so he pretends that makes him privy to inside information. I realize that many professional journalists are not good journalists; nor are all bloggers devoid of talent. But in this case, Moran is neither a good journalist, nor a good blogger. He's an absolute hack. Looking back at some of his "pieces," it's one linguistic atrocity after another -- entries riddled with basic structural and grammatical errors. He would be lucky to get a C in a freshman writing 101 course at college. I would encourage all posters on this site to ignore him completely henceforth. He's small, insignificant, and stupid...
  22. Count me among those who are THRILLED that Whitner is gone from Buffalo. It seems that Nix meant what he said a few months back; he must have been offering Whitner next to nothing. It still haunts me that we could have had Ngata instead... That LT video also makes me glad Poz is gone. How many different highlights could we find, if we wanted to, of Whitner looking absolutely lost in coverage, or of Poz getting completely swallowed up by a lineman? To me, both of these guys symbolize Levy's failed tenured as GM...
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